

Table Data Gateway, 78
tasks , ASP.NET Web service programmer tests, 105 “106
TDD (Test-Driven Development), 3 “6, 63
design, 5 “6
Red/Green/Refactor, 7
test list, 6 “7
refactoring, 6
tests, 4
TearDown attribute (NUnit), 244 “246
TearDown method, 84, 183, 187
technology facing tests, 4
add review functionality, 151 “162
AddReviewAdapter modification, 162
changing Catalog class, 152 “156
changing CatalogService class, 156 “159
test list, 152
updating CatalogServiceInterface, 161 “162
updating DatabaseCatalogService subclass, 159 “161
ASP.NET Web services, 105 “126
data transformation, 107 “117
database catalog service, 117 “120
tasks, 105 “106
Web service tests, 120 “125
exposing failure conditions, 164 “179
defining ExistingReviewException class, 165 “166
modifying Catalog.AddReview function, 166 “167
propagating exceptions, 168
searching for an exception after second review, 164 “165
SOAP faults, 168 “179
synchronizing with customer tests, 143 “145
recording duration, 145
track duration, 144 “145
Test case (NUnit), 240 “244
assertions, 243 “244
test fixtures, 241 “242
test runners, 242
test suites, 241
transactions, 182 “203
Catalog class, 193 “203
TransactionManager class, 183 “192
user interfaces, 213
Test case, 240 “244
assertions, 243 “244
test fixtures, 241 “242
test runners, 242
test suites, 241
Test Cases panel (NUnit-Gui), 238
Test Not Run window (NUnit-Gui), 239
Test-Driven Development (TDD), 3 “6, 63
design, 5 “6
Red/Green/Refactor, 7
test list, 6 “7
refactoring, 6
tests, 4
Test-Driven Development: By Example, 3
Test-Driven Development publication
tests, 4
AddSecondReview, 169 “171
ASP.NET Web service programmer tests, 105 “126
CheckId test, 122
consumer infrastructure, 122
data transformation, 107 “117
database catalog service, 117 “120
package structure, 124 “125
producer infrastructure, 121 “122
security, 122 “124
tasks, 105 “106
Web service tests, 120 “125
CheckId, 118 “120, 122
CheckTitle, verifying title field, 112
customer tests, 4, 127 “164
adding review to recordings, 147 “162
automation, 131 “143
determining completion, 127 “129
exposing failure conditions, 163 “164
reconciling viewpoints, 143 “145
recording retrieval, 129 “131
database access layer, 69 “102
connecting to databases, 72 “75
isolating individual entities, 75 “92
listing tests needed for completion, 71 “72
relationships between entities, 92 “97
retrieving recordings, 97 “101
test organization, 101 “102
fixtures, 241 “242
functional, user interfaces, 213
list, 6 “7
NUnit-Gui, 237
programmer, 4
add and delete review functionality, 151 “162
exposing failure conditions, 164 “179
synchronizing with customer tests, 143 “145
transactions, 182 “203
user interfaces, 213
refactoring, 41 “44
applications, 58 “59
Catalog class, 195 “203
code, Web services, 124 “125
collapse loops , 49 “52
converting procedural design to objects, 56 “58
cycle, 41
defined, 35
Extract method, 53 “55
Hide method, 44 “45
inlining methods , 46 “47
Red/Green/Refactor, 7, 12 “22
reducing variable scope, 52, 56
removing dead code, 49, 53
removing unneeded code, 41 “42
Rename method, 42 “43
rename variables , 47 “49
replacing nested conditionals with guarded clauses, 45
replacing temporary variables, 52 “53
ServiceLayer, 205 “211
SetUp, 84
Sieve of Eratosthenes, 36 “59
testing known good state, 41
runners (NUnit-Gui)
layout, 237 “240
running tests, 237
setup, 236
suites, 241
Test case (NUnit), 240 “244
assertions, 243 “244
test fixtures, 241 “242
test runners, 242
test suites, 241
time, testing database access layer, 69
user interfaces, 213 “214
Tests Run panel (NUnit-Gui), 238
TextFixtureSetUp attribute (NUnit), 247 “250
TextFixtureTearDown attribute (NUnit), 247 “250
Time panel (NUnit-Gui), 238
title field, verification, CheckTitle test, 112
Tools menu (NUnit-Gui)
Options option, 239
Save Results as XML option, 239
Top operation, 10, 24 “27
totalRunTime field, RecordingDto, 109, 116
track duration, synchronizing customer and programmer tests, 144 “145
TrackAssemblerFixture, 114
TrackDisplay class, 139 “141
TrackDisplayAdapter class, 144
TrackFixture class, 189
TrackGateway class, 189
trackId attribute, 66
Track-Recording relationship, testing relationship between entities, 94 “97
Transaction property, 256
TransactionCheckCommand class, 197
TransactionManager class, 183 “192
integration with tests, 187 “192
TransactionOption.Required attribute, 256
ADO.NET, 253 “257
automatic management, 253 “256
manual management, 253 “255
participation, 256
programmer tests, 182 “192
Catalog class, 193 “203
TransactionManager class, 183 “192
typed DataSets, defining for Recording database, 75 “77
Artist Gateway, 77 “86
Genre Gateway, 86 “90

Test-Driven Development in Microsoft .NET
Test-Driven Development in Microsoft .NET (Microsoft Professional)
ISBN: 0735619484
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 85 © 2008-2017.
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