As business continues to expand its presence into the online world, web hacking will no doubt become an increasingly more visible and relevant threat to global commerce. Nevertheless, despite its cutting-edge allure, web hacking is based on many of the same techniques for penetrating the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of similar technologies that have gone before, and thus mitigating this risk can be achieved by adhering to some simple principles. As we saw in this chapter, one critical step is to ensure that your web platform (that is, the server) is secure by keeping up with patches and bestpractice configurations. We also saw the importance of validating all user input and outputassume it is evil from the start, and you will be miles ahead when a real attacker shows up at your door. Finally, we can't overemphasize the necessity to regularly audit your own web apps. The evolving nature of the field of web hacking demands ongoing diligence against the latest tools and techniques. There is no vendor service pack for custom code!

Hacking Exposed
Hacking Exposed 5th Edition
Year: 2003
Pages: 127 © 2008-2017.
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