4.8 Extension to Multipath Channels

In this section we extend the robust group -blind multiuser detection techniques developed in previous sections to general asynchronous CDMA channels with multipath distortion. Let the impulse response of the k th user 's multipath channel be given by

Equation 4.147


where L is the total number of paths in the channel, and where a l,k and t l,k are, respectively, the complex path gain and the delay of the k th user's l th path. It is assumed that t 1, k < t 2, k < . . . < t L,k . The received continuous-time signal is then given by

Equation 4.148


where * denotes convolution.

As discussed in Section 2.7.1, at the receiver, the received signal is filtered by a chip-matched filter and sampled at a multiple ( p ) of the chip rate. Denote r q [ i ] as the q th signal sample during the i th symbol [cf. (2.167)]. Recall that by denoting


we have the following discrete-time signal model:

Equation 4.149


By stacking m successive sample vectors, we further define the following quantities :


where graphics/212fig01.gif and where l is the maximum delay spread in terms of symbol intervals. We can then have the following matrix form of the discrete-time signal model:

Equation 4.150


and as before, we write the eigendecomposition of the autocorrelation matrix of the received signal as

Equation 4.151


Equation 4.152


where the signal subspace U s has r columns .

We next discuss robust blind multiuser detection and robust group-blind multiuser detection in multipath channels.

4.8.1 Robust Blind Multiuser Detection in Multipath Channels

Suppose that user 1 is the user of interest. Then we can rewrite (4.150) as

Equation 4.153


Equation 4.154


where graphics/213fig01.gif denotes the ( K I + 1)th column of H (corresponding to the bit b 1 [ i ]), H denotes the submatrix of H obtained by striking out the ( K I +1)th column, and b [ i ] denotes the subvector of b [ i ] obtained by striking out the ( K I +1)th element. As before, the basic idea behind robust blind multiuser detection is first to obtain a robust estimate of z [ i ] using the identified signal subspace U s . On the other hand, as discussed in Section 2.7.3, given the spreading waveform s 1 of the desired user, by exploiting the orthogonality between the signal subspace and noise subspace, the composite signature waveform graphics/213fig01.gif of this user can be estimated (up to a complex scaling factor). Once an estimate of graphics/213fig01.gif is available, the robust estimate of z [ i ] can then be translated into a robust estimate of b 1 [ i ] (upto a complex scaling factor) by Proposition 4.2, as

Equation 4.155


Finally, differential detection is performed according to

Equation 4.156


The algorithm is summarized as follows .

Algorithm 4.6: [Robust blind multiuser detector ”multipath CDMA]

  • Compute the sample autocorrelation matrix of the received augmented signal r [ i ] and its eigendecomposition.

  • Compute the robust estimate of z [ i ] following a procedure similar to (4.128)-(4.132).

  • Compute an blind estimate of graphics/213fig01.gif according to (2.202)-(2.203).

  • Compute the output of the robust blind detector according to (4.155).

  • Perform differential detection according to (4.156).

4.8.2 Robust Group-Blind Multiuser Detection in Multipath Channels

We now turn to the group-blind version of the robust multiuser detector for the multipath channel. As before, we can rewrite (4.150) as

Equation 4.157


Equation 4.158


where graphics/324fig11.gif and graphics/bbar.gif [ i ] contain the data bits in b [ i ] corresponding to sets of desired users and undesired users, respectively; graphics/htilde.gif and graphics/hbar.gif contain columns of H corresponding to desired users and undesired users, respectively. As discussed in Section 2.7.3, based on the knowledge of the spreading waveforms graphics/stilde.gif of the desired users, by exploiting the orthogonality between the signal subspace and the noise subspace, we can blindly estimate graphics/htilde.gif up to a scale and phase ambiguity for each user. With such an estimate, we can write

Equation 4.159


where the term graphics/214fig01.gif contains the signal carrying the current bits graphics/214fig10.gif graphics/214fig11.gif of the desired users; and the term graphics/214fig12.gif contains the signal carrying the previous and future bits graphics/214fig02.gif (i.e., the intersymbol interference). Note that in (4.159) the term graphics/214fig03.gif represents the estimated channel for the desired users' current bits, and graphics/atilde.gif is a diagonal matrix containing the complex scalars of ambiguities ; the term graphics/214fig13.gif represents the estimated channel for the desired users' past and future bits, and q I [ i ] contains the products of those bits and the complex ambiguities of the corresponding channels. Following the method outlined in Section 4.7, we first obtain a robust estimate of z [ i ] and then translate it into the estimate of graphics/thtilde.gif [ i ] by again applying Proposition 4.2:

Equation 4.160


Next, we obtain a robust estimate of the sum of the undesired users' signals based on the relationship

Equation 4.161


Equation 4.162


where graphics/ubars.gif represents the signal subspace obtained from the eigendecomposition of the autocorrelation matrix of graphics/rbar.gif [ i ]. Finally, we subtract the estimated undesired users' signals and the intersymbol interference from r [ i ] to obtain

Equation 4.163


Equation 4.164


Note that the complex ambiguities in graphics/atilde.gif can be estimated based on the estimate of graphics/thtilde.gif [ i ], as discussed in Section 4.7. Note also that (4.164) has the same form as (4.141), and hence similarly to (4.143) “(4.146), the slowest-descent-search method can then be employed to obtain a robust estimate of graphics/btildeu.gif from (4.164). The algorithm is summarized below.

Algorithm 4.7: [Robust group-blind multiuser detector ”multipath CDMA]

  • Compute the sample autocorrelation matrix of the received augmented signal r [ i ] and its eigendecomposition.

  • Compute the robust estimate of z [ i ] following a procedure similar to (4.128)-(4.132).

  • Compute a blind estimate of graphics/htilde.gif according to (3.162)-(3.163).

  • Compute the output of the robust blind detector according to (4.160).

  • Compute the sum of the undesired users' signals graphics/rbar.gif [ i ] according to (4.161); compute the sample autocorrelation matrix of the signal graphics/rbar.gif [ i ] and its eigendecomposition.

  • Compute the robust estimate of graphics/lambar.gif [ i ] in (4.162) following a procedure similar to (4.128)-(4.132).

  • Compute the sum of the desired users' signals graphics/rtilde.gif [ i ] according to (4.163).

  • Estimate the complex amplitudes of ambiguities graphics/atilde.gif introduced by the blind estimator based on the robust estimate of graphics/thtilde.gif [ i ] using (3.127)-(3.129) [cf. (3.134)-(3.140)].

  • Form the Huber penalty function and apply the slowest-descent search of graphics/btildeu.gif , similar to (4.143) “(4.146).

  • Perform differential decoding.

Simulation Examples

In the following simulation, the number of users is K = 8 and the spreading gain is N = 15. Each user's channel is assumed to have L = 3 paths and a delay spread of up to one symbol. The complex gains and the delays of each user's channel are generated randomly . The chip pulse is a raised cosine pulse with roll-off factor 0.5. The path gains are normalized so that each user's signal arrives at the receiver with unit power. The channel is normalized in such a way that the composite of the multipath channel and the spreading waveform has unit power. The noise parameters are = 0.01 and k = 100. The smoothing factor is m = 2 and the oversampling factor is p = 2. Shown in Fig. 4.14 is the BER performance of the robust blind multiuser detector and that of the robust group-blind multiuser detector ( graphics/ktilde.gif = 4). It is seen that in the presence of both non-Gaussian noise and multipath channel distortion, the group-blind robust detector substantially improves the performance of the blind robust detector. Furthermore, most of the performance gain offered by the slowest-descent search is obtained by searching along only one direction.

Figure 4.14. BER performance of a group-blind robust multiuser detector in non-Gaussian noise: multipath channel. N = 15, K = 8, graphics/ktilde.gif = 4, = 0.01, k = 100. Each user's channel consists of three paths with randomly generated complex gains and delays. Only the spreading waveforms graphics/stilde.gif of the desired users are assumed known to the receiver. The BER curves of the robust blind detector (Algorithm 4.2) and robust group-blind detector (Algorithm 4.7) with one and two search directions are shown.


Wireless Communication Systems
Wireless Communication Systems: Advanced Techniques for Signal Reception (paperback)
ISBN: 0137020805
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 91

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