What s So Different about Security?

What's So Different about Security?

Software security is about making software behave in the presence of a malicious attack even though, in the real world, software failures usually happen spontaneouslythat is, without intentional mischief [Leveson 1995]. Not surprisingly, standard software testing literature is only concerned with what happens when software fails, regardless of intent. The difference between software safety and software security is therefore the presence of an intelligent adversary bent on breaking the system. Most safety-critical systems (and high-assurance systems) posit a white hat world. Fact is, we live in a world with plenty of black hats as well, and we need to address that (head on).

Security is always relative to the information and services being protected, the skills and resources of adversaries, and the costs of potential assurance remedies; security is an exercise in risk management. Risk analysis, especially at the design level, can help us identify potential design-level security problems and their impact (see Chapter 5). Once identified and ranked, software risks can then help guide software security testing. Using a risk management framework, such as the RMF described in Chapter 2, allows us to track risks over time and thereby construct more relevant and more potent tests.

A vulnerability is an error that an attacker can exploit. Many types of vulnerabilities exist, and computer security researchers have created taxonomies of them, one of the first being Carl Landwehr [Landwehr, Bull, and McDermott 1993]. Vulnerabilities arise from defects, which in turn fall into two broad categoriesimplementation-level bugs and design-level flaws.

Attackers generally don't care whether a vulnerability is due to a flaw or a bug, although bugs tend to be easier to exploit [Koziol et al. 2004]. Because attacks are now becoming more sophisticated, the notion of which vulnerabilities actually matter is changing. Although timing attacks, including the well-known race condition, were considered exotic just a few years ago, they're common now [Bishop and Dilger 1996]. Similarly, two-stage buffer overflow attacks using trampolines were once the domain of software scientists but now appear in zero-day exploits [Hoglund and McGraw 2004]. On the horizon are arc injection attacks and other sophisticated control flow hacks [Pincus and Baker 2004]. I present a taxonomy of software security coding errors in Chapter 12. Thinking carefully about this taxonomy while developing a security test plan is a good tactic.

Design-level vulnerabilities are the hardest defect category to handle, but they're also both prevalent and critical. Unfortunately, ascertaining whether a program has design-level vulnerabilities requires great expertise, which makes finding such flaws not only difficult but also particularly hard to automate. Even though finding flaws is a difficult undertaking, I cover it in some detail in Chapter 5.

Examples of design-level problems include error handling in object-oriented systems, object sharing and trust issues, unprotected data channels (both internal and external), incorrect or missing access control mechanisms, lack of auditing/logging or incorrect logging, and ordering and timing errors (especially in multithreaded systems). These sorts of flaws almost always lead to security risk.

Software Security. Building Security In
Software Security: Building Security In
ISBN: 0321356705
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 154
Authors: Gary McGraw

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