6.5 Turbo Multiuser Detection in CDMA with Multipath Fading

In this section we generalize the low-complexity SISO multiuser detector developed in Section 6.3.3 for synchronous CDMA systems to general asynchronous CDMA systems with multipath fading channels. The method discussed in this section was first developed in [257].

6.5.1 Signal Model and Sufficient Statistics

We consider a K - user asynchronous CDMA system employing a periodic spreading waveforms and signaling over multipath fading channels. The transmitted signal due to the k th user is given by

Equation 6.131


where M is the number of data symbols per user per frame, T is the symbol interval, and A k , b k [ i ], and { s i,k (t) ; 0 t T } denote, respectively, the amplitude, i th transmitted bit, and normalized signature waveform during the i th symbol interval of the k th user. It is assumed that s i,k (t) is supported only on the interval [0, T ] and has unit energy. Note here that we allow the possibility that aperiodic spreading waveforms are employed in the system, and hence the spreading waveforms vary with symbol index i .

The k th user's signal x k ( t ) propagates through a multipath channel with impulse response

Equation 6.132


where L is the number of paths in the k th user's channel, and where a l,k (t) and t l,k are, respectively, the complex fading process and the delay of the l th path of the k th user's signal. It is assumed that the fading is slow:


which is a reasonable assumption in many practical situations. At the receiver, the received signal due to the k th user is then given by

Equation 6.133


where * denotes convolution. The received signal at the receiver is the superposition of the K users' signals plus the additive white Gaussian noise, given by

Equation 6.134


where n(t) is a zero-mean complex white Gaussian noise process with power spectral density s 2.

Denote graphics/340fig01.gif and graphics/340fig02.gif . Define

Equation 6.135


Similar to the situations in earlier chapters, using the Cameron “Martin formula [377], the likelihood function of the received waveform r(t) in (6.134) conditioned on all the transmitted symbols b of all users can be written as

Equation 6.136


where C is some positive scalar constant, and

Equation 6.137


The first integral in (6.137) can be expressed as

Equation 6.138


Since the second integral in (6.137) does not depend on the received signal r(t) , by (6.138) a sufficient statistic for detecting the multiuser symbols b is { y k [ i ]} i;k . From (6.138) it is seen that this sufficient statistic is obtained by passing the received signal r(t) through a bank of K maximal-ratio multipath combiners (i.e., RAKE receivers). Next, we derive an explicit expression for this sufficient statistic in terms of the multiuser channel parameters and transmitted symbols, which is instrumental to developing the SISO multiuser detector. Note that the derivations below are similar to those in Section 5.3.1 for space-time CDMA systems.

Assume that the multipath spread of any user's channel is limited to at most D symbol intervals, where D is a positive integer. That is,

Equation 6.139


Define the following correlation of the delayed signaling waveforms:

Equation 6.140


Since t ,k D T and s i,k ( t ) is nonzero only for t [0, T ], it then follows that graphics/341fig01.gif for j D . Now substituting (6.134) into (6.138), we have

Equation 6.141


where { u k,l [ i ]} are zero-mean complex Gaussian random sequences with the following covariance:

Equation 6.142


where I p denotes a p x p identity matrix and d ( t ) is the Dirac delta function. Define the following quantities :



We can then write (6.141) in the following vector form:

Equation 6.143


and from (6.142), the covariance matrix of the complex Gaussian vector sequence { u [ i ]} is

Equation 6.144


Substituting (6.143) into (6.138), we obtain an expression for the sufficient statistic y [ i ], given by

Equation 6.145


where v [ i ] is a sequence of zero-mean complex Gaussian vectors with covariance matrix

Equation 6.146


Note that by definition (6.140), we have graphics/342fig02.gif . It then follows that R [- j ] [ i ] = R [ j ] [ i ] T , and therefore, H [- j ] [ i ] = H [ j ] [ i ] H .

6.5.2 SISO Multiuser Detector in Multipath Fading Channels

In what follows we assume that the multipath spread is within one symbol interval (i.e., D = 1). Define the following quantities:


We can then write (6.145) in matrix form as

Equation 6.147


where by (6.146), v (i) ~ N c ( , s 2 H [ i ]).

Based on the a priori LLR of the code bits of all users, { l 2 ( b k [ i ])} i;k , provided by the MAP channel decoder, we first form soft estimates of the user code bits:

Equation 6.148



Equation 6.149


Equation 6.150


Equation 6.151


where e k denotes a 3 K -vector of all zeros, except for the ( K + k )th element, which is 1.

At symbol time i , for each user, a soft interference cancellation is performed on the received discrete-time signal y [ i ] in (6.147), to obtain

Equation 6.152


Equation 6.153


An instantaneous linear MMSE filter is then applied to y k [ i ] , to obtain

Equation 6.154


where the filter graphics/343fig10.gif is chosen to minimize the mean-square error between the code bit b k [ i ] and the filter output z k [ i ]:

Equation 6.155



Equation 6.156


Equation 6.157




The solution to (6.155) is given by

Equation 6.158


As before, in order to form the LLR of the code bit b k [ i ], we approximate the instantaneous linear MMSE filter output z k [ i ] in (6.154) as being Gaussian [i.e., z k [ i ] ~ N c ( m k [ i ] b k [ i ], graphics/344fig01.gif [ i ])]. Conditioned on the code bit b k [ i ], the mean and variance of z k [ i ] are given, respectively, by

Equation 6.159


Equation 6.160


Therefore, the extrinsic information l 1 ( b k [ i ]) delivered by the instantaneous linear MMSE filter is given by

Equation 6.161


The SINR at the instantaneous linear MMSE filter output is given by

Equation 6.162


Recursive Algorithm for Computing Soft Output

Similar to our earlier discussion, computation of the extrinsic information can be implemented efficiently . In particular, the major computation involved is the following K x K matrix inversion:

Equation 6.163


Note that D k [ i ] can be written as

Equation 6.164



Equation 6.165


Substituting (6.164) into (6.163), we have

Equation 6.166


where H (:,K+ k ) [ i ] denotes the ( K + k )th column of H [ i ]. Define

Equation 6.167


Then by the matrix inversion lemma, (6.166) can be written as

Equation 6.168


Equations (6.167) and (6.168) constitute a recursive procedure for computing Y k [ i ] in (6.163).

Next, we summarize the SISO multiuser detection algorithm in multipath fading channels ( D = 1) as follows.

Algorithm 6.4: [SISO multiuser detector ”multipath fading channel]

  • Form the soft bit estimates using (6.148) “(6.151) .

  • Compute the matrix inversions using (6.167) and (6.168).

  • For i = 0, ..., M “ 1 and for k = 1, ..., K, compute z k [ i ] using (6.152), (6.154), and (6.158); compute m k [ i ] using (6.159); and compute l 1 (b k [ i ]) using (6.161).

Finally, we examine the computational complexity of the SISO multiuser detector in multipath fading channels. By (6.167), it takes graphics/325fig01.gif ( K 3 ) multiplications to obtain Y [ i ] using direct matrix inversion. After Y [ i ] is obtained, by (6.168), it takes graphics/325fig01.gif ( K 2 ) more multiplications to get Y k [ i ] for each k . Since at each time i , Y [ i ] is computed only once for all K users, it takes graphics/325fig01.gif ( K 2 ) multiplications per user per code bit to obtain Y k [ i ]. After Y k [ i ] is computed, by (6.154), (6.159), and (6.161), it takes graphics/325fig01.gif ( K 2 ) multiplications to obtain l 1 ( b k [ i ]). Therefore, the total time complexity of the SISO multiuser detector is graphics/325fig01.gif ( K 2 ) per user per code bit.

Wireless Communication Systems
Wireless Communication Systems: Advanced Techniques for Signal Reception (paperback)
ISBN: 0137020805
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 91

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