Interface SQLInput

public interface SQLInput

SQLInput is an input stream containing values of the elements of a SQL structured type or distinct type. This interface is used only for custom mapping by the JDBC driver.



public Array readArray() throws SQLException

This reads a SQL ARRAY value from the stream and returns it as an Array object.

Returns: The Array object or null if the value is SQL NULL. A SQLException is thrown if an error occurs while accessing this value.


public readAsciiStream() throws SQLException

This returns the next element in the stream as a stream of ASCII characters.

Returns: The element or null if the value is SQL NULL. A SQLException is thrown if an error occurs while accessing this value.


public java.math.BigDecimal readBigDecimal() throws SQLException

This reads the next element in the stream as a java.math.BigDecimal object.

Returns: The element or null if the value is SQL NULL. A SQLException is thrown if an error occurs while accessing this value.


public readBinaryStream() throws SQLException

This returns the next element in the stream as a stream of bytes.

Returns: The element or null if the value is SQL NULL. A SQLException is thrown if an error occurs while accessing this value.


public Blob readBlob() throws SQLException

This reads a SQL BLOB value from the stream and returns it as a Blob object.

Returns: The Blob object or null if the value is SQL NULL. A SQLException is thrown if an error occurs while accessing this value.


public boolean readBoolean() throws SQLException

This reads the next element in the stream as a boolean.

Returns: The element or false if the value is SQL NULL. A SQLException is thrown if an error occurs while accessing this value.


public byte readByte() throws SQLException

This reads the next element in the stream as a byte.

Returns: The element or 0 if the value is SQL NULL. A SQLException is thrown if an error occurs while accessing this value.


public byte[] readBytes() throws SQLException

This reads the next element in the stream as an array of bytes.

Returns: The element or null if the value is SQL NULL. A SQLException is thrown if an error occurs while accessing this value.


public readCharacterStream() throws SQLException

This returns the next element in the stream as a stream of Unicode characters.

Returns: The element or null if the value is SQL NULL. A SQLException is thrown if an error occurs while accessing this value.


public Clob readClob() throws SQLException

This reads a SQL CLOB value from the stream and returns it as a Clob object.

Returns: The Clob object or null if the value is SQL NULL. A SQLException is thrown if an error occurs while accessing this value.


public Date readDate() throws SQLException

This reads the next element in the stream as a java.sql.Date object.

Returns: The element or null if the value is SQL NULL. A SQLException is thrown if an error occurs while accessing this value.


public double readDouble() throws SQLException

This reads the next element in the stream as a double.

Returns: The element or 0 if the value is SQL NULL. A SQLException is thrown if an error occurs while accessing this value.


public float readFloat() throws SQLException

This reads the next element in the stream as a float.

Returns: The element or 0 if the value is SQL NULL. A SQLException is thrown if an error occurs while accessing this value.


public int readInt() throws SQLException

This reads the next element in the stream as an int.

Returns: The element or 0 if the value is SQL NULL. A SQLException is thrown if an error occurs while accessing this value.


public long readLong() throws SQLException

This reads the next element in the stream as a long.

Returns: The element or 0 if the value is SQL NULL. A SQLException is thrown if an error occurs while accessing this value.


public Object readObject() throws SQLException

This returns the first element in the stream as a Java object. The runtime type of the object is set using the default type mapping and the type map of the stream.

Returns: The object or null if the value is SQL NULL. A SQLException is thrown if an error occurs while accessing this value.


public Ref readRef() throws SQLException

This reads a SQL REF value from the stream and returns it as a Ref object.

Returns: The Ref object or null if the value is SQL NULL. A SQLException is thrown if an error occurs while accessing this value.


public short readShort() throws SQLException

This reads the next element in the stream as a short.

Returns: The element or 0 if the value is SQL NULL. A SQLException is thrown if an error occurs while accessing this value.


public String readString() throws SQLException

This reads the next element in the stream as a String.

Returns: The element or null if the value is SQL NULL. A SQLException is thrown if an error occurs while accessing this value.


public Time readTime() throws SQLException

This reads the next element in the stream as a java.sql.Time object.

Returns: The element or null if the value is SQL NULL. A SQLException is thrown if an error occurs while accessing this value.


public Timestamp readTimestamp() throws SQLException

This reads the next element in the stream as a java.sql.Timestamp object.

Returns: The element or null if the value is SQL NULL. A SQLException is thrown if an error occurs while accessing this value.


public readURL() throws SQLException,

This reads a SQL DATALINK from the stream and returns it as a object.

Returns: The object. A SQLException is thrown if an error occurs while accessing this value.


public boolean wasNull() throws SQLException

This method checks if the last value read from the stream was a SQL NULL.

Returns: true if the value was SQL NULL. A SQLException is thrown if an error occurs while accessing this value.

JDBC 3. 0. JAVA Database Connectivity
JDBC 3: Java Database Connectivity
ISBN: 0764548751
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 148 © 2008-2017.
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