Chapter 3. Migrating From ASP to ASP.NET

I l @ ve RuBoard

Most of you reading this chapter are wondering at this point how this book is going to help you learn ASP.NET while at the same time assisting you in migrating your existing ASP applications to the new .NET framework. Yes, Microsoft has come out with yet another methodology that requires you to relearn what you have learned and redesign your existing applications (if you want to take advantage of this new architecture's features). In Chapter 2, "An Introduction to ASP.NET," you learned why you want to go through all of this pain and trouble; now we're going to go over what's necessary to actually do it. Although the rest of the book is dedicated to new techniques and applications of ASP.NET, this chapter is devoted to helping you make the transition from ASP and COM architected solutions to an ASP.NET and Web services architecture.

In this chapter you will learn

  • Where you can get ASP.NET and learn how to install it.

  • Some of the basic differences between Classic ASP and ASP.NET.

  • How to transform some common ASP tasks into their ASP.NET equivalents.

One of the important benefits of the .NET Framework is language independence. Similar to Java, all .NET languages are compiled into an intermediate language (IL) prior to their use by the Common Language Runtime (CLR) and ultimately the operating system. Although this intermediate language code is constant across platforms, the precompiled code can be in any language. At the time of publication, there is support for more than 20 languages, including Visual Basic, C++, C#, J#, JScript, and COBOL. For the purposes of this book, we will focus on the two languages which we expect will be most popular, C# (pronounced "see sharp") and VB.NET (VB7). C# is a new language that is very similar to C++, and has been under development for several years . In fact, the ASP.NET engine is written in C#, so you can be assured that it has a strong following in Redmond.


You can learn more about the languages that can be used to develop .NET applications at:

I l @ ve RuBoard

Asp. Net. By Example
ASP.NET by Example
ISBN: 0789725622
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 154 © 2008-2017.
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