

cable Internet connections, 174, 179. See also broadband Internet connections


crossover, 431–432, 836

Ethernet, 430–431

UTP, 430–431, 852


applications, 712

disk, 837

Safari, 199

Caches folder, 712

Calculator application, 143, 604–605

calendar. See iCal application

cameras. See iMovie application; iSight video camera; photos

Cancel button, 35

capitalization in search requests, 241


definition of, 6, 140

services not available with, 312

Carbon Copy Cloner software, 699–700

Cardbus. See PCMCIA

cards, digital. See iCards service

caret (^) in regular expressions, 766

case-preserving format, 9

case-sensitive, 835

case-sensitive format, 9

Cat command, Unix, 770

cd command, Unix, 764

CDs. See also disks

backing up files to, 586, 589

bootable, CD, 699

burning, 92–94, 708–709, 834

burning disk images to, 631

installation CDs, 11–12

playing audio CDs, 664–667

preferences for, 358–359

preventing users from burning, 421

recording audio CDs, 669–670

CDs & DVDs preferences pane, 358–359

Central Processing Unit (CPU), 617, 619

centralized file sharing, 300–301

CFM Support folder, 712

Channels window, Sherlock, 236–239

character palettes, 343–345, 385

characters. See also character palettes; fonts; regular expressions; wildcards

definition of, 324, 835

for directories in Unix, 760–761

in file names, 81–82, 548

in Help Viewer searching, 259

in short name for user account, 16, 416

chat. See iChatAV service

checkboxes, 36, 835

checkmark next to menu item, 30

Chess application, 143, 605–606

chflags command, Unix, 765

Chinese Text Converter utility, 620

chmod command, Unix, 698–699, 772

choose file statement, AppleScript, 740

choose folder statement, AppleScript, 745–746

chown command, Unix, 772–773

CIFS (Common Internet File System), 281

CinePaint (filmGimp), 794–795


green, in windows, 34

icon in iChat, 568

next to menu item, 30

red, in windows, 33

yellow, in windows, 33

Clarus. See DogCow


Appearance control panel, 502–504

Apple events not received by, 730

Apple Menu Options control panel, 504

AppleScripts, running, 752

application icons for, 40

applications crashing in, 499

applications starting up automatically, 522

control panels, accessing, 500–501, 836

control panels, replaced by Mac OS X, 501–502

cooperative multitasking, 5, 7, 836

Date & Time control panel, 508

definition of, 7–8, 140, 491–492

Desktop database, 837

desktop for, rebuilding, 496, 499

Dock, application icons in, 509

effect on running Mac OS X applications, 8

Extensions Manager control panel, 505–508, 521, 522

font suitcase in, 840

fonts and, 351–352, 509–511

Fonts folder in, 840

General Controls control panel, 504

hardware, peripherals, support for, 493

hardware requirements, 8

Keyboard control panel, 502

limitations of, 492–493

memory used by applications running in, 496

multitasking and, 492

preferences, separating for each user, 494

printing from, 511–520

scripting additions for, 732

sleep mode for, 496

Software Update control panel, 502, 508–509

speech recognition not supported, 393

starting, 493, 494, 497–498, 499

status of, displaying in menu bar, 493

stopping, 493, 498

Text control panel, 508

theme, 851

versions of applications running in, 496

window appearance, 502–504

window controls in, 499–500

Classic preferences pane, 493–496

clean installation, 835

Clean Up command, View menu, 58, 63

CLI (command-line interface), 758–759, 836

click-and-a-half, 835

click-through, 835

client, 835

client-server protocol, 281

Clipboard, 80, 156–157

clipping files, 158, 835

clock. See also time

configuring, 361–362

viewing, 28

Clock menu, 28

Clock panel, Date & Time preferences pane, 361–362

close box, Classic, 499

close button, 33

closed network, 835

CNET software library Web site, 694

Cocktail software, 700


definition of, 6, 140, 835

Resources folder, 142

services available with, 312

codec (compressor-decompressor), 835

CodeTek Virtual Desktop software, 700, 758

collapse box, Classic, 500

collated, 835

Collections sidebar, Sherlock, 236–237

colon (:) in names, 81

color depth, 363–364, 365, 835

color meter, determining color under pointer, 625

Color panel, Display preferences pane, 366–369

Color picker, 111–112, 835

color profile, setting, 367–369

colored labels. See labels

ColorPickers folder, 714

ColorSync control panel, 501

ColorSync folder, 712

ColorSync Utility, 144, 623–624

column view, Finder, 67–69, 73, 130

comma (,) in search requests, 240

Command key, symbol for, 30

command-line help, 260

command-line interface (CLI), 758–759, 836

comments, 777, 836

Comments area, Get Info window, 84

Common Internet File System. See CIFS

Common UNIX Printing System. See CUPS

communications layer of network, 434–441

compile, 836

compiler, 781

Compress command, Unix, 776


algorithm, 836

lossless, 843

ratio, 836

software for, 707

compressor-decompressor. See codec

computer-to-computer network, 462–463

conditional, 745, 836

Connect to Server submenu, Go menu, 57, 282–284, 302

Connect tool, toolbar, 125

Connect Using PPPoE screen, Setup Assistant, 174–175

Console application, 820

console log viewer, 701

Console utility, 144, 624

Content Index area, Get Info window, 227

Contextual Menu Items folder, 712

contextual menus, 29–30, 76, 836

Control key, symbol for, 30

control panels in Classic

accessing, 500–501

Appearance, 502–504

Apple Menu Options, 504

Date & Time, 508

definition of, 836

Extensions Manager, 505–508, 521, 522

General Controls, 504

Keyboard, 502

list of, replaced by Mac OS X, 501–502

Software Update, 502, 508–509

Text, 508

Control Strip control panel, 501

Control-clicking, accessing contextual menus, 29

cookies, used by Sherlock, 249–250

cooperative multitasking, 5, 7, 836

Copy command, Edit menu, 78, 80, 156

copy statement, AppleScript, 743

core technologies of Mac OS X, 4–8

corner of screen, menu options at. See Hot Corners

cp command, Unix, 767

CPU (Central Processing Unit), 617, 619

crack, 836

crash, recovering from, 52

Create Archive command, File menu, 79

Create New Folder, File menu, 85

Create Your Account screen, Setup Assistant, 16

cron command, Unix, 700

Cronnix software, 700

crop markers, 685, 836

crossover cable, 431–432, 836

csh shell, 760

CUPS (Common UNIX Printing System), 265, 279

current directory, 764

Custom Install option, Installation Types screen, 13

custom installation, 14, 830, 836

Customize tool, toolbar, 125

Customize Toolbar command, View menu, 58, 122

Cut command, Edit menu, 80, 156. See also editing

Cut command, Unix, 776

Mac OS X Bible, Panther Edition
Mac OS X Bible, Panther Edition
ISBN: 0764543997
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 290 © 2008-2017.
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