System Requirements

Before beginning to use Apple Pro Training Series: Logic Pro 7 and Logic Express 7, you should have a working knowledge of your computer and its operating system. Make sure that you know how to use the mouse and standard menus and commands and also how to open, save, and close files. If you need to review these techniques, see the printed or online documentation included with your system.

Basic system requirements for Logic 7 include:

  • Macintosh computer with PowerPC G4 or faster processor (G5 or dual G4 processors recommended)

  • PowerPC G5 and Gigabit Ethernet connectivity for Logic Node applications

  • Mac OS X 10.3 or later

  • 512 MB of RAM

  • DVD drive for software installation

  • Low-latency multi-I/O audio hardware and MIDI interface recommended

  • 4 GB of available hard-disk space

    Apple Pro Training Series Logic Pro 7 and Logic Express 7
    Apple Pro Training Series: Logic Pro 7 and Logic Express 7
    ISBN: 032125614X
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 197
    Authors: Martin Sitter © 2008-2017.
    If you may any questions please contact us: