
We included a list of links that provide more information about computer and Copyright Law. These links were valid at the time the book was written, but because of the nature of the Internet they could be outdated by the time you try to use them. We can ‚ t guarantee they are still valid. There are many web sites out there dealing with Computer law. These are only a few to get you started should you need more information than we can provide here. We recommend these sites because they are packed full of information and easy to understand for someone without a law degree.

  1. ‚ The Computer Law Resource. This site ‚ s Law Library contains even more links to computer and Copyright Laws

  2. ‚ The World Intellectual Property Organization ‚ s Web site. This site provides you with all the information you want on Intellectual Property.

  3. ‚ The United States Patent and Trademark Office ‚ s Web site. This is the site to visit if you need to know how to get a patent or register a trademark.

  4. ‚ This site explores Exclusive Rights under US Copyright Law.

  5. ‚ More on Exclusive Rights and Fair Use.

  6. ‚ North Carolina State University ‚ s Copyright Tutorial on how to use Copyrighted Materials.

Deploying Visual FoxPro Solutions
Deploying Visual FoxPro Solutions
ISBN: 1930919328
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 232 © 2008-2017.
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