Trimming Both Sides of an Edit

When you select both sides of an edit for trimming, be aware that you will be changing a few things at once. Depending on which direction you are trimming, moving earlier or later in time, you ultimately use a combination of two of the steps outlined for trimming one side of an edit. Using a two-sided trim allows you to combine these steps into one process and see the outcome right away.


When trimming both sides of an edit at the same time, you are adding a number of frames to one side of an edit while removing an equal number of frames from the other side. Therefore, trimming both sides of an edit at the same time does not change the overall duration of your sequence.

  • If you are trimming later in time (using a positive trim value), you are extending the length/duration of the outgoing shot (changing the last frame to a frame that occurred later in the clip) while reducing the duration of the incoming shot (changing the starting frame to a frame that occurred later in time).

  • If you are trimming earlier in time (using a negative trim value), you are decreasing the length/duration of the outgoing shot (changing the last frame to a frame that occurred earlier in the clip) while increasing the length of the incoming shot (changing the starting frame to a frame that occurred earlier in time).

Premiere 6. 5 Fundamentals
Premiere 6.5 Fundamentals
Year: 2006
Pages: 219 © 2008-2017.
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