Section 20.3 Who s a Commie: Finding .com Owners


20.3 Who's a Commie: Finding .com Owners

To look up Sun's domain, direct your Web browser to

and supply the following to search for



You can save a step (as this is a CGI program) by including the desired domain name in the URL thusly:

The exclamation mark "!" indicates that you want to look up only and not other names that simply have sun in them. Use the !sun form if did not yield the desired results. This will yield something similar to

 Sun Microsystems Inc. (SUN)    2550 Garcia Avenue    Building 1, Room 235    Mountain View, CA 94043    Hostname: SUN.COM    Address:    System: SUN-3/160 running SUNOS    Coordinator:       Lowe, Fredrick  (FL59)  Fred.Lowe@EBAY.SUN.COM       408-276-4199    domain server    Record last updated on 17-Jun-98.    Database last updated on 8-Aug-99 03:53:54 EDT. 

You now have an entity name, postal address, contact person, and even a phone number and e-mail address. The data may be quite old; the person might be on vacation. If it is a large entity, the phone message probably gives clues as to the department and possibly a way to contact a secretary or someone else who can connect you to the correct person if the named person is unavailable or gone.

In a large organization, you might encounter a lot of "I dunno" or lack of interest when you are tracing this intrusion. Remember that this is an emergency and that a crime may have been committed with this company's equipment. You might ask for the Computer Security, Computer Operations, or MIS departments. Be aware that many companies are suspicious of headhunters trying to steal their people, so do explain who you are and why you are calling, if necessary. If nothing else works, you could ask for their Human Resources Department and ask what department he works in or did work in or his manager's name.

If no one wants to talk with you, you can offer to bring the police in as an alternative. Nobody wants publicity about their compromised systems!


    Real World Linux Security Prentice Hall Ptr Open Source Technology Series
    Real World Linux Security Prentice Hall Ptr Open Source Technology Series
    ISBN: N/A
    EAN: N/A
    Year: 2002
    Pages: 260 © 2008-2017.
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