M and m decimal constant suffixes, 41

Main( ), 20–21, 110, 116, 195–197, 200

and command-line arguments, 195–197

MainMenu class, 837, 840, 841

MainMenuStrip property, 842

Managed code, 8–9, 533, 534

Manifest, assembly, 445

ManualResetEvent, 693–695

MarshalByRefObject class, 810

Math class, 38, 39, 40, 189, 564–569

methods, table of, 564567

Max( ), 565

MaxGeneration property, 613

MaxValue field, 570, 575, 577, 582, 583

Member(s), class, 12, 109–110

access and inheritance, 266–270

controlling access to, 110, 161–168

dot operator to access, 111, 119, 200

static, 200

MemberInfo class, 451–452, 453, 460, 473

MemberType property, 451–452

MemberTypes enumeration, 451–452

MemberwiseClone( ), 299, 615, 616, 618

Memory allocation

using new, 115

using stackalloc, 544–545

Memory management, 613–614

MemoryStream class, 363, 389–390

Menu class, 837

Menu property, 837, 838

Menu(s), Windows, 827, 830, 837–844

creating a new-style, 841–843

creating traditional, 837–841

MenuItem class, 837, 838, 841

MenuStrip class, 837, 841, 842

Message box, 834

Message property of Exception, 349–350

MessageBox class, 834

MessageBoxButtons enumeration, 834

Metadata, 8

type, 445

MetadataToken property, 451

Method property, 782, 791

Method(s), 12, 20, 116–126

abstract, 295–298, 305

anonymous, 402–406, 421–422

base to access hidden, using, 277, 278–279

calling, 119, 457–459

conditional, 479–480

and covariance and contravariance, 406–408

delegates and, 395–408

dispatch, dynamic, 287–288

dot operator (.) and, 111, 119

extern, 555

general form of, 116

generic. See Generic method(s)

group conversion, 398, 410, 663

and interfaces, 305–306, 307

operator, 209–210, 216–220

overloading, 185–190

overriding. See Overriding, method

and parameters. See Parameter(s)

passing objects (reference types) to, 169–172

private members accessed by public, 161, 167

recursive, 197–200, 352

reflection to obtain information about, using, 453–457

return type of, 121

returning arrays from, 183–185

returning from, 119–120

returning object from, 181–185

returning a value from, 120–122

returning more than one value from, 173, 174–177

scope defined by, 52–54

signature, 190

static, 200, 201–204

unreachable code and, 126

virtual, 284, 287–294, 529–530

MethodBase class, 453, 460

MethodImplAttribute, 684–686

MethodImplOptions.Synchronized attribute, 684

MethodInfo class, 453, 457, 460

MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes), 826

Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL), 8, 14, 445, 532

Min( ), 565–566

MinusOne field, 582

MinValue field, 570, 575, 577, 582, 583

Modifiers property, 368

Module property, 451

Modulus operator (%), 63–64

Monitor class, 679, 680

MoveNext( ), 737, 764, 765, 766, 769

MSIL (Microsoft Intermediate Language), 8, 14


delegates and, 400–402

and events, 410, 411–412

Multiply( ), 579

Multitasking, 659, 660

process-based, using, 704–705

thread-based vs. process-based, 659

Multithreaded programming, 553, 659–705

and deadlock, 684

synchronization and. See Synchronization

and threads. See Thread(s)

tips for effective, 703

Mutex, 686–690, 702

named, 690

MutexSecurity, 690

C# 2.0(c) The Complete Reference
C# 2.0: The Complete Reference (Complete Reference Series)
ISBN: 0072262095
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 300

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