Section 5.5. Stretching and Adjusting Fonts

5.5. Stretching and Adjusting Fonts

There are two font properties that appear in CSS2, but not in CSS2.1. They've been dropped from CSS2.1 because, despite being in the specification for years, no browser has bothered to implement either one. The first allows for the horizontal stretching of fonts, and the second allows for intelligent scaling of substituted fonts when the author's first choice is not available. First, let's look at stretching.



normal | wider | narrower | ultra-condensed | exTRa-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | exTRa-expanded | ultra-expanded | inherit

Initial value:


Applies to:

All elements



As you might expect from the value names, this property is used to make a font's characters fatter or skinnier. It behaves very much like the absolute-size keywords (e.g., xx-large) for the font-size property, with a range of absolute values and two values that let the author alter a font's stretching up or down. For example, an author might decide to stress the text in a strongly emphasized element by stretching the font characters to be wider than their parent element's font characters, as shown in Figure 5-21:

 strong {font-stretch: wider;} 

Figure 5-21. Stretching font characters

Figure 5-21 was altered using Photoshop, since web browsers do not support font-stretch as of this writing.

The similarly unimplemented process of adjusting font size is a little more complicated.



<number> | none | inherit

Initial value:


Applies to:

All elements



The goal of this property is to preserve legibility when the font used is not the author's first choice. Because of the differences in font appearance, one font may be legible at a certain size, while another font at the same size is difficult or impossible to read.

The factors that influence a font's legibility are its size and its x-height. The number that results from dividing the x-height by the font-size is referred to as the aspect value. Fonts with higher aspect values tend to be legible as the font's size is reduced; conversely, fonts with low aspect values become illegible more quickly.

A good example is to compare the common fonts Verdana and Times. Consider Figure 5-22 and the following markup, which shows both fonts at a font-size of 10px:

 p {font-size: 10px;} p.cl1 {font-family: Verdana, sans-serif;} p.cl2 {font-family: Times, serif; } 

Figure 5-22. Comparing Verdana and Times

The text in Times is much harder to read than the Verdana text. This is partly due to the limitations of pixel-based display, but it is also because Times simply becomes harder to read at smaller font sizes.

As it turns out, the ratio of x-height to character size in Verdana is 0.58, whereas in Times it is 0.46. What you can do in this case is declare the aspect value of Verdana, and the user agent will adjust the size of the text that's actually used. This is accomplished using the formula:

Declared font-size x (font-size-adjust value ÷ aspect value of available font) = Adjusted font-size

So, in a situation where Times is used instead of Verdana, the adjustment is as follows:

10px x (0.58 ÷ 0.46) = 12.6px

which leads to the result shown in Figure 5-23:

 p {font: 10px Verdana, sans-serif; font-size-adjust: 0.58;} p.cl1 {font-family: Times, serif; } 

Figure 5-23. Adjusting Times

Figure 5-23 was altered using Photoshop, since very few web browsers support font-size-adjust as of this writing.

Of course, to allow a user agent to intelligently make size adjustments, you have to know the aspect value of your first-choice font. There is no way in CSS2 to simply get the value from the font, and many fonts may not have the information available in the first place.

CSS(c) The Definitive Guide
CSS: The Definitive Guide
ISBN: 0596527330
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 130
Authors: Eric A. Meyer © 2008-2017.
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