When you want to run a merge using the same main document in the future, just open the main document with the usual File, Open command, and display the Mail Merge task pane (Tools, Letters and Mailings, Mail Merge). The Mail Merge Wizard begins at the third step (in which you specify your recipient list), and the data source you used with this main document the last time is listed under Use an Existing List (see Figure 14.33). Figure 14.33. When you use the same main document for a future mail merge, Word remembers which data source you used.
If you want to keep the same data source, just continue through the wizard. Edit the main document if needed, preview your merged documents, and run the merge. (Make sure to save the main document if you make changes to it.) To use a different data source, click Select a Different List to display the Select Data Source dialog box. Navigate to and select your data source, click Open, and then continue with the wizard. If you attach a data source that has different field names than the ones referenced in the merge fields in your main document, the Invalid Merge Field dialog box will appear when you preview your merged documents. This dialog box gives you options for removing merge fields from your main document that don't exist in your data source, or choosing fields in the data source to use for merge fields in your main document (even if they have different names ).