Creating the Windows Application Project

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Adding the WinForms Automation Code

In Listing 6-2, you will see that I have added a lot of code to the Exec method of the add-in. When the user clicks the WinFormsAutomation menu option, the Exec method will receive control. This method is where the actual demonstration of the Windows Forms automation objects will be executed. Listing 6-2 shows all of the code for the add-in, including the wizard-generated code and the code I have added to demonstrate the use of the many automation objects that I discuss in this chapter. There is a lot of code, so do not be dismayed by the objects and their usage. I discuss each segment of the code as you progress through the remainder of the chapter.

Listing 6-2: Automation Code

start example
 Imports Microsoft.Office.Core Imports Extensibility Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Imports EnvDTE Imports System.ComponentModel.Design Imports System.ComponentModel Imports System.Drawing Imports System.Windows.Forms #Region " Read me for Add-in installation and setup information. " ' When run, the Add-in wizard prepared the registry for the Add-in. ' At a later time, if the Add-in becomes unavailable for reasons such as: '   1) You moved this project to a computer other than the one it was '      originally created on. '   2) You chose 'Yes' when presented with a message asking if you wish '      to remove the Add-in. '   3) Registry corruption. ' you will need to re-register the Add-in by building the ' WinFormsAutomationSetup project ' by right-clicking the project in the Solution Explorer, then ' choosing install. #End Region <GuidAttribute("B404B902-65A3-4335-8BA3-24CE23DA3E24"),  ProgIdAttribute("WinFormsAutomation.Connect")> _ Public Class Connect     Implements Extensibility.IDTExtensibility2     Implements IDTCommandTarget     Dim oVB As EnvDTE.DTE     Dim addInInstance As EnvDTE.AddIn     Dim CommandObj As Command     Public Sub OnBeginShutdown(ByRef custom As System.Array) _         Implements Extensibility.IDTExtensibility2.OnBeginShutdown     End Sub     Public Sub OnAddInsUpdate(ByRef custom As System.Array) _         Implements Extensibility.IDTExtensibility2.OnAddInsUpdate     End Sub     Public Sub OnStartupComplete(ByRef custom As System.Array) _         Implements Extensibility.IDTExtensibility2.OnStartupComplete     End Sub     Public Sub OnDisconnection(ByVal RemoveMode As _                 Extensibility.ext_DisconnectMode, _                 ByRef custom As System.Array) _                 Implements _                 Extensibility.IDTExtensibility2.OnDisconnection         Try             ' remove the add-ins UI menu             CommandObj.Delete()         Catch e As System.Exception             MsgBox("OnDisconnection: " & e.Message)         End Try     End Sub     Public Sub OnConnection(ByVal application As Object, _         ByVal connectMode As Extensibility.ext_ConnectMode, _         ByVal addInInst As Object, _         ByRef custom As System.Array) _         Implements Extensibility.IDTExtensibility2.OnConnection         oVB = CType(application, EnvDTE.DTE)         addInInstance = CType(addInInst, EnvDTE.AddIn)         If connectMode = Extensibility.ext_ConnectMode.ext_cm_AfterStartup Or _            connectMode = Extensibility.ext_ConnectMode.ext_cm_Startup _            Then            Dim objAddIn As AddIn = CType(addInInst, AddIn)             ' When run, the Add-in wizard prepared the registry for the Add-in.             ' At a later time, the Add-in or its commands may become             ' unavailable for reasons such as:             '   1) You moved this project to a computer other than the one it             '      was originally created on.             '   2) You chose 'Yes' when presented with a message asking if             '      you wish to remove the Add-in.             ' 3) You add new commands or modify commands already defined.             ' You will need to re-register the Add-in by building the             ' WinFormsAutomationSetup project,             ' right-clicking the project in the Solution Explorer,             ' and then choosing install.             ' Alternatively, you could execute the ReCreateCommands.reg file             ' the Add-in Wizard generated in             ' the project directory, or run 'devenv /setup' from a command prompt.             Try                 CommandObj = oVB.Commands.AddNamedCommand(objAddIn, _                     "WinFormsAutomation", _                     "WinFormsAutomation", _                     "Executes the command for WinFormsAutomation", _                     True, 59, Nothing, 1 + 2) _                     '1+2 == vsCommandStatusSupported+vsCommandStatusEnabled                 CommandObj.AddControl(oVB.CommandBars.Item("Tools"))             Catch e As System.Exception                 MsgBox("OnConnection, Can't Add Command: " & e.Message)             End Try         End If     End Sub     "' Exec -- This is the add-in wizard's template function     " Here we have placed the WinForms Automation Demo Code     Public Sub Exec(ByVal cmdName As String, _                      ByVal executeOption As vsCommandExecOption, _                      ByRef varIn As Object, _                      ByRef varOut As Object, _                      ByRef handled As Boolean) _                      Implements IDTCommandTarget.Exec         handled = False         " WinForms Automation Demo Code         Dim s As String         If (executeOption =                vsCommandExecOption.             vsCommandExecOptionDoDefault) Then         If cmdName = "WinFormsAutomation.Connect.WinFormsAutomation" Then             ' if the creation of the project fails, it probably             ' means that you have run this test before and you             ' merely need to delete the WinFormPrj from wherever             ' your default projects are stored...             MsgBox("A windows project with one form is about to be created.")             Try                 " Winforms automation sample code starts here...                 " Create a Windows Forms project and give the                 " designer focus                 " uncomment the next line and comment the 2nd line                 " down to create                 ' a VC# project instead of a VB project                 'Dim templatePath As String = _                 ' oVB.Solution.TemplatePath                 ("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") & _                 '     "CSharpEXE.vsz"                 Dim templatePath As String = _                     oVB.Solution.TemplatePath                      ("{F184B08F-C81C-45f6-A57F-                     5ABD9991F28F}" ) & _                     "WindowsApplication.vsz"                 Dim targetDir As String = _                     CStr(oVB.Properties("Environment", _                     "ProjectsAndSolution")                      .Item("ProjectsLocation").Value) & _                     "\WinFormPrj"                 oVB.Solution.AddFromTemplate(templatePath, _                     targetDir, "WinFormPrj")             Catch e As System.Exception                 MsgBox("You probably need to delete WinFormPrj")                 Exit Sub             End Try             MsgBox("The Windows Application Project " & _                     has been added to the IDE.")             oVB.Windows.Item("Form1.vb [Design]").Activate()                 " uncomment the next line and comment                 " the previous line                 " to work with a VC# form instead of vb                 'oVB.Windows.Item("Form1.cs [Design]").Activate()                 "  Get IDesignerHost, the root of the forms                 " designer object model                 Dim fdHost As IDesignerHost                 fdHost = CType(oVB.ActiveWindow.Object, IDesignerHost)                 "  Add two buttons, enumerate and print components.                 Dim btn1 As IComponent                 s = fdHost.RootComponent.Site.Name                 btn1 = fdHost.CreateComponent(fdHost.GetType                      ("System.Windows.Forms.Button,                       System.Windows.Forms"))                 Dim btn2 As IComponent                 btn2 = fdHost.CreateComponent(fdHost.GetType                      ("System.Windows.Forms.Button,                       System.Windows.Forms"))                 Dim parent As PropertyDescriptor =                          TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(btn1)("Parent")                         parent.SetValue(btn1, fdHost.RootComponent)                 parent.SetValue(btn2, fdHost.RootComponent)                 ListComponents("form with two buttons...", _                         fdHost.Container.Components)                 "  Get the properties of the remaining component,                 " then print their names                 Dim pdc As PropertyDescriptorCollection                 pdc = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(btn1)                 ListProperties(pdc)                 "  Get and set the value of the size property,                 " showing values                 "  before and after.                 Dim pd As PropertyDescriptor                 pd = pdc("Size")                 MsgBox("Default Button size = " & _                     pd.GetValue(btn1).ToString())                 ' resize the button                 Dim sz As System.Drawing.Size                 sz = New Size(100, 60)                 pd.SetValue(btn1, sz)                 MsgBox("custom Button size = " & _                         pd.GetValue(btn1).ToString())                 "  reposition the button                 Try                     pd = pdc("Location")                     Dim loc As System.Drawing.Point                     loc = New Point(30, 30)                     pd.SetValue(btn1, loc)                     MsgBox("New button location = " & _                             pd.GetValue(btn1).ToString())                 Catch e As System.Exception                     MsgBox(e.Message)                 End Try                 "  add text property                 Dim s2 As String                 s = "&Test Button"                 pd = pdc("Text")                 s2 = pd.GetValue(btn1).ToString()                 pd.SetValue(btn1, s)                 MsgBox("Default Text = " & s2 & Chr(10) & _                         "New Text = " & pd.GetValue(btn1).ToString())                 "  change Name property                 s = "txtTestButton"                 pd = pdc("Name")                 s2 = pd.GetValue(btn1).ToString()                 pd.SetValue(btn1, s)                 MsgBox("Default Name = " & s2 & Chr(10) & _                         "New Name = " & pd.GetValue(btn1).ToString())                 "  Then remove one of the components, enumerate                 " and print again.                 dfHost.DestroyComponent(btn2)                 ListComponents("form after removing one button...",                      fdHost.Container.Components)                 "  Select a component on a form                 MsgBox("Selecting button component...")                 Dim sel As ISelectionService                 sel = CType(fdHost.GetService(Type.GetType                        ("System.ComponentModel.Design.                        ISelectionService,System")), _                       System.ComponentModel.Design.ISelectionService)                 sel.SetSelectedComponents(New Object() {btn1})                 ' get the count of selected components                 Dim i As Integer = sel.SelectionCount                 MsgBox("Selected Component Count = " & CStr(i))                 ' loop through the selected component collection                 ' listing properties                 Dim ic As IComponent                 Dim c As Component                 For Each c In sel.GetSelectedComponents                     ic = CType(c, IComponent)                     pdc = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(ic)                     pd = pdc("Text")                     s = pd.GetValue(ic).ToString                     pd = pdc("Name")                     s2 = pd.GetValue(ic).ToString                     MsgBox("Component Text = " & s & Chr(10) & _                             "Component Name = " & s2)                 Next                 Try                     'Access designer properties                     MsgBox("Accessing designer grid size...")                     Dim opt As IDesignerOptionService                     opt = CType(fdHost.GetService(Type.GetType                          ("System.ComponentModel.Design.                          IDesignerOptionService,System")), _                             System.ComponentModel.Design.                              IDesignerOptionService)                     Dim siz As Size = CType(opt.GetOptionValue                          ("WindowsFormsDesigner\General", "GridSize"), _                             Size)                     MsgBox(siz.ToString())                 Catch e As System.Exception                     MsgBox("failed accessing designer props")                     MsgBox(e.tostring())                 End Try                 'Assign event handler to btn1 click                 Try                     Dim click As EventDescriptor                     click = TypeDescriptor.GetEvents(btn1)("Click")                     Dim eventSvc As IEventBindingService                     eventSvc = CType(fdHost.GetService                          (Type.GetType("System.ComponentModel.Design.                          IEventBindingService,System")),                          System.ComponentModel.Design.                          IEventBindingService)                     Dim clickProp As PropertyDescriptor                     clickProp = eventSvc.GetEventProperty(click)                     clickProp.SetValue(btn1, "btnTestButton_OnClick")                 Catch e As System.Exception                     MsgBox("assign event handler")                     MsgBox(e.tostring)                 End Try                 ' Link event to component                 Try                     Dim addSvc As IComponentChangeService                     addSvc = CType(fdHost.GetService(Type.GetType                      ("System.ComponentModel.Design.                      IComponentChangeService,System")),                      System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService)                 Catch e As System.Exception                     MsgBox("hooking comp event")                     MsgBox(e.tostring)                 End Try                 'Create a menu on the form                 Try                     Dim mainMenuComp As IComponent =                          fdHost.CreateComponent(Type.GetType                          ("System.Windows.Forms.MainMenu,                          System.Windows.Forms"),                          "mainMenu1")                     Dim fileMenuItemComp As IComponent = _                     fdHost.CreateComponent(Type.GetType                          ("System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem,                          System.Windows.Forms"),                          "fileMenuItem")                     Dim menuItem2Comp As IComponent =                          fdHost.CreateComponent(Type.GetType                          ("System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem,                          System.Windows.Forms"),                          "mainItem2")                     Dim menuItem3Comp As IComponent =                          fdHost.CreateComponent(Type.GetType                          ("System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem,                          System.Windows.Forms"),                          "mainItem3")                     Dim menuItem4Comp As IComponent =                          fdHost.CreateComponent(Type.GetType                          ("System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem,                          System.Windows.Forms"),                          "mainItem4")                     Dim mainMenu1 As MainMenu = CType(mainMenuComp, _                         MainMenu)                     Dim fileMenuItem As MenuItem = _                         CType(fileMenuItemComp, MenuItem)                     Dim menuItem2 As MenuItem = CType(menuItem2Comp, _                         MenuItem)                     Dim menuItem3 As MenuItem = CType(menuItem3Comp, _                         MenuItem)                     Dim menuItem4 As MenuItem = CType(menuItem4Comp, _                         MenuItem)                     fileMenuItem.Text = "&File"                     menuItem2.Text = "&Edit"                     menuItem3.Text = "&Open"                     menuItem4.Text = "&Save"                     mainMenu1.MenuItems.Add(fileMenuItem)                     mainMenu1.MenuItems.Add(menuItem2)                     fileMenuItem.MenuItems.Add(menuItem3)                     fileMenuItem.MenuItems.Add(menuItem4)                 Catch e As System.Exception                     MsgBox("adding menu")                     MsgBox(e.tostring)                 End Try                 handled = True                 Exit Sub             End If         End If     End Sub     Public Sub QueryStatus(ByVal cmdName As String, _                              ByVal neededText As _                              vsCommandStatusTextWanted, _                              ByRef statusOption As vsCommandStatus, _                              ByRef commandText As Object) _                              Implements IDTCommandTarget.QueryStatus         If neededText = _             EnvDTE.vsCommandStatusTextWanted.              vsCommandStatusTextWantedNone _             Then             If cmdName = _                 "WinFormsAutomation.Connect.                  WinFormsAutomation" _                 Then                  statusOption = CType(vsCommandStatus.                      vsCommandStatusEnabled + _                     vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusSupported, _                     vsCommandStatus)             Else                 statusOption = _                     vsCommandStatus.vsCommandStatusUnsupported             End If         End If     End Sub     " '     " ' The following methods were not constructed by the     "' add-in wizard "' they provide utility functionality for this winforms     "' automation sample.     " '     Public Sub ListComponents(ByVal title As String, _                                 ByVal Components As _                                 ComponentCollection)         Dim comp As Component         Dim message As String         For Each comp In Components             message = message & _                     Microsoft.VisualBasic.Constants.vbCrLf + _                     comp.ToString()         Next         MsgBox(title & Microsoft.VisualBasic.Constants.vbCrLf & _                 message)     End Sub     Public Sub ListProperties(ByVal Properties As _                 PropertyDescriptorCollection)         Dim pd As PropertyDescriptor         Dim message As String = "First ten properties..." & _             Microsoft.VisualBasic.Constants.vbCrLf         Dim i As Integer         For i = 0 To 9             Try                 message = message & _                     Microsoft.VisualBasic.Constants.vbCrLf & _                     CType(Properties.Item(i).DisplayName, String) & _                     " = " & _                     Properties.Item(i).Attributes.ToString             Catch e As System.Exception                 MsgBox(e.Message)             End Try         Next         MsgBox(message)     End Sub End Class 
end example

In addition to the code added to the Exec method, I have added some additional namespaces, which are boldfaced under the Imports section.

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Writing Add-Ins for Visual Studio  .NET
Writing Add-Ins for Visual Studio .NET
ISBN: 1590590260
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 172
Authors: Les Smith © 2008-2017.
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