Package Solution wizard, 1340

packaging and signing database, 1336–1339

Page Header section, 845

Page Index property, 721

page numbers

inserting in controls, 806

report, 773–774, 830–833

Page Numbers dialog box, 832–833

Page Order dialog box, 721

page orientation

printing reports in landscape or portrait, 751, 752, 755

selecting Report Wizard report, 781–782

Page property, 832–833

Page Setup dialogbox, 751–755

Columns tab, 558, 753–754

Page tab, 558, 751–753

Print Options tab, 752

saving specific printer settings, 753

Page tab (Page Setup dialog box), 558, 751–753


See also Web pages

Switchboard Manager, 1307

Paint, 535


See also Navigation Pane

Group, Sort, And Total, 761–769, 818

Object Dependencies, 209

query designer, 1497–1498

about, 1497–1498

diagram, 1497, 1499, 1500–1503

grid, 1497, 1500, 1503–1507

SQL, 1498


exporting Access data to, A80

importing files from, 265–266

linking files to Access databases, 293, 298–299

specifying source for tables with IN clause, A46, A47

parameter queries

parameter resolved from value chosen from another form, 1565, 1576

PARAMETERS declarations in, A52–A54

prompting users for parameters for, 1572–1573

setting parameters with Input Parameters property, 1574–1575

parameter settings

OpenRecordset method, 994–995

RecordSetObject.Open, 1002–1003


adding to application shortcut target file name, 1332

basing stored procedure filters on, 1493

declaring as filter for in-line function query, 1515, 1516

defined, 1005

descriptive names for functions and stored procedures, 1517

filtering report on opening using date, 1121–1124

function and subroutine, 1005

prompting users to enter, 1572–1573

setting input, 1561–1565

setting for parameter query with Input Parameters property, 1574–1575

SQL and Access equivalent data types for, A53

using report input, 1572–1577

PARAMETERS declaration, A52-A54

parent tables, 185

parentheses ( )

adding to expressions, 370

as characters in format string, 653, 655

expression evaluation within, 367

scalar functions in, 1542

Partially Enclosed option (Access Options dialog box), 612

partitioning data in crosstab queries, 447–449

pass-through queries, 463


encrypting database with, 1334–1336

entering for database with linked SharePoint tables, 1198

logging in on SharePoint Services Web site, 1213–1214

Paste Table As dialog box, 207


copied data in Datasheet view, 394–396

copied fields, 223–224

copied tables, 207

message box confirming, 396

pencil icon, 390, 1229

percentage sign (%), 654

percentages, calculating grand total using, 840, 843–844


effect of linked data on, 293–295

form fields defined as lookup values, 324

improving for critical tasks, A29

indexes and database, 1472

limiting rows fetched for project forms, 1548–1549

linked table, 1323

loading time of form and report modules, 944

PivotTable and PivotChart, 470

reconstructing queries for, A66

reducing network traffic with server filters, 1572

speeding up code with Me objects, 990

storing calculated value in table, 1114

subdatasheet properties with large tables, 179

Performance Analyzer, 1302–1303

period (.)

indicating decimal in numbers and currency, 653

rules for using with names, 990

separating table and field names with, 372, 373


Create Database, 1452

read, 273

SharePoint Services lists, 1197


deleting and updating image path for, 1070–1071

displaying in forms, 9,

embedding in reports, 744–745

working with linked, 1069

PivotChart forms, 730–734

building, 731–732

designing, 536–539, 730

embedding linked PivotChart, 730, 733–734

PivotChart view, 479, 873


See also PivotChart forms

adding display labels, 480–483

building query for report, 860–861

correcting data field caption for, 482

defined, 470

designing, 478–483

embedding in report, 861–863

event properties detecting changes to, 870, 878–880

illustrated, 480, 483

including axis on, 481

performance of, 470

PivotTable design window

drop zones, 475, 476

illustrated, 474

Ribbon tools for, 475–476

PivotTable view, 873


about, 468–469

building query for, 470–473

changing field captions for, 477

crosstab queries vs., 444, 469–470

designing, 473–478

event properties detecting changes to, 870, 878–880

field list for, 474

filtering data in, 470

forms using, 536–539, 730

performance of, 470

setting up queries for, 469–473

placeholder characters

@, 655

0 and # used as, 653

choosing input mask, 172

rules for filling, 655–656

underscore (_) as default, 171

plus sign (+)

adding expressions with, 365

as character in format string, 653, 655

concatenating project file expressions with, A40

expanding subdatasheets, 387–390, 461

operator precedence for, 367

polishing applications. See finishing touches for applications

Pop Up property, 672

Popular category (Access Options dialog box), 87–88

pop-up forms

defining properties for, 672–673

synchronizing with another form, 1101–1104

working with, 523–524

portrait orientation for reports, 751, 752

pound sign (#) wildcard, 169, A49

precedent tasks, All



comparison, A37–A38


IN, A47–A48

LIKE, A48–A49


quantified, A54-A55

prefixes on form names, 525

presentation (layout) document (.xsl)

about, 1237, 1241–1243

Report ML version of, 1250, 1252

presentation layout extension documents (.xsx), 1237, 1243

Presentation tab (Export XML dialog box), 1248, 1249


Ctrl+F4 with AutoKeys macro, 1315–1316

data modification directly on datasheet, 413

design changes in applications, 1311

endless loop with Change event, 873

forms from opening in Design or Layout view, 671

Layout view, 1304

Navigation Pane or built-in Ribbon access in runtime mode, 1328–1329

special keys use, 1312

use of Module and Class Module buttons, 1330

user’s access to window controls, 675


forms before printing, 557–558


before printing, 124–125

for sample application, 738

table definitions, 199–200

primary key index, 189, 190

primary keys

artificial, 1071–1072

AutoNumber fields as, 549

changing, 248–250

defined, 99


for database tables, 174–175, 181, 182

for projects, 1470–1471

finding in SharePoint list, 1219

foreign keys and, 416

functional dependence of fields on, A21–A23

including in data collection, 310

providing tables with unique identifiers, A20–A21

query update limitations for, 469


for imported spreadsheet data, 278–279

in Table Analyzer Wizard, 237

SharePoint Services and, 1218

troubleshooting duplicate, 512

value changed in parent table, 185

Print Options tab (Page Setup dialog box), 752

Print Preview contextual tab, 739

Print Preview feature, 737–739

Print Preview Zoom button, 124

printer fonts, 649


adjusting default margins automatically, 736

saving specific report settings for, 753


event properties for, 881

forms, 518, 557–558

macro actions for data, A105–A106

mailing labels

company and contact, 754

with data from multiple tables, 463–468

reports, 750–755

in landscape or portrait orientation, 751, 752, 755

previewing first, 124–125, 737–739, 750–751

from Relationships window, 188

table definitions, 199–200


Microsoft privacy statement, 19

options for, 38–39

Privacy Options check box (Trust Center dialog box), 38–39

Privacy Options dialog box, 19–20

Private statement, 972–973

procedural statements

Const, 965

Dim, 966–969

DoCmd and RunCommand, 1026–1028


Call, 1017

Do…Loop, 1017–1018

For…Next, 1018–1019

For Each…Next, 1019–1020

GoTo, 1020–1021

If…Then…Else, 1021–1022

RaiseEvent, 1022–1023

Select Case, 1023–1024

Stop, 1024

While…Wend, 1025

With…End, 1025–1026

functions and subroutines

about, 1005

Function, 1006–1007

Sub, 1007–1009

Option Explicit, 963

Property Get, 1010–1012

Property Let, 1012–1014

Property Set procedure, 1014–1016

Set, 991–993

procedural vs. object-oriented programming, 560–562

Procedure list (Visual Basic Editor), 946–947


class module

Property Get, 1010–1012

Property Let, 1012–1014

Property Set, 1014–1016

compiling errors with procedures within, 947

examining call sequence for, 959–960

stored, 1519–1524

about SQL, 1493, 1519

choosing combo box values resolved with, 1564, 1575–1576

defined, 136

defining properties for columns, 1523–1524

displaying in text editors, 1525

filtering, 1493

inserting parameters in append values queries, 1520–1522

naming parameters for, 1517

server filters unavailable for, 1558

text stored, 1526–1541

about, 1526–1527

adding control-of-flow statements, 1531–1535

comment blocks in, 1528

declaring variables, 1531–1532

grouping multiple statements with transactions, 1535–1541

starting new, 1527–1529

testing variables in, 1531, 1532

user-defined stored, 1533

process-driven design, A7

processing e-mail replies

accepting multiple replies, 314

allowing multiple rows per reply, 314–315

automatically in Outlook, 312–313, 325–326

choosing method for, 331–332

discarding replies, 314

manually, 321–322, 341–343

setting date to stop, 315

processor requirements, 1341

product key for Microsoft Office system, 1342

Products form

justified format for, 597

modifying, 598–601

Project Explorer window (VBE)

about, 946

illustrated, 945

project files

concatenating expressions with plus sign, A40

wildcard characters for string comparisons in, A49

project forms, 1547–1565

applying server filters, 1558–1561

changing Default Max Records property, 1555–1557

differences in, 1547–1554

fetching recordsets, 1548

properties for, 1552–1554


input parameters, 1561–1565

options for, 1549–1551

recordset type, 1554–1555

similarities with database forms, 1547

unsupported in Layout view, 1552

project queries, 1491–1545

building in query designer, 1495–1524

adding tables, views, and functions, 1495–1496

grid pane of, 1497, 1500, 1503–1507

Group By options in, 1506

in-line functions, 1513–1519

panes in, 1497–1498

specifying query properties, 1507

SQL pane, 1498

stored procedures, 1519–1524

types of views created in, 1495

using views, 1507–1513

working with columns for, 1499–1450

working in diagram pane, 1497, 1499, 1500–1503

building with text editor, 1524–1545

selecting option for, 1524–1525

text scalar functions, 1541–1543

text stored procedures, 1526–1541

text table-valued functions, 1543–1545

saving in SQL Server before running, 1510

viewing, 10–11, 1492–1494

project reports, 1567–1577

differences between database and, 1567–1570

input parameters, 1572–1577

server filters in, 1570–1572

setting properties for, 1569–1570

similarities between database and, 1567

unsupported in Layout view, 1552, 1569


See also .adp files

about, 1447


after completing each code section, 950

errors with procedures within procedure, 947

creating new project file, 1448–1457

building new SQL Server database, 1448–1451

connecting to existing SQL Server database, 1452–1457

errors creating new database, 1452

naming SQL Server databases, 1451

Navigation Pane for new project, 1457

setting up data link properties, 1454–1457

creating table in Design view, 1457–1459

wizards for .accdb applications unavailable, 1457

databases vs., 1450

defining check constraints, 1477–1481

adding, 1478–1480

constructing multiple constraint expressions with, 1481

defined, 1477–1478

expressions to validate dates, 1481

types of constraint expressions, 1481–1482

defining columns, 1459–1470

adding column definitions, 1465–1467

SQL Server column data types, 1461–1464

sql_variant data type, 1465

understanding column properties, 1467–1470

user-defined data types, 1465

defining primary key, 1470–1471

defining relationships for tables, 1482–1488

in Design view, 1482–1485

using database diagrams, 1485–1488

designing forms for, 1547–1565


applying server filters, 1558–1561

changing Default Max Records property, 1555–1557

differences in, 1547–1554

fetching recordsets, 1548

properties for, 1552–1554

setting input parameters, 1561–1565

setting options for, 1549–1551

setting recordset type, 1554–1555

similarities with database forms, 1547

unsupported in Layout view, 1552

improved reliability of Visual Basic, 950

including reference to ADODB or ADOX models in, 987

queries in, 1491–1545

building in query designer, 1495–1524

building with text editor, 1524–1545

types of objects used as, 1493

viewing, 10–11, 1492–1494

working with sample project files, 1494–1495

reports, 1567–1577

differences between database and, 1567–1570

input parameters, 1572–1577

server filters in, 1570–1572

setting properties for, 1569–1570

similarities between database and, 1567

unsupported in Layout view, 1552, 1569

SQL Server version required for, 1448


adding sample, 1475–1477

exploring, 133–135

indexes for, 1471–1475

setting design options for, 1488–1490

upsizing applications to, 533

Proofing category (Access Options dialog box), 92


See also Format property;

query properties

Allow Additions, 674, 1554–1555

Allow Deletions, 674, 1554–1555

Allow Edits, 674, 1554–1555

Allow Layout View, 589

Auto Expand, 605

Auto Resize, 622

Can Grow, 1119

Caption, 216, 377, 586, 587

changing field, 232–233


Enabled and Locked, 584–585, 662

listed on All tab, 666–669

customizing query, 452–463

Cycle, 726, 1080

Default Max Records, 1550, 1555–1557

DefaultView, 746

defining default template form, 682–683


project query view, 1510–1513

subdatasheet, 388

Dockable, 946

effect of Format property on data in underlying table, 654


changing data, 871–873

detecting focus changes, 874–875

detecting form and report filtering, 876

detecting PivotTable and PivotChart changes, 870, 878–880

detecting timer expiration, 882

names of, 870

opening and closing forms and reports, 870–871

printing, 881

trapping errors, 882

formatting control, 651–661

Date/Time formats, 657–660

numbers and currency, 652–654

text, 655–656

Yes/No fields, 660

forms, 670–680

border styles, 675–676

controlling filtering and modifications, 673–674

defining pop-up or modal, 672–673

displaying, 586–587

listed on All tab, 676–680

preventing user’s access to window controls, 675

project, 1552–1554

restricting views for users, 670–671

setting navigation options, 671–672

HasModule, 944

Hide Duplicates, 840–841

Input Mask, 1063

Input Parameters, 1574–1575

Link Child Fields, 705, 706

Link Master Fields, 705, 706

linking fields with subform control, 705

Lookup, 240–245

macros referencing

form and report, 919–920

form and report control, 920

making grid dots invisible with Grid X and Grid Y, 587

Max Records, 462, 1550, 1555

Min Max Button, 675

modifying Report Wizard control, 787, 788

Multi Select, 1084–1085, 1086

multiple-page forms with Cycle, 726

ODBC Timeout, 462

Page, 832–833

project form, 1552–1554

project report, 1569–1570

Record Lock, 462

Records Selectors, 671

Recordset, 1104

RecordsetType, 1554–1555


about, 822

list of available, 823–830

project, 1569–1570

property sheet for, 819, 822–823

Running Sum, 845–848


list of available, 820–822

viewing, 819

Server Filter, 1570, 1571

Server Filter By Form, 1559


field, 161–165, 353–355

for form objects, 574–578

input parameter, 1562–1563

label, 585–586

for Multi-Value Lookup Field, 247

SharePoint column, 1176, 1177

tab’s Page Index, 721

text box, 584–585

Show Date Picker, 1063

sorting number values of Lookup, 381

Source Connect Str, 462

Source Database, 462

specifying query, 1507

SQL Server table column, 1467–1470

Subdatasheet, 178

tab control, 723

Tab Index, 663

Top Values, 453–454

Unique Records, 454–458

Unique Values, 454–458

Validation Rule and Validation Text, 670

viewing those created by Combo Box Wizard, 604–605

Properties dialog box

adding detail to PivotCharts, 480–482

Check Constraints tab, 1478

Hidden check box in, 70, 75

property settings for application shortcut, 1331–1332, 1334

Properties window

Function Parameters tab, 1518, 1519

illustrated, 1511

In-Line Function tab, 1518

options on View tab for, 1512–1513

Stored Procedures tab, 1523–1524

Properties window (Visual Basic Editor), 945, 946

Property Get procedure, 1010–1012

Property Let procedure, 1012–1014

Property Set procedure, 1014–1016

property sheet

All tab

listing of control properties, 666–669

listing of form properties, 676–680

assigning alias to query fields with, 496, 497

illustrated, 575

listed embedded macros in events, 902


and closing in Design view, 576

and customizing, 116–117

replacing field list with, 565

report, 819, 822–823

setting for, 123

resizing controls using, 633

section, 819

setting form’s object properties from, 574–578

tabs on, 575–576

Property Sheet button, 176, 476

Property statement, 947


TCP/IP, 1137

types of network, 1138

Public statement, 973–974

public variables and constants, 963–964

Publish To Web Server dialog box, 1210, 1221, 1222

publishing data on Web.

See also HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

creating static HTML documents, 1140–1158

customizing appearance, 1143–1148

designing and using HTML templates, 1148–1151

exporting database as HTML file, 1140–1143

generating HTML page from Access report, 1151–1154

development tools required for, 1127–1128

dynamic Web pages, 1158–1161

delivering dynamic query results, 1158–1160

processing live data with HTML forms, 1160

using ASP for fetching data on, 1158

using Visual Studio .NET and ASP.NET, 1160–1161

sharing data with SharePoint Services, 1161–1163

static Web pages

understanding, 1137–1139

viewing, 1139–1140

XML overview, 1135–1137

publishing database to SharePoint site, 1208–1211

about, 1208

.accdb file format required, 1210

downloading SharePoint databases to trusted locations, 1225

moving vs., 1207

publishing changes to migrated database, 1217

republishing after changing database, 1207, 1219–1222

selecting and publishing file, 1210–1211

purchasing digital certificates, 1336

Microsoft Office Access 2007 Inside Out
MicrosoftВ® Office Access(TM) 2007 Inside Out (Microsoft Office Access Inside Out)
ISBN: 0735623252
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 234

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