

laissez-faire leaders , 102-103
leader(s): as heroic individuals, 27-29; autocratic, 102; democratic , 102; laissez-faire, 102; mentors and, 172; reason for having, 55-56; superior mindset of, 28-29
leaderless organization: absence of professional managers and supervisors, 157-158; characteristics of, 156-157, 164; customer response by, 162; diversity in, 161; employment in, 160; folding properties of, 156, 161-164; influence of, 162; management in, 156-158; "nomadic" environment of, 161-162; open organization transition to, 155; peer councils in, 156, 158-161; strange attractor of, 155, 157, 159, 173; stretching properties of, 156, 161-163, 164; task forces in, 156, 158-161
leadership: autocratic, 103; bureaucratic hierarchy of, 69; command-and-control style of, 11, 15, 22, 29-31, 36; dichotomy of, 6; disadvantages of, 6; functions of, 103; laissez-faire, 102-103; mentality of, 40-41; myth of. See myth of leadership; rank-based. See rank-based leadership; ranked division associated with, 6; rotational, 69, 72, 142-143; servant, 6; societal belief in need for, 41
leadership councils, peer-based. See peer-based leadership councils
Lewin, Kurt, 101, 104
Lippett, Ronald, 101, 104
logic: definition of, 46; peer-based. See peer-based logic; rankbased. See rank-based logic

The Myth of Leadership. Creating Leaderless Organizations
The Myth of Leadership: Creating Leaderless Organizations
ISBN: 0891061991
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 98 © 2008-2017.
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