

Wallpaper, changing in KiXtart, 149
Window titles, setting with shell scripting, 316
navigating through, 35-37
NT File System overview, 143-144
sharing resources, 142-143
Windows 2000
backing up, 342-344
logon processes of, 314-315
Microsoft Media Player, scripting, 368-371
replication, purpose of, 314-315
time synchronization, 311-312
window titles, setting with shell scripting, 316
Windows 2003
backing up, 342-344
Boot Timeout, setting, 263
Microsoft Management Console 2.0, using, 387
Microsoft Media Player, scripting, 368-371
time synchronization, 311-312
window titles, setting with shell scripting, 316
Windows Management Improvements, working with, 394-397
Windows 2000 Resource Kit, scripting silent installation, 45-46
Windows 2000 Service Pack, scripting silent installation, 41
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
batteries, collecting information on, 241-243
BIOS, collecting information on, 243-244
Boot Timeout, setting with, 264
CD-ROMs, collecting information on, 244
chassis, collecting information on, 244-246
CPUs, working with, 190-193
creating tasks with, 357-359
dates, converting, 395
defining, 169-170
deleting tasks with, 361
drives , collecting information on, 246-247
event logs, accessing with, 294-297
Hotfixes, listing, 255
impersonation level, 171
improvements to, 394-397
information, collecting, 241-245
Internet Explorer, listing tasks with, 359-361
memory, collecting information on, 247
mice, collecting information on, 249
modems, collecting information on, 248
monitors , collecting information on, 248-249
namespaces, list of, 171-172
network adapters, collecting information on, 249-250
object browser, 173
operating systems, collecting information on, 250-251
pinging network devices in, 395-397
printers, collecting information on, 251
processes, working with, 182-185
processes of, 170-171
processors, collecting information on, 251-252
Query Language, 172
See also Windows Management Instrumentation Query Language.
See also Windows Management Instrumentation Query Language.
remote management through, 179-197
scripting, 171-172
services, working with, 185-190
shares, working with, 179-182
silent installation, scripting, 41-42
software developer's kits and, 172-173
software installed, listing, 254-255
sound cards, collecting information on, 252
tape drives, collecting information on, 253
understanding, 169-173
USBs, collecting information on, 253-254
video cards, collecting information on, 254
Windows NT
At command, scheduling tasks with, 344-345
NTBackup features, 343
providers, understanding, 205
scheduling tasks, 344-345
Windows Product Activation (WPA)
determining status using Windows Script Host, 388
disabling notices using Windows Script Host, 389
understanding, 386
working with, 388-389
Windows Script Host (WSH)
alerts, sending, 300-307
API and, 8-10
attributes, setting, 86-87
audio files, playing, 372-373
versus AutoIt, 36-37
CDs, ejecting, 370-371
context menu, modifying, 136-138
defining, 7
dialog boxes, using with, 147
directory listing, generating, 66
event logs, writing to, 292-293
example, 11-12
file attributes, displaying, 83-85
file attributes, setting, 85-86
file extensions, renaming, 81-82
file system, manipulating, 64-87
files, connecting to, 64-65
files, copying, 77-78
files, deleting, 67-72
files, deleting depending on date, 69-70
files, deleting depending on extension, 71-72
files, deleting depending on name , 70-71
files, deleting depending on size , 68-69
files, deleting within folders, 67-68
files, moving, 78-80
files, moving with extensions, 79-80
files, renaming, 80-81
files, renaming with short file names , 82
FileSystemObject object, accessing, 64
folders, connecting to, 65
folders, copying, 78
folders, deleting, 72-77
folders, deleting depending on date, 75-76
folders, deleting depending on name, 77
folders, deleting depending on size, 73-75
folders, moving, 80
languages of, 8
limitations of, 12
logon scripts, creating, 331-339
logs, using, 291-294
media files, playing from the command line, 369
Microsoft Agent, scripting with, 366 “ 367, 376-383
NTBackup, running with, 348-349
NTFS properties, modifying, 135-136
object model, 9
parameters of, 8
program files, updating versions of, 82-83
purpose of, 7
random file names, generating, 65
registry, modifying, 134-138
shortcuts, creating, 151-152
SpecialFolders, accessing, 141-142
subfolders , accessing through, 64
subfolders, deleting, 73
subroutines of, 10-11
text files, applying, 87
text logs, writing to, 292
understanding, 7-12
user input, accepting, 148-149
when to use, 12
Windows Security menu options, disabling, 134-135
Windows shell, scripting, 105-112
Windows XP
backing up, 342-344
Microsoft Management Console 2.0, using, 387
Microsoft Media Player, scripting, 368-371
time synchronization, 311-312
window titles, setting with shell scripting, 316
Windows Management Improvements, working with, 394-397
WinZip 8.1 SR-1, scripting silent installation, 43-45
navigating through, 35-37
scripting, 99-100
WMI. See Windows Management Instrumentation; Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).
WMI Query language (WQL), Windows Management Instrumentation and, 172.
WPA. See Windows Product Activation (WPA).
WSCRIPT command-line host utility, defining, 8
WScript object
registry methods , list of, 134
understanding, 9-10
WSH. See Windows Script Host (WSH).
WshNetwork object, understanding, 10
WshShell object, understanding, 10

Windows Admin Scripting Little Black Book
Windows Admin Scripting Little Black Book (Little Black Books (Paraglyph Press))
ISBN: 1933097108
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 89 © 2008-2017.
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