call instructions, list of, 426

Call Stack window, 471–472


overview, 291

unmanaged callbacks, 621–622

calling methods, 425

CallingConvention, 613–614


arrays, 213

generic types, 256–257

IEnumerator interface, 278

inheritance, 125–130

reflection, 380

catch statements, 329–330

CCW. See COM Callable Wrappers (CCWs)

<![CDATA ]> elements, 168

CDATA syntax, 168

CDB. See Windows Console Debugger (CDB)

CER. See Constrained Execution Region (CER)

change tracking, 159


escape characters, 19–20

overview, 18

verbatim characters, 20–21

CharSet, 617

Class Designer, 145

class diagrams

association, 151

inheritance, 149

overview, 145–149

toolbox, 148–149

walkthrough, 151–154

class directives, 409–412

class hierarchies

association, 151

Class Designer, 145

class diagrams, 145–149, 151–154

Class View window, 144

Error List window, 156

inheritance, 149–151

Object Browser window, 144–145

overview, 143

Class View window, 144


abstract, 106

accessibility, 46

Activator, 378

Binder, 375

Console, 576

declaration syntax, 46

delegates, 297–298

Employee, 96

EventArgs, 321

Exception. See System.Exception

GC, 598

HandleCollector, 596–597

hierarchies. See class hierarchies

inheritance. See inheritance

member access syntax, 48

members, list of, 48

members overview, 48

modifiers, 46

nested. See nested classes

overview, 44, 45, 46–47

partial, 74–76

private nested, 317

refinement, 81

sealed, 107

SourceSwitch, 479, 480

static, 50

StringBuilder, 620–621

Summation, 643

System.Exception. See System.Exception

TraceListener, 482

TraceSource. See TraceSource

types. See types

WeakReference, 591

ClickOnce deployment

Manifest Generation and Editing (MageUI) tool, 183

manifests, 183

modes of deployment, 182

overview, 135, 182

Publish Wizard, 185–186

publishing applications, 185–186

Close method, 584

closed constructed types

overview, 243

static members, 260

this references, 246

CLR Debugger (DbgClr), 503

Code Editor

change tracking, 159

color formatting, 158

font formatting, 158

IntelliSense, 156–158

overview, 156

profiles, 160

source code formatting, 159

Surround With feature, 158

Code elements, 168

code expansion, 162

code samples. See sample C# programs

Code Snippet Schema Reference, 166

code snippets

<![CDATA ]> elements, 168

Code elements, 168

code expansion, 162

Code Snippet Schema Reference, 166

Code Snippets Manager, 165–166

CodeSnippets elements, 166

copying, 161

creating, 166–171

Declarations elements, 167

default snippets, 163–164

Header elements, 166

Imports elements, 167

inserting, 162–163

IntelliSense, 162

for keyword, 163

Literal elements, 167

Object elements, 167

overview, 160–161

pasting, 161

References elements, 167

Reflection namespace, 170

Snippet elements, 167

StringBuilder type, 168

Code Snippets Manager, 165–166

code stepping

Next Statement command, 462

overview, 461

step commands, 462

CodeSnippets elements, 166


ArrayList, 215–219

BitArray, 219–220

BitVector32, 232

boxing, 233

generics, 237, 266–267

Hashtable, 222–225

HybridDictionary, 232

metadata, 371

NameValueCollection, 232

OrderedDictionary, 232

overview, 186, 187, 214

Queue, 226–230

SortedList, 228–230

specialized, 232–233

Stack, 231–232

StringCollection, 232

StringDictionary, 232

types, 215

colon punctuators, 9

colors, formatting, 158

COM Callable Wrappers (CCWs)

accessing managed code through, 345

unsafe code, 602

COM interoperability exceptions

COM Callable Wrappers (CCWs), 345

COM exceptions, 341–343

generating COM exceptions, 343–345

IErrorInfo to COMException mapping, 342

overview, 341

Combine method, 302

COMException class, 342

comma punctuators, 9


block (/* and */), 10

delimited (/* and */), 10

delimited documentation tags, 12–13

documentation (///), 10–12

feedback or questions, xxiv

multiline (/* and */), 10

overview, 10

single-line (//), 10

single-line documentation (///), 10–12

common exception model, 327

Common Language Runtime (CLR)

exception handling, 325

MSIL programming, 401

Common Language Specification (CLS), 631

Community menu, 137

companion Web site, xxiv

comparative branching instructions, 424

compare instructions, 423

complex iterations, 290

composition, 83–87

compound operators

list of, 22–23

overview, 22

concurrent garbage collection

overview, 559

Workstation GC, 560

condition command, 456

conditional preprocessor directives, 14

configuration files, 488–489

Configuration Manager, 442–443

consistency, 92

Console class, 576

constants, 52

Constrained Execution Region (CER)

overview, 592–593

safe handles, 593–594

Web site, 593


constructors, 255

default constructor, 255

derivation, 248–252

integer, 251

interface, 252–253

list of, 247

overview, 246–247

recursive, 250

reference type, 254

restrictions, 252

value type, 254

value types, 251

constructed types, 243


accessibility, 63

constraints, 255

default, 255

delegates, 298

EventTypeFilter, 484

finalizers, 575–576

generics, 238

instance, 393

overloading, 64

overview, 63, 108

private, 63

sheet generic type, 241

singletons, 67

SourceFilter, 484

SourceSwitch, 480

static, 66

syntax, 63, 109

System.Exception, 336

this references, 110

containment, 83

contravariance, 299–300

conversion operations, 430

conversion operator overloading

operator string operator, 641–642

overview, 639–641

sample code, 640–641

summation notation, 642–645

CorDbg. See Managed Debugger (MDbg)

core language features

blocks, 16

characters, 18

comments, 10

escape characters, 19–20

generic types, 17

keywords, 25–29

line terminators, 9

nullable types, 18

numeric suffixes, 18–19

operators, 21–24

overview, 7

preprocessor directives, 13–16

primitives, 29

punctuators, 8–9

symbols and tokens overview, 7

tabs, 8

Unicode characters, 18

verbatim characters, 20–21

white space, 8

counters, list of, 538–539


arrays, 213

delegates, 299–300

CreateDelegate method, 381

cross-language inheritance, 89

Programming Microsoft Visual C# 2005(c) The Language
Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 BASICS
ISBN: 0619267208
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 161

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