13.11 complex


13.11 <complex>

The <complex> header declares the complex class template and specializations for the float , double , and long double types. It also declares mathematical functions that work with complex values.

abs function template Computes absolute value

 template<typename T> T  abs  (const complex<T>& z) 

The abs function returns the absolute value (or magnitude) of z .

See Also

polar function template, abs function in <cmath>

arg function template Computes argument (angle)

 template<typename T> T  arg  (const complex<T>& z) 

The arg function returns the argument (angle in polar coordinates) of z .

See Also

polar function template

complex class template Complex number template

 template<typename T> class  complex  { public:   typedef T  value_type  ;  complex  (const T& re = T(  ), const T& im = T(  ));  complex  (const complex& z);   template<typename X>  complex  (const complex<X>& z);   T  real  (  ) const;   T  imag  (  ) const;   complex&  operator=  (const T& x);   complex&  operator+=  (const T& x);   complex&  operator-=  (const T& x);   complex&  operator*=  (const T& x);   complex&  operator/=  (const T& x);   complex&  operator=  (const complex& z);   template<typename X>     complex&  operator=  (const complex<X>& z);   template<typename X>     complex&  operator+=  (const complex<X>& z);   template<typename X>     complex&  operator-=  (const complex<X>& z);   template<typename X>     complex&  operator*=  (const complex<X>& z);   template<typename X>     complex&  operator/=  (const complex<X>& z); }; 

The complex class template represents a complex number. The <complex> header specializes the template for the float , double , and long double types. You can instantiate complex<> for any type that behaves in the manner of the fundamental numeric types.

The type definition is a straightforward representation of a complex number. Basic assignment operators are defined as member functions, and arithmetic operators are defined as global functions.

template<typename X> complex (const complex<X>& z)

Constructs a complex<T> object by copying the members from z . Effectively, this converts a complex object instantiated for one type to a complex object of another type.

T real ( ) const

Returns the real part of *this .

T imag ( ) const

Returns the imaginary part of *this .

complex& operator= (const T& x)

Assigns x to the real part of *this and to the imaginary part. Returns *this .

complex& operator+= (const T& x)

Adds x to the real part of *this , leaving the imaginary part alone. Returns *this .

complex& operator-= (const T& x)

Subtracts x from the real part of *this , leaving the imaginary part alone. Returns *this .

complex& operator*= (const T& x)

Multiplies the real and imaginary parts of *this by x . Returns *this .

complex& operator/= (const T& x)

Divides the real and imaginary parts of *this by x . Returns *this .

complex& operator= (const complex& z )

Assigns the real and imaginary parts of z to *this . Returns *this .

template<typename X> complex& operator= (const complex<X>& z)

Assigns the real and imaginary parts of z to *this . Returns *this . Note that z and *this can have different template parameter types.

template<typename X> complex& operator+= (const complex<X>& z)

Adds z to *this . Returns *this . Note that z and *this can have different template parameter types.

template<typename X> complex& operator-= (const complex<X>& z )

Subtracts z from *this . Returns *this . Note that z and *this can have different template parameter types.

template<typename X> complex& operator*=( const complex<X>& z)

Multiplies *this by z . Returns *this . Note that z and *this can have different template parameter types.

template<typename X> complex& operator/= (const complex<X>& z)

Divides *this by z . Returns *this . Note that z and *this can have different template parameter types.

complex<double> template specialization Double-precision complex number

 template<> class  complex<double>  { public:   typedef double  value_type  ;  complex  (double re = 0.0, double im = 0.0);  complex  (const complex<float>&);   explicit  complex  (const complex<long double>&);   double  real  (  ) const;   double  imag  (  ) const;   complex<double>&  operator=  (double);   complex<double>&  operator+=  (double);   complex<double>&  operator-=  (double);   complex<double>&  operator*=  (double);   complex<double>&  operator/=  (double);   complex<double>&  operator=  (const complex<double>&);   template<typename X>     complex<double>&  operator=  (const complex<X>&);   template<typename X>     complex<double>&  operator+=  (const complex<X>&);   template<typename X>     complex<double>&  operator-=  (const complex<X>&);   template<typename X>     complex<double>&  operator*=  (const complex<X>&);   template<typename X>     complex<double>&  operator/=  (const complex<X>&); }; 

The complex<double> class is a straightforward specialization of the complex class template. It changes the operators to pass double parameters by value instead of by reference, and it adds a new constructor:

explicit complex (const complex<long double>& z)

Constructs a complex number by copying from z . Note that you might lose precision or overflow, so the constructor is explicit .

complex<float> template specialization Single-precision complex number

 template<> class  complex<float>  { public:   typedef float  value_type  ;  complex  (float re = 0.0f, float im = 0.0f);   explicit  complex  (const complex<double>&);   explicit  complex  (const complex<long double>&);   float  real  (  ) const;   float  imag  (  ) const;   complex<float>&  operator=  (float);   complex<float>&  operator+=  (float);   complex<float>&  operator-=  (float);   complex<float>&  operator*=  (float);   complex<float>&  operator/=  (float);   complex<float>&  operator=  (const complex<float>&);   template<typename X>     complex<float>&  operator=  (const complex<X>&);   template<typename X>     complex<float>&  operator+=  (const complex<X>&);   template<typename X>     complex<float>&  operator-=  (const complex<X>&);   template<typename X>     complex<float>&  operator*=  (const complex<X>&);   template<typename X>     complex<float>&  operator/=  (const complex<X>&); }; 

The complex<float> class is a straightforward specialization of the complex class template. It changes the operators to pass float parameters by value instead of by reference, and it adds two new constructors:

explicit complex (const complex<double>& z)
explicit complex (const complex<long double>& z)

Constructs a complex number by copying from z . Note that you might lose precision or overflow, so the constructors are explicit .

complex<long double> template specialization Extended-precision complex number

 template<> class  complex<long double>  { public:   typedef long double  value_type  ;  complex  (long double re = 0.0L, long double im = 0.0L);  complex  (const complex<float>&);  complex  (const complex<double>&);   long double  real  (  ) const;   long double  imag  (  ) const;   complex<long double>&  operator=  (const complex<long double>&);   complex<long double>&  operator=  (long double);   complex<long double>&  operator+=  (long double);   complex<long double>&  operator-=  (long double);   complex<long double>&  operator*=  (long double);   complex<long double>&  operator/=  (long double);   template<typename X>     complex<long double>&  operator=  (const complex<X>&);   template<typename X>     complex<long double>&  operator+=  (const complex<X>&);   template<typename X>     complex<long double>&  operator-=  (const complex<X>&);   template<typename X>     complex<long double>&  operator*=  (const complex<X>&);   template<typename X>     complex<long double>&  operator/=  (const complex<X>&); }; 

The complex<long double> class is a straightforward specialization of the complex class template. It changes the operators to pass long double parameters by value instead of by reference.

conj function template Computes conjugate

 template<typename T> complex<T>  conj  (const complex<T>& z) 

The conj function returns the complex conjugate of z .

cos function template Computes cosine

 template<typename T> complex<T>  cos  (const complex<T>& z) 

The cos function returns the complex cosine of z .

See Also

cos function in <cmath>

cosh function template Computes hyperbolic cosine

 template<typename T> complex<T>  cosh  (const complex<T>& z) 

The cosh function returns the complex hyperbolic cosine of z .

See Also

cosh function in <cmath>

exp function template Computes exponential

 template<typename T> complex<T>  exp  (const complex<T>& z) 

The exp function returns the exponential of z , that is, e z .

See Also

exp function in <cmath>

imag function template Returns imaginary part

 template<typename T> T  imag  (const complex<T>& z) 

The imag function returns the imaginary part of z , that is, z.imag( ) .

See Also

abs function in <cmath>

log function template Computes natural logarithm

 template<typename T> complex<T>  log  (const complex<T>& z) 

The log function returns the complex natural (base e ) logarithm of z . The branch cuts are along the negative real axis, which means the imaginary part of the result is in the range [- figs/u03c0.gif i , figs/u03c0.gif i ].

See Also

log function in <cmath>

log10 function template Computes common logarithm

 template<typename T> complex<T>  log10  (const complex<T>& z) 

The log10 function returns the complex common (base 10) logarithm of z . The branch cuts are along the negative real axis, which means the imaginary part of the result is in the range [- figs/u03c0.gif i , figs/u03c0.gif i ].

See Also

log10 function in <cmath>

norm function template Computes normalized value

 template<typename T> T  norm  (const complex<T>& z) 

The norm function returns the square of the absolute value of z .

See Also

abs function template

operator+ function template Persforms unary positive or addition

 template<typename T>   complex<T>  operator+  (const complex<T>& z);  template<typename T> complex<T>  operator+  (const complex<T>& x, const complex<T>& y); template<typename T> complex<T>  operator+  (const complex<T>& x, const T& y); template<typename T> complex<T>  operator+  (const T& x, const complex<T>& y); 

The unary positive operator returns z .

The binary addition operator returns the sum of its operands. If either operand is of type T , the argument is interpreted as the real part, with an imaginary part of T( ) or .

operator- function template Performs negation or subtraction

 template<typename T>   complex<T>  operator-  (const complex<T>&);     template<typename T>   complex<T>  operator-  (const complex<T>&, const complex<T>&); template<typename T>   complex<T>  operator-  (const complex<T>&, const T&); template<typename T>   complex<T>  operator-  (const T&, const complex<T>&); 

The unary negation operator returns -z .

The binary subtraction operator returns the difference of its operands. If either operand is of type T , the argument is interpreted as the real part, with an imaginary part of T( ) or .

operator* function template Performs multiplication

 template<typename T>   complex<T>  operator*  (const complex<T>&, const complex<T>&); template<typename T>   complex<T>  operator*  (const complex<T>&, const T&); template<typename T>   complex<T>  operator*  (const T&, const complex<T>&); 

The binary * operator performs complex multiplication. If either operand is of type T , the argument is interpreted as the real part, with an imaginary part of T( ) or .

operator/ function template Performs division

 template<typename T>   complex<T>  operator/  (const complex<T>&, const complex<T>&); template<typename T>   complex<T>  operator/  (const complex<T>&, const T&); template<typename T>   complex<T>  operator/  (const T&, const complex<T>&); 

The binary / operator performs complex division. If either operand is of type T , the argument is interpreted as the real part, with an imaginary part of T( ) or . Division by zero results in undefined behavior.

operator== function template Checks equality

 template<typename T>   bool  operator==  (const complex<T>&, const complex<T>&); template<typename T>   bool  operator==  (const complex<T>&, const T&); template<typename T>   bool  operator==  (const T&, const complex<T>&); 

The == operator returns true if the real and imaginary parts of both values are equal. If either operand is of type T , the argument is interpreted as the real part, with an imaginary part of T( ) or .

operator!= function template Checks inequality

 template<typename T>   bool  operator!=  (const complex<T>&, const complex<T>&); template<typename T>   bool  operator!=  (const complex<T>&, const T&); template<typename T>   bool  operator!=  (const T&, const complex<T>&); 

The != operator returns true if the real or imaginary parts are not equal. If either operand is of type T , the parameter is interpreted as the real part, with an imaginary part of T( ) or .

operator<< function template Writes a complex number

 template<typename T, typename charT, typename traits>   basic_ostream<charT, traits>&  operator<<  (basic_ostream<charT, traits>&,                                            const complex<T>& z); 

The << operator prints z to the output stream in the form (x, y) , in which x is the real part, and y is the imaginary part. Example 13-6 shows how z is formatted. If you want more control over the formatting, you must print the value yourself.


Example 13-6. Formatting a complex number
 template<class T, class charT, class traits> std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>& operator<<(std::basic_ostream<charT, traits>& o,            const std::complex<T>& x) {   std::basic_ostringstream<charT, traits> s;   s.flags(o.flags(  ));   s.imbue(o.getloc(  ));   s.precision(o.precision(  ));   s << "(" << x.real(  ) << "," << x.imag(  ) << ")";   return o << s.str(  ); } 
operator>> function template Reads a complex number

 template<typename T, typename charT, typename traits>   basic_istream<charT, traits>&  operator>>  (basic_istream<charT, traits>&,                                            complex<T>& z); 

The >> operator reads a complex number from an input stream into z . The input format can be any of the following:


The value x is the real part, and T( ) or is the imaginary part.


The value x is the real part, and T( ) or is the imaginary part.

(x, y)

The value x is the real part, and y is the imaginary part.

polar function template Converts to polar coordinates

 template<typename T> complex<T>  polar  (const T& r, const T& theta) 

The polar function returns a complex object that represents the value given in polar coordinates, in which r is the magnitude and theta is the angle (in radians). The resulting value has the following real and imaginary parts:

 real = r * cos(theta) imag = r * sin(theta) 

See Also

abs function template, arg function template

pow function template Computes power

 template<class T>   complex<T>  pow  (const complex<T>& x, int y); template<class T>   complex<T>  pow  (const complex<T>& x, const T& y); template<class T>   complex<T>  pow  (const complex<T>& x, const complex<T>& y); template<class T>   complex<T>  pow  (const T& x, const complex<T>& y); 

The pow function returns the complex power xy . If x and y are both , the result is implementation-defined; otherwise , the result is exp(y * log(x)) . The branch cuts are along the negative real axis.

See Also

exp function template, log function template, pow function in <cmath>

real function template Returns real part

 template<typename T> T  real  (const complex<T>& z) 

The real function returns the real part of z , that is, z.real( ) .

sin function template Computes sine

 template<typename T> complex<T>  sin  (const complex<T>& z) 

The sin function returns the complex sine of z .

See Also

sin function in <cmath>

sinh function template Computes hyperbolic sine

 template<typename T> complex<T>  sinh  (const complex<T>& z) 

The sinh function returns the complex hyperbolic sine of z .

See Also

sinh function in <cmath>

sqrt function template Computes square root

 template<typename T> complex<T>  sqrt  (const complex<T>& z) 

The sqrt function returns the complex square root of z .The branch cuts are along the negative real axis. The result always has a nonnegative real part.

See Also

sqrt function in <cmath>

tan function template Computes tangent

 template<typename T> complex<T>  tan  (const complex<T>& z) 

The tan function returns the complex tangent of z .

See Also

tan function in <cmath>

tanh function template Computes hyperbolic tangent

 template<typename T> complex<T>  tanh  (const complex<T>& z) 

The tanh function returns the complex hyperbolic tangent of z .

See Also

tanh function in <cmath>


C++ in a Nutshell
C++ in a Nutshell
ISBN: 059600298X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 270
Authors: Ray Lischner

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