Additional Resources

A good source of information about Microsoft certification exams comes from Microsoft itself. Because its products and technologies ”and the exams that go with them ”change frequently, the best place to go for exam- related information is online.

If you haven't already visited the Microsoft Certified Professional site, do so right now. The MCP home page resides at (see Figure 1.4).

Figure 1.4. The Microsoft Certified Professional home page.



This page might not be there by the time you read this, or might be replaced by something new and different, because things change regularly on the Microsoft site. If this occurs, please read the following sidebar, titled "Coping with Change on the Web."

Coping with Change on the Web

Sooner or later, all the information we've shared with you about the Microsoft Certified Professional pages and the other Web-based resources mentioned throughout this book will go stale or be replaced by newer information. In some cases, the URLs you find here might lead you to their replacements ; in other cases, the URLs will go nowhere, leaving you with the dreaded 404 File not found error message. When that happens, don't give up.

There's always a way to find what you want on the Web if you're willing to invest some time and energy. Most large or complex Web sites ”and Microsoft's qualifies on both counts ”offer a search engine. On all Microsoft Web pages, a Search button appears along the top edge of the page. As long as you can get to Microsoft's site (it should remain at for a long time), you can use this tool to help you find what you need.

The more focused you can make a search request, the more likely the results will include information you can use. For example, you can search for the string "training and certification" to produce a lot of data about the subject in general, but if you're looking for the preparation guide for Exam 70-058, "Networking Essentials," you'll be more likely to get there quickly if you use a search string similar to the following: "Exam 70-058" AND "preparation guide" .

Likewise, if you want to find the Training and Certification downloads, try a search string such as "training and certification" AND "download page" .

Finally, feel free to use general search tools, such as, www. altavista .com, and, to look for related information. Although Microsoft offers great information about its certification exams online, many third-party sources of information and assistance are available that don't necessarily follow Microsoft's party line. Therefore, if you can't find something where the book says it lives, intensify your search.

MCSE Active Directory Services Design. Exam Cram 2 (Exam Cram 70-219)
MCSE Windows 2000 Active Directory Services Design Exam Cram 2 (Exam Cram 70-219)
ISBN: 0789728648
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 148 © 2008-2017.
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