

leadership styles, 83

lean thinking, and process improvement, 93


action, 53

adult, 54–55

blended, 65

continuous, 40–44

distance, 78–79

by doing, 158, 159, 166

double loop, 40–41

informal, 89

paradigms in, 130–131

vs. performance, xi

vs. training, xi

on the Web, 43–44

learning domains (Bloom), vs. Kirk-patrick's evaluation levels, 36

learning management systems, 43

learning objects, see also job aids; knowledge management

alternate terms for, 107

content vs. code, 102–103

definition of, 101

function of, 102

interoperable, 103

inverse law of, 106

six-step building process for, 104–106

10 percent solution strategy for, 106–107

learning organization, 109, see also organizational development

learning spectrum, 55

learning strategy, see also instructional systems design (ISD)

first deployment of, 111

three-step process of, 110

learning style

applications of, 112

Kolb's classification of, 112

modalities, 111–112

lessons learned, see also action learning

definition of, 113

four-step process for, 114

organizational obstacles, 114

levels, see evaluation levels (Kirkpatrick)

Lewin, Kurt

on action learning, 53

on humanistic management, 116, 117

on living systems, 40

on organizational development, 123, 128

on paradigm shift, 131

lifelong learning, 55, 151, 155, 162

Likert Scale, and Rensis Likert, 115

Lilienfeld, Robert, on organizational systems, 46

Lindeman, Eduard, on adult learning, 54, 56

living systems, 40, 41

Lovejoy, Arthur, on systems thinking, 44

The 30-Second Encyclopedia of Learning and Performance. A Trainer's Guide to Theory, Terminology, and Practice
The 30-Second Encyclopedia of Learning and Performance: A Trainers Guide to Theory, Terminology, and Practice
ISBN: 0814471781
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 110 © 2008-2017.
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