4.3 Summing Numbers in a Random Order


Java Number Cruncher: The Java Programmer's Guide to Numerical Computing
By Ronald  Mak

Table of Contents
Chapter  4.   Summing Lists of Numbers

Before we leave our fraction summation problem, we should ask ourselves another question. What if the addends were not sorted but, instead, were in random order? How would the summation algorithms fare?

Program 4-6 performs the summation for denominator s 10,000,000. See Listing 4-6. It puts the counting numbers into an array, which it then scrambles. It does a simple straight summation of the fractions in the random order; then, as in our previous programs, at the end of each equal- sized group, it prints the current value of the running sum and the percentage of exponent differences greater than 24 within the group . Finally, the program sums the fractions again using Kahan's Summation Algorithm on the same randomized ordering.

Listing 4-6 Fraction sums for n = 10,000,000 in a random order, with simple straight summation and the Kahan Summation Algorithm.
 package numbercruncher.program4_6; import java.util.Random; import numbercruncher.mathutils.KahanSummation; import numbercruncher.mathutils.AlignRight; /**  * PROGRAM 4-6: Fraction Sum 10M with Randomized Order  *  * Compute the sum 1/d + 2/d + 3/d + ... + n/d = d/d  * where:  *     n = 10,000,000  *     d = 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n = (n/2)(n + 1)  *  * Randomize the order of the fractions, and then compute their  * sum by simple straight summation and by Kahan's Summation Algorithm.  */ public class FractionSum10MRandom {     private static final int GROUPS = 20;     private static final int MAX    = 10000000;     // 10M     public static void main(String args[])     {         int    counting[] = new int[MAX + 1];  // array of counting #s         Random random     = new Random(0);     // random # generator         AlignRight ar = new AlignRight();         // Initialize the array of counting numbers.         for (int i = 1; i <= MAX; ++i) counting[i] = i;         // Randomize the array.         for (int i = 0; i < (MAX/2); ++i) {             int j = random.nextInt(MAX) + 1;             int k = random.nextInt(MAX) + 1;             // Exchange random elements.             int temp    = counting[j];             counting[j] = counting[k];             counting[k] = temp;         }         System.out.println("STRAIGHT SUMMATION:\n");         ar.print("i", 9); ar.print("Running sum", 16);         ar.print("% ExpDiff>24", 16);         ar.underline();         float sum   = 0;         float denom = (0.5f*MAX)*(MAX + 1);         int gSize   = MAX/GROUPS;   // group size         int gEnd    = gSize;        // index of group end         int exceeds = 0;            // # of exponent diff > 24         // Sum the fractions using simple straight summation.         for (int i = 1; i <= MAX; ++i) {             float fraction = counting[i]/denom;             sum += fraction;             int expSum      = Float.floatToIntBits(sum)      >> 23;             int expFraction = Float.floatToIntBits(fraction) >> 23;             int diff        = Math.abs(expSum - expFraction);             if ((sum > 0) && (diff > 24)) ++exceeds;             // Subtotal and printout at the end of each group.             if (i == gEnd) {                 ar.print(i, 9); ar.print(sum, 16);                 ar.print((100*exceeds)/gSize, 16);                 ar.println();                 exceeds = 0;                 gEnd += gSize;             }         }         System.out.println("\nStraight summation % error = " +                            100*Math.abs(sum - 1));         System.out.println("\nKAHAN SUMMATION ALGORITHM:\n");         ar.print("i", 9); ar.print("Running sum", 16);         ar.print("% ExpDiff>24", 16);         ar.underline();         KahanSummation kSum = new KahanSummation();         exceeds = 0;         gEnd    = gSize;         // Sum the corrected fractions using         // the Kahan Summation Algorithm.         for (int i = 1; i <= MAX; ++i) {             float fraction = counting[i]/denom;             int expSum = Float.floatToIntBits(kSum.value()) >> 23;             kSum.add(fraction);             int expFraction = Float.floatToIntBits(                                     kSum.correctedAddend()) >> 23;             int diff        = Math.abs(expSum - expFraction);             if ((i > 1) && (diff > 24))                 ++exceeds;             // Printout at the start of each group.             if (i == gEnd) {                 ar.print(i, 9); ar.print(kSum.value(), 16);                 ar.print((100*exceeds)/gSize, 16);                 ar.println();                 exceeds = 0;                 gEnd += gSize;             }         }         System.out.println("\nKahan summation % error = " +                            100*Math.abs(kSum.value() - 1));     } } 


 STRAIGHT SUMMATION:         i     Running sum    % ExpDiff>24 -----------------------------------------    500000      0.03253527               0   1000000      0.06698631               0   1500000      0.10321888               1   2000000      0.14138556               1   2500000      0.18116862               2   3000000      0.22312914               2   3500000      0.26563966               3   4000000      0.31117648               4   4500000      0.35919634               4   5000000      0.40717205               4   5500000      0.45824587               4   6000000       0.5116293               5   6500000       0.5648118               9   7000000       0.6180561               9   7500000      0.67235166               9   8000000      0.73646766               9   8500000       0.8006135               9   9000000       0.8647307               9   9500000       0.9288819               9  10000000       0.9929972               9 Straight summation % error = 0.7002771 KAHAN SUMMATION ALGORITHM:         i     Running sum    % ExpDiff>24 -----------------------------------------    500000     0.032521274               0   1000000      0.06689266               0   1500000      0.10307682               1   2000000      0.14115047               1   2500000      0.18101728               2   3000000      0.22275041               2   3500000      0.26629776               3   4000000      0.31170923               4   4500000      0.35897893               4   5000000      0.40804166               4   5500000      0.45892397               4   6000000      0.51166385               5   6500000        0.566273               9   7000000       0.6227702               9   7500000      0.68106335               9   8000000      0.74115884               9   8500000       0.8031232               9   9000000      0.86690027               9   9500000       0.9325508               9  10000000             1.0               9 Kahan summation % error = 0.0 

If we compare the straight summation results with the output of Program 4-1 with denominator s 10,000,000 , we see that the random order had worse results an error of 0.70% vs. 0.27%. It's not hard to figure out why. When the fractions were sorted in ascending order, both the fractions and the running sum steadily increased in value (albeit not at the same rate). Therefore, at least in the beginning, the exponents of the fractions and of the running sum didn't differ by more than 24. But when the fractions were added in a random order, as the running sum grew, there was an increasing chance that the exponent difference between a fraction and the running sum was greater than 24. We can see that in the group percentages.

On the other hand, the Kahan Summation Algorithm worked well in this case even when the addends were unsorted.


Java Number Cruncher. The Java Programmer's Guide to Numerical Computing
Java Number Cruncher: The Java Programmers Guide to Numerical Computing
ISBN: 0130460419
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 141
Authors: Ronald Mak

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