DocBook: The Definitive Guide

docbook: the definitive guide
By Norman Walsh & Leonard Muellner
1st Edition October 1999
1-56592-580-7, Order Number: 5807
652 pages, $36.95 , Includes CD-ROM

DocBook: The Definitive Guide


CALS Table Model Parameter Entities -- Parameter entities which control the CALS Table Model


The CALS Table Model is incorporated into DocBook by reference to the standard CALS Table Model DTD. The CALS Table Model DTD, like DocBook, can be customized by defining a number of parameter entities before including it. The parameter entities in the following sections are the table-model related parameter entities defined by DocBook for use in the CALS Table Model.


The following parameter entities are related to the CALS Table Model:


Parameterizes additional attributes (unrelated to table formatting) on the table body (see also %secur;. In DocBook, the label attribute (%label.attrib;) is passed to Table and InformalTable this way.








Points to the CALS Table Model DTD via its public identifier:

-//USA-DOD//DTD Table Model 951010//EN

Theoretically defines the "text" part of the content model of table cells. This entity is defined in the CALS Table Model DTD, but is unused in DocBook because it is not included in the %tbl.entry.mdl;. DocBook has its own set of parameter entities for defining table cell content.


Defines additional attributes (unrelated to table formatting) on table elements: TGroup TBody THead TFoot Row EntryTbl Entry. See also %bodyatt;.

Replacement text is empty.


This parameter entity defines the mixture of block elements that may occur in a table cell. This is not strictly a parameter entity used in the CALS Table Model DTD, but it is used in DocBook as part of the content of %tbl.entry.mdl;.

  CalloutList | GlossList | ItemizedList | OrderedList   | SegmentedList | SimpleList | VariableList | Caution   | Important | Note | Tip | Warning | LiteralLayout   | ProgramListing | ProgramListingCO | Screen | ScreenCO   | ScreenShot | FormalPara | Para | SimPara   | Graphic

Defines the exceptions (exclusions) to the table entry content model.

Replacement text is empty.


Defines the content model of table cells.

  (CalloutList | GlossList | ItemizedList | OrderedList   | SegmentedList | SimpleList | VariableList | Caution   | Important | Note | Tip | Warning | LiteralLayout   | ProgramListing | ProgramListingCO | Screen | ScreenCO   | ScreenShot | FormalPara | Para | SimPara   | Graphic)+   | (#PCDATA | FootnoteRef | XRef | Abbrev | Acronym | Citation   | CiteRefEntry | CiteTitle | Emphasis | FirstTerm   | ForeignPhrase | GlossTerm | Footnote | Phrase | Quote   | Trademark | WordAsWord | Link | OLink | ULink | Action   | Application | ClassName | Command | ComputerOutput   | Database | Email | EnVar | ErrorCode | ErrorName   | ErrorType | Filename | Function | GUIButton | GUIIcon   | GUILabel | GUIMenu | GUIMenuItem | GUISubmenu | Hardware   | Interface | InterfaceDefinition | KeyCap | KeyCode   | KeyCombo | KeySym | Literal | Markup | MediaLabel   | MenuChoice | MouseButton | MsgText | Option | Optional   | Parameter | Prompt | Property | Replaceable | ReturnValue   | SGMLTag | StructField | StructName | Symbol | SystemItem   | Token | Type | UserInput | Anchor | Author | AuthorInitials   | CorpAuthor | ModeSpec | OtherCredit | ProductName   | ProductNumber | RevHistory | Comment | Subscript   | Superscript | InlineGraphic | InlineEquation | Synopsis   | CmdSynopsis   | FuncSynopsis)+

Note that this content model is the source of the pernicious mixed content problem. An Entry can contain either a collection of block elements, or a collection of inline elements.


Defines the exceptions to the EntryTbl content model. EntryTbls are a mechanism defined by the CALS Table Model to allow limited nesting of tables within tables.

In DocBook, EntryTbls are excluded from themselves, limiting the nesting of tables to a single level.


Defines the content model of EntryTbls.

  ColSpec*, SpanSpec*, THead?, TBody

Defines the exclusions to the content model of table headers and footers. By excluding EntryTbl, DocBook prevents a composition system from being required to allow nested tables on repeating headers and footers.


Defines the content model of table headers and footers.

  ColSpec*, Row+;

Defines the names of the table header and footer elements.

  THead | TFoot

Defines the exclusions to the content model of table rows.

Replacement text is empty.


Defines the content model of table rows.

  (Entry | EntryTbl)+

Defines the content model of the body of a table.

  TGroup+ | Graphic+

Theoretically defines what constitutes a table title. This entity is defined in the CALS Table Model DTD, but is unused in DocBook because DocBook redefines %tbl.table.mdl; in terms of its own parameter entities.


Defines the attributes of a table.




















Defines the exceptions to the content model of tables. DocBook prevents most formal objects from occuring within tables. (Note that this exclusion is required in DocBook because most of them can appear in Paras and Paras are allowed in table cells.)

  -(InformalTable | Equation | Example | Figure | Table)

Defines the content model of a table. This is done in terms of %tbl.table-titles.mdl; and %tbl.table-main.mdl; which produces the expansion shown here:

  (Title, TitleAbbrev?),   (Graphic+ | TGroup+);

Defines the name of the table element.


Defines the attributes on a table group (TGroup).








Defines the content model of a table group (TGroup).

  ColSpec*, SpanSpec*, THead?, TFoot?, TBody

Theoretically defines the "titles" portion the content model of tables. This entity is defined in the CALS Table Model DTD, but is unused in DocBook because DocBook redefines %tbl.table.mdl; in terms of its own parameter entities.


Provides the definition of "boolean" attributes in the CALS Table Model DTD.


This parameter entity occurs in the replacement text of %tbl.table.att;.

%*.attval; Parameter EntitiesUp%*.class; Parameter Entities

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© 1999, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.

DocBook. The Definitive Guide
DocBook 5: The Definitive Guide
ISBN: 0596805020
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 412
Authors: Walsh Norman, Richard L. Hamilton
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