Rights Groups

Rights Groups

Rights groups are the mechanism used to control access of various types to different users within Content Management Server. Different types of rights groups correspond to different job functions. Authors need rights that control the pages they can create, editors need rights that control the pages they can approve, and moderators need rights that control the areas of the Web site for which they are responsible. Subscriber rights control the areas of the Web site to which they have access. Rights for template designers and resource managers are used to control their access to template and resource galleries, respectively. Administrators can step in to do any task, and they also have rights allowing them to create channels and to establish rights groups for others.

The different types of rights also correspond roughly to different types of containers, such as channels, folders, and galleries. For example, author and editor rights groups are used to control access to folders, moderator and subscriber rights groups are used to control access to channels, and template designer and resource manager rights groups are used to control access to template and resource galleries, respectively.

The first step is to create one or more rights groups for a particular role. Second, users are assigned to different rights groups. Third, rights groups are assigned to different containers. For a user to have the right to work in a particular container, acting in a particular role, they must belong to at least one of the rights groups for that role for that container.

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Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft. Net Server Solutions for the Enterprise
Microsoft .NET Server Solutions for the Enterprise
ISBN: 0735615691
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 483

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