System.showSettings( ) Method

ActionScript for Flash MX: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition
By Colin Moock
Chapter 18.  ActionScript Language Reference
System.showSettings( ) Method Flash 6 (undocumented)

displays the Flash Player Settings dialog box



An integer indicating the specific tab to display.


The showSettings( ) method displays the Macromedia Flash Player Settings dialog box, from which the user can set per-movie Player options. In Flash Player 6, the Settings dialog box includes four tabs, each of which corresponds to an integer tabID, as follows: Privacy (0), Local Storage (1), Microphone (2), and Camera (3).

Normally, the user must access the Macromedia Flash Player Settings dialog box manually by right-clicking on the movie under Windows (Ctrl-click on Macintosh) and selecting "Settings . . . " from the contextual menu. The showSettings( ) method lets us assist the user by displaying the settings dialog box programmatically when asking the user to change an option required by a movie. For example, if a movie needs more than 100 KB of local disk space to run, we can ask the user to increase the limit, and then we can issue the following command to open the Settings dialog box to the tab where the user can specify the local disk storage limit:

System.showSettings(1);  // Display Local Storage settings tab

See Also

SharedObject.flush( ), SharedObject.getSize( ), Stage.showMenu

    ActionScript for Flash MX. The Definitive Guide
    ActionScript for Flash MX: The Definitive Guide, Second Edition
    ISBN: 059600396X
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2002
    Pages: 780
    Authors: Colin Moock © 2008-2017.
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