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In this section we mention some of the DIIOP-related new features of Domino 6. A complete discussion of all new Domino 6 features is in the Lotus Domino Administrator 6 Help database.
New DIIOP task
DIIOP has been substantially rewritten to improve its performance and scalability. The new task now uses the same code for network operations as some of the other server tasks, for example POP3, LDAP, and IMAP. Consequently, DIIOP now also takes advantage of the same thread pooling algorithms, and will use I/O completion ports on the supported platforms.
HTTP Support for diiop_ior.txt
DIIOP now has limited support for the HTTP protocol. As part of the NotesFactory.createSession(hostname,...) method that is available for creating sessions to the Domino server, the HTTP protocol was being used to deliver the Initial Object Reference to the client program. Traditionally, this request was handled by the HTTP task. This meant that the HTTP task had to be configured and running to use the Domino classes in any substantial way.
With this release, DIIOP has enough HTTP support to handle the request for the Initial Object Reference. So, if HTTP is not desired on the Domino server, a Java program can do the following to create a Session to the Domino server:
Session s = NotesFactory.createSession("<hostname:63148>", "<username>", "<password>");
where :63148 is the syntax that is used to specify the port number of the task that you want to issue the HTTP request for Initial Object Reference.
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