
Credit: Raymond Hettinger

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

Docs for my bottle of shampoo

The Iterator Protocol

After namespaces, iterators and generators emerged as the next "honking great ideas" in Python. Since their introduction in Python 2.2, they have come to pervade and unify the language. They encourage a loosely coupled programming style that is simple to write, easy to read, flexible, and extendable.

Simply put, the iterator protocol has two halves, a producer and a consumer. An iterable object says, "I know how to supply data one element at a time," and the consumer says "please give me data one element at a time and say Stop when you're done."

The producer/consumer connection can appear in a number of guises. The simplest is where a function or constructor wraps around an iterable object. For example, sorted(set('simsalabim')) has the set constructor looping over the elements of the iterable string and a sorted function wrapping around the resulting iterable set object. replaceable literal

In addition to functions and constructors, regular Python statements can use the in operator to loop over iterable objects. for line in myfile: print line loops over lines of an iterable file object. Likewise, if token in sequence loops over elements of a sequence until it finds a match (or until it reaches the end with no matches).

Both guises of the consumer side of the iterator protocol use the protocol implicitly. In addition, an explicit form is more flexible but used less often. The iterator object is saved as a variable, it = iter(mystring). Then, the iterator's next method is called to retrieve a data element, elem = ). Such calls are usually wrapped in try/except statements to catch the StopIteration exception that the iterator raises when the data stream is exhausted.

All of these approaches provide the full range of iterator benefits, including loose coupling and memory friendliness. The loose coupling is evident in the first example, where the independently created and maintained sorted function, set data type, and string objects were readily combined. The memory friendliness derives from the one-at-a-time structure of the iterator protocol. Programs using iterators are likely to be less resource intensive and more scalable than their list-based counterparts.

Iterators and Generators

An object that wants to be iterable should implement an _ _iter_ _ method, which returns an iterator object. Ideally, the iterator should be a distinct object from the iterable, to make it possible to have multiple iterators over the same iterable container. There are exceptions to this general recommendation: for example, a sequential file object does not readily lend itself to multiple iterations; therefore, it is more appropriate in this case to have the file object be its own iterator rather than return a separate iterator object; given any file instance f, indeed, iter(f) is f.

Any iterator object must implement a next method and an _ _iter_ _ method. The next method should raise StopIteration when the iteration is complete. Care should be taken that subsequent calls to next continue to raise StopIteration (once stopped, it stays stopped). The _ _iter_ _ method of an iterator object should always return the iterator itself (_ _iter_ _ is idempotent on iterators). This simplifies client code by allowing it to treat iterators and iterables the same way (i.e., both return an iterator in response to the iter function).

To be useful, most iterators have a stored state that enables them to return a new data element on each call. The previously described responsibilities and the need to have a stored state both suggest that classes are the way to create iterable objects. That approach is obvious, explicit, and rarely used (only two recipes in this chapter make any use of classes).

Instead of writing classes, two alternate approaches dominate. Starting with the observation that many functions and types both accept iterable inputs and return iterable outputs, an obvious approach is to link them together in a "pipes and filters" style to create new tools. For example, def uniq(seq): return sorted(set(seq)) is a way to create a new tool directly from existing functions and types. Like functional programming, the resulting code is terse, readable, trivial to debug, and often runs at the speed of compiled C code. The economy of this approach motivated the creation of an entire module of iterator building blocks, the itertools module. Indeed, many of the brilliant, effective recipes in this chapter make frequent use of itertools components.

If no combination of building blocks solves the problem, the next best approach is to write a generator. The Recipe 19.1 shows how trivially easy it is to write a generator. By introducing a yield keyword, the responsibilities of creating an iterator are handled automatically. The iterator objects obtained by calling a generator are distinct, save their state, have an idempotent _ _iter_ _ method, and have a next method that raises StopIteration when complete and stays stopped if called again afterwards. Python internally takes care of all of these details. Because of generators' compelling simplicity, most of the recipes in this chapter make use of generators.

Starting with version 2.4, Python continued its evolution toward using iterators everywhere by introducing generator expressions (genexps for short). Genexps can be likened to a memory-efficient, scalable form of list comprehensions. Simply by replacing brackets with parentheses, an expression will yield one element at a time rather than filling memory all at once. Used correctly (i.e., in a context where they are consumed immediately, one item at a time), genexps can offer remarkable clarity and economy: sum(x*x for x in xrange(10)) is a great way to express the sum of the squares of the first ten natural numbers.

Thinking Out of the Box

Paradoxically, the simpler and more general an idea, the more likely that people will find extraordinary and unexpected ways of using it. Here is a brief sampling of the ways that iterators and generators have been pushed to their outer limits.

Observing that the yield keyword has the unique capability of stopping execution, saving state, and later resuming, it is not surprising that techniques have been discovered for using generators to simulate co-routines and continuations. The core idea is to implement each routine as a generator and having a dispatch function launch the routines in orderly succession. Whenever a task switch is needed, the routines yield back to the dispatcher, which then launches or resumes the next routine by calling its next method. Small complications are involved for startup, termination, and data sharing, but they each are solvable without much ado and present fewer challenges than equivalent thread-based solutions. See Recipe 9.8 for an example.

Observing that some tools can be both producers and consumers, it is natural to want to stack them together like pipes and filters. While that analogy can lead to useful decoupling, be aware that underlying models are different. Iterators do not run independently from start to finish; instead, an outermost layer is always in control, requesting data elements one at a time, so that nothing runs until the outer layer starts making requests.

When stacking tools together (as in the first example with sorted, set, and a string), the code takes on the appearance of a functional programming language. The resemblance is not shallow: iterators do fulfill some of the promise of lazy languages. So, it is natural to borrow some of the most successful techniques from those languages, such as Haskell and SML.

One such technique is to write innermost iterators to yield infinite streams and concentrate the control logic in an outermost driver function. For instance, in numerical programming, write a generator that yields successively better approximations to a desired result and call it from a function that stops whenever two successive approximations fall within a tolerance value. Separating the control logic from the calculation decouples the two, making them easier to write, test, and debug, and makes them more reusable in other contexts.

Odds and Ends

Here are some instructive snippets. Consider each of them carefully, study how they work, and you'll be well on your way towards understanding how best to link iterators together to solve practical problems. Each of the following lines is independent from the "other"s:

result = dict(enumerate(myseq)) result = set(word for line in page for word in line.split( )) def dotproduct(v1, v2): return sum(itertools.imap(operator.mul, v1, v2)) def dotproduct(v1, v2): return sum(x*y for x,y in itertools.izip(v1, v2)) randgen = itertools.starmap(random.random, itertools.repeat(( ))) randgen = iter(random.random, -1.0)

The idea for restartable iterators surfaces every so often and then drowns in quicksand. sys.stdin is a plain example of an iterable that cannot logically be restarted unless an entire session is saved in memory. A craving for restartability should be taken as a cue that a list might well be a more appropriate data structure.

Just because iterators cannot be restarted doesn't mean they cannot be abandoned in mid-stream. The lazy, just-in-time style of production is a key feature of iterators. Take advantage of it. That's why the for statement supports a break keyword, after all.

The core itertools and their derivatives (see the recipes in the itertools docs that are part of the Python Library Reference) all run at nearly the speed of compiled code. When Python 2.4 introduced a native set data type, I timed it against the pure-Python version,, and learned that some of the set logic (intersection, union, etc.) achieved only a two to one increase in speed. The reason was that used itertools, and itertools performance was exceptional. So, when performance is an issue, consider an itertools solution before turning to more labor-intensive optimizations or native language extensions.

Python Cookbook
Python Cookbook
ISBN: 0596007973
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 420 © 2008-2017.
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