

XML (Extensible Markup Language), support, 8, 10, 12–13

XML integration with ADO.NET, 233–286

code listings

Adding Node with Attributes, 260

Adding Nodes to Document, 256

Appending in XML Document Fragment, 254

GetAttribute of a Node, Using, 243–244

Getting Node Information, 240–241

Getting Root Node of Document, 256

Getting XML Node Information, 240

Inserting XML Fragment into Document, 259

MoveToContent Method, Using, 243

Moving to Root and First Child Nodes Using XPathNavigator, 274–275

Output of XmlWriterSample.vb Class, 249–250

Reading an XML file, 239

RemoveAll for books.xml, Calling, 258

Removing All Items of a Node, 257

ReplaceChild, Calling, 258

Saving DataSet Data to XML Document, 271–272

Skip Method, Using, 244

WriteXml method Output, 266

WriteXml method, Using, 265–266

WriteXmlSchema Method, Using, 267

XML Schema Generated for Database Table, 284–285

XmlConvert Class, Using, 251

XmlDataDocumentSample.vb, 270

XmlDocumentFragment Sample, 254

XmlWriter Example, 248–249

XmlWriterSample.vb Class, Output of, 249–250

XPathIterator and Select, 276–277

XPathNavigator, Reading Document Using, 275–276

XSL Transformation, 262

DOM (Document Object Model) implementation, 251–260

adding attributes to nodes, 259–260

fragments, inserting into XML document, 259

saving documents, 253

XmlDocument class, 252–253

XmlDocumentFragment class, 253–254

XmlElement class, 254–259

XmlNode class, 252

navigating in XML, 272–277

searching using XPathNavigator, 276–277

XPathNavigator class, 273

XPathNavigator move methods, 274–276

.Net Framework and XML, 233–238

document classes, 234

DOM interfaces, 237

reader and writer classes, 234

System.Xml namespace, 234–235

System.Xml namespace reference, adding, 238

System.Xml.Schema namespace, 235

System.Xml.Serialization namespace, 236

System.Xml.XPath namespace, 236

System.Xml.Xsl namespace, 236

XML .NET architecture, 237–238

XmlConvert class, 235, 251

reading XML, 238–246

closing document, 245–246

fundamentals, 238–239

GetAttributes of a node, 243–244

getting node information, 239–242

moving to content node, 242–243

searching for node, 244

Transformation and XSLT, 260–262

example, 261–262

Transform method, 261

XML and ADO.NET, using together, 262–272

displaying XML data in DataSet format, 270

reading XML using DataSet, 262–264

saving data from DataSet to XML, 271–272

writing XML using DataSet, 264–267

XmlDataDocument and DataSet objects, 272

XmlDataDocument and XML, 267–269

XML schemas, 277–286

adding schema from database objects, 283–285

generating new schemas, 277–283

generating typed DataSet from a schema, 285–286

XmlConvert class, 235, 251

XmlWriter classes, 246–250

Close method, 250

properties, setting, 247

writing XML items, 247–248

XmlWriter applied, 248–250

XML Web services, 517–535

building and testing, 521–524

code listings

Button-Click Event Handler for Calling Order Retrieval Web Service, 528–529

Client Event Handler For Executing Web Service, 533

ExecuteQuery Method, 534

GetOrdersFromDatabase Method, 521

Populating an Order in a Database, Web Service Method for, 530–531

WebService and WebMethod Attributes, Adding Descriptions to, 522–524

components of, 517–518

.NET Framework Library and, 518

VS .NET, creating in, 518–521

Web service consumer, creating, 524–534

adding data to database, 529–533

adding functionality, 534


Event Handling Example (code listing), 227–228

events, 226–229

XmlNode class, 234, 252

XmlNodeChangingEventHandler method, 227

XmlNodeType enumeration members, 242


class properties and methods, 245–246

classes, 238–239

retrieving data with, 775–776

XmlReadMode members, 263

XmlWriteMode members, 265

XmlWriter classes, 246–250

Xpath classes, 236, 238


move methods, 274–276

searching with, 276–277

using, 273

XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language), 260–261

XSLT and Transformation, 236, 260–262

Applied ADO. NET(c) Building Data-Driven Solutions
Applied ADO.NET: Building Data-Driven Solutions
ISBN: 1590590732
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 214 © 2008-2017.
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