Name, 42

DirectoryInfo, 793

FileInfo, 794

Form, 1013

IsReady, 791

RegistryKey, 747

name clause, declaration variable, 147–48, 874


aliases, 483–84

classes, 487–88

collision/pollution, 479

creating, 485–87

DataColumn, 348

DataSet, 340

DataTable, 342

defining, 121–22

Direct3D, 850–57

drawing. See Drawing namespaces

elements, 484

find and replace, 12

function of, 121, 479

hierarchies, 479–80

Imports, 480–83

location of, 485

Microsoft, 834

modules, 487–88

namespace statements, 110

nested, 122

reflection, 845–50

regular expressions, 836–39

resolving, 488–91

root namespaces, 122–23, 480, 484–85, 834

structures, 487–88

System, 834–36

System.Security, 841–45

XML, 839–41

NameValueCollection, 51012

Naming conventions, 169, 16970

case in, 169

description, importance of, 170

information source on, 170

routine names, 169

variables, 169–70

Narrowing conversions, data types, 13639

Negation operator (-), 171, 177

Nested, 350

.NET tools, selecting, 54

NetBIOS, MachineName, 742


My.Computer.Network, 1068–69

ShowNetwork, 955, 959

New, 149–50, 874

New Breakpoint, 27

New Connection, 326

New Horizontal Tab Group, 49

New Items, 16

NewLine, 742

New Menu, 42

New Performance Session, 38

New Project, 6, 9, 11

New Project Configuration, 119

NewRow, 344

New Test, 47

New Vertical Tab Group, 50

New Web Site, 9

New Window, 48

Next Method, 13

NoClip, 620

Nodes, TreeView, 99398

NoFontFallback, 620

Nonclient area, 93, 94

None, 625

NonSerializedAttribute, 193

Nonstatic procedure scope, parameters, 15961


bitwise operator, 176, 177

logical operator, 175, 177, 881

Not equals operator (<>), 173

Notify Filter, 796

NotifyIcon, 264, 271, 286–87, 94749

NotInheritable, 443–44, 1023

NoWrap, 620

Null values

AllowDBNull, 347

IsNull, 346


comparison operators, 174

custom formats, 1050–51

format specifiers, 1049–50

formatting sections, 1051

Numeric values

NumericUpDown, 264, 269, 949–50

TrackBar, 992–93

Visual Basic 2005 with  .NET 3.0 Programmer's Reference
Visual Basic 2005 with .NET 3.0 Programmer's Reference
ISBN: 470137053
Year: 2007
Pages: 417

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