Humes, James C. The Sir Winston Method: The Five Secrets of Speaking the Language of Leadership, New York: William Morrow and Company, 1991, p. 34.
Max Dixon is a sought-after speech coach who taught drama at the University of Seattle in Washington for 35 years. His e-mail address is and his Website is
Covey, Stephen. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. New York: Simon % Schuster, 1989.
Ann Bloch, Ann Bloch Communications, (413) 637–0958, e-mail You can order a tape of Ann's session titled: The Alfred Hitchcock Effect: Build Suspense into Every Story, available from Convention Cassettes Unlimited (see Resources for contact information).
Stevenson, Doug. Never Be Boring Again, Colorado Springs, Colo.: Cornelia Press, 2003, pp. 28–29.
Hoff, Ron. Do Not Go Naked Into Your Next Presentation. Kansas City, Mo.: Andrews McMeel Publishing, 1997, p 45.
If you have a great example of a prop and would like to share it, please send your ideas to us at or
Toastmasters Magazine, Mission Viejo, Calif.: Toastmasters International, March 1998.
Robertson, Jeanne. Don't Let the Funny Stuff Get Away. Houston, Tex.: Rich Publishing Company, 1998.
Ibid. pp. 15–16.
Wetlaufer, Susy. "Driving Change." Harvard Business Review (March/April, 1999). It can also be found in the book Interviews with CEO's. Boston: Harvard Business Review, 2000.