tagged memory allocation, 44

target objects, 103, 114, 147, 314

deleting, 116, 120, 121

TARGETLIBS macro, 627, 632

TARGETNAME macro, 626, 631

targets, I/O, 57, 98, 147, 307–321

creation and management, 313–321

deleting, 116

UMDF file handle targets, 353–354

UMDF implementation, 310–313

USB targets, 99, 355–376

TARGETTYPE macro, 626, 631

teardown, hardware, 531

template for UMDF drivers, 16, 475–493

test cases for annotations, 813–815

test installations, 636, 655–656, 711–714

test systems for drivers, 668–669

testing annotations, 813–814

testing WDF drivers, 667–696. See also debugging

best practices, 694–696

DMA drivers, 578–581

tools for, 63, 669, 695–696. See also specific tool by name

32-bit UMDF drivers, 85

threads, 39–41, 508–511

best practices, 527

blocking, 46

interrupt request levels. See IRQLs (interrupt request levels)

interruption scenarios, 518–523

IRQLs specific to, 512–515

priorities for, IRQLs vs., 38

work items and driver threads, 523–527

time-out values for I/O requests, 338–339

time value conversions, 461

timer objects, 104, 114, 459–464

deleting, 116, 120

synchronization scope, 395–396

Tlist.exe utility, 19, 699

TMF files, 434, 727

TMH file, including, 424

Toaster sample driver, 17

tools for driver development, 15

tools for driver testing, 63, 669, 695–696. See also specific tool by name

trace buffers, 414

trace consumers, 414–415

trace controllers, 413

trace logs, viewing, 435–437

trace message prefix, 729

trace preprocessor (Windows), 669

trace providers, 413, 425–427

trace sessions, 414, 433–439

Trace Tree pane (SDV Defect Viewer), 844

Tracefmt utility, 433, 437–439

Tracelog utility, 433, 437–439

Tracepdb utility, 433

Tracerpt utility, 433

TraceView utility, 433, 435–437

TraceWPP utility, 433

tracing, 411–439, 699

basics of, 412–417

best practices, 439

how to support, 420–432

message functions and macros, 417–419

running a trace session, 433–439

tools for, 63, 432–433

viewing messages with WinDbg, 725–726

tracking handles, 689

tracking reference counts, 709–710

training on driver development, 22

transfer direction, 355

transfer length (DMA devices), 554

transfer types (I/O), 34–35, 228–231

translated resource lists, 532

troubleshooting. See debugging

__try statements, annotating functions in, 790

typedef declarations, annotations on, 756–758

Developing Drivers with the Microsoft Windows Driver Foundation
Developing Drivers with the Windows Driver Foundation (Pro Developer)
ISBN: 0735623740
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 224

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