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Back end
database holding information and LDAP, 21
configuration, 381–383
directory-server administration, 258
installation, 261
proxy server, 391–392
Backslash character, 115, 116
Backup time, 339
Backups, 143, 144, 158, 282
methods, 283–285
Backus Naur form (BNF), 59, 60, 66, 114
Bandwidth, 158, 160
Base URL, 46, see also Uniform Resource Locator
base, search in LDAP, 90, 110
Base-64 encoding, 129, 130
baseDN, 20, 137
Basic authentication, 101–102, see also Authentication
Batch process, 34–35
Benefits, planning directory services, 326
BER encoding, 102
BerElement structure, 227
BerValue structure, 227, 231
Binary data, 129
Bind, see also Unbind
interrogation operations and C language, 232, 233
JAVA language, 238, 240
Java Naming and Directory Interfaces, 250
LDAP, 18, 89, 97, 99
LDAP server using PHP scripting language, 192
Perl language, 212
PHP preprocessor, 306–307
BNF, see Backus Naur form
bool deleteoldrdn, 208
Boolean operators, 113–114, see also AND condition; NOT condition; OR condition
Branching policy, 75, 335, 337–338
Broker, see Application broker
Browser, 46–48, see also Individual entries
Browsing, 300, see also Individual entries
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