What You Need to Use NetMeeting

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The basic requirement to run NetMeeting is simple: you need some way to reach the outside world. This can be a network connection (to meet with your coworkers), a modem (28,800 bps or faster), or some other connection to the Internet—ISDN, xDSL (any of the varieties of digital subscriber line technologies such as ADSL and SDSL), cable modem, or proxy server, for example. A network or Internet connection alone allows you to use NetMeeting's chat feature, but not much else.

As you add options, you can use more of NetMeeting's capabilities. First, the modem requirement is bumped up to at least 56,000 bps for any of the advanced features. Then add one or more of the following:

  • To be able to hear others speak, add a sound card and speakers.
  • To add your own voice to the fray, connect a microphone to the sound card.
  • To send your picture to others, add a video capture card or camera that provides a Video for Windows capture driver.

Running Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
Running Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
ISBN: 1572318384
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 317

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