By Norman Walsh & Leonard Muellner 1st Edition October 1999 1-56592-580-7, Order Number: 5807 652 pages, $36.95 , Includes CD-ROM |
DocBook: The Definitive Guide | ||
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The %isoamsn; parameter entity includes the ISO character entities with the public identifier:
ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Negated Relations//EN
The following character entities are defined in this entity set:
Entity | Unicode # | Glyph | ISO Description |
gnap | greater, not approximate | ||
gne | 2269 | Greater-than but not equal to | |
gnE | 2269 | Greater-than but not equal to | |
gnsim | 22E7 | Greater-than but not equivalent to | |
gvnE | gt, vert, not dbl eq | ||
lnap | less, not approximate | ||
lnE | 2268 | Less-than but not equal to | |
lne | 2268 | Less-than but not equal to | |
lnsim | 22E6 | Less-than but not equivalent to | |
lvnE | less, vert, not dbl eq | ||
nap | 2249 | Not almost equal to | |
ncong | 2247 | Neither approximately nor actually equal to | |
nequiv | 2262 | Not identical to | |
ngE | 2271 | Neither greater-than nor equal to | |
nge | not greater-than-or-equal | ||
nges | 2271 | Neither greater-than nor equal to | |
ngt | 226F | Not greater-than | |
nle | not less-than-or-equal | ||
nlE | 2270 | Neither less-than nor equal to | |
nles | 2270 | Neither less-than nor equal to | |
nlt | 226E | Not less-than | |
nltri | 22EA | Not normal subgroup of | |
nltrie | 22EC | Not normal subgroup of or equal to | |
nmid | 2224 | Does not divide | |
npar | 2226 | Not parallel to | |
npr | 2280 | Does not precede | |
npre | not precedes, equals | ||
nrtri | 22EB | Does not contain as normal subgroup of | |
nrtrie | 22ED | Does not contain as normal subgroup or equal | |
nsc | 2281 | Does not succeed | |
nsce | not succeeds, equals | ||
nsim | 2241 | Not tilde | |
nsime | 2244 | Not asymptotically equal to | |
nsmid | nshortmid | ||
nspar | not short par | ||
nsub | 2284 | Not a subset of | |
nsube | 2288 | Neither a subset of nor equal to | |
nsubE | 2288 | Neither a subset of nor equal to | |
nsup | 2285 | Not a superset of | |
nsupE | 2289 | Neither a superset of nor equal to | |
nsupe | 2289 | Neither a superset of nor equal to | |
nvdash | 22AC | Does not prove | |
nvDash | 22AD | Not true | |
nVDash | 22AF | Negated double vertical bar double right turnstile | |
nVdash | 22AE | Does not force | |
prnap | 22E8 | Precedes but not equivalent to | |
prnE | precedes, not dbl eq | ||
prnsim | 22E8 | Precedes but not equivalent to | |
scnap | 22E9 | Succeed but not equivalent to | |
scnE | succeeds, not dbl eq | ||
scnsim | 22E9 | Succeed but not equivalent to | |
subne | 228A | Subset of or not equal to | |
subnE | 228A | Subset of or not equal to | |
supne | 228B | Superset of or not equal to | |
supnE | 228B | Superset of or not equal to | |
vsubnE | subset not dbl eq, var | ||
vsubne | subset, not eq, var | ||
vsupne | superset, not eq, var | ||
vsupnE | super not dbl eq, var |
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