Relisting Unsold Items


As you'll soon find out, not every item up for auction on eBay sells. In fact, the success rate is close to 50% ”which means that it's possible that half your auctions will end with no buyers . If you reach the end of an auction and you haven't received any bids ”or you haven't received high-enough bids in a reserve auction ”you can easily relist the item in a follow-up auction. In fact, you can relist items with no additional insertion fee, if the following conditions are met:

  • You didn't receive any bids on a regular (no-reserve) auction.

  • For a reserve price auction, you didn't receive any bids that met or exceeded your reserve price.

  • You are relisting an item within 30 days of the closing date of the first auction.

  • If you're relisting a reserve price auction, the new reserve price is the same or lower than the original reserve price.

eBay likes to have your repeat business, so it makes it easy to relist unsold items. All you have to do is go the item listing page for your completed auction and click the Re-list This Item link. As you proceed through the normal listing creation procedure, you'll see that all the information from your previous listing will already be entered, saving you the trouble of re-entering it. You can, however, make any changes you want for this new listing.

eBay won't charge you a listing fee for this item the second time, although you will be charged a final value fee if it sells. If your item doesn't sell the second time around, there's no third chance ”you'll have to create a completely new item listing, and all normal fees will apply.


You can't request user info for just any eBay member. You can only request user info for those users bidding in a current auction ”or for sellers of auctions in which you're currently bidding.

Absolute Beginner's Guide to Launching an eBay Business
Absolute Beginners Guide to Launching an eBay Business
ISBN: 0789730588
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 167 © 2008-2017.
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