4.3. Building the Controls

Add a new project to your existing solution. To do so, right-click on the solution and choose Add New project. Leave the Location the same as the location for your previous project, but name the new project NorthWindControls. Be sure to set the template to Windows Control Library, as shown in Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-3. Create the new Windows Control Library project

Visual Studio 2005 creates a new project (NorthWindControls) and within that project adds a UserControl, which it names UserControl1. Begin by renaming its file to RolodexPanel.vb.

To use the Rolodex panel, however, you need Rolodex entries. Therefore, you need to create a couple of additional custom controls.

To start, right-click on the new project and choose Add New User Control and name it RolodexEntry.vb. This will serve as the base class for all the specialized RolodexEntry controls. You will create a derived RolodexEntry type for customers (RolodexCustomerEntry), on which the discussion in this chapter will focus. If you like, you can also create RolodexEntry types for Suppliers, Employees, and Orders.

RolodexEntry will have a Boolean member: chosen.

 Public MustInherit Class RolodexEntry     Protected chosen As Boolean 

In addition, you will define an event for this user control. As you remember, all controls can publish events. The controls you've used so far have had such events as Click. You can create your own custom event for your new control just by declaring it with the Event keyword. In this case, you'll want to define an EntrySelected event, as follows:

 Public Event EntrySelected(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) 

You read this line of code as follows: EntrySelected is a public event that will be handled by a method that takes two parameters: one of type Object and the other of type EventArgs.

Provide a public property for the chosen member variable:

 Public Property Selected(  ) As Boolean    Get       Return Me.chosen    End Get    Set(ByVal value As Boolean)       Me.chosen = value       SetSelectedProperties(  )    End Set End Property 

Notice that the Set accessor not only sets the value of chosen but also calls the method SetSelectedProperties:

 Protected Overridable Sub SetSelectedProperties(  ) End Sub 

SetSelectedProperties has no implementation, but it is marked Overridable. This indicates that the derived class (e.g., RolodexCustomerEntry) will override this method to do some work when the Selected property is set.

Finally, add a method, InternalClick , that raises the EnTRySelected event, as shown in Example 4-1.

Example 4-1. InternalClick method
 Public Overridable Sub InternalClick( _ ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As EventArgs)     RaiseEvent EntrySelected(sender, e) End Sub 

This method looks suspiciously like an event handler, except that it does not have the keyword Handles to indicate what events it does handle. This will be explained in time, but keep an eye on this method!

Before proceeding, build the project to ensure that the RolodexEntry exists so you can derive from it. Next, create the derived RolodexCustomerEntry.

To do so, right-click on the NorthWindControls project and choose Add New Item. In the Add New Item dialog, choose Inherited User Control and name the new control RolodexCustomerEntry.vb. Clicking Add will bring up the Inheritance Picker so that you can select which control you are inheriting from, as shown in Figure 4-4.

Figure 4-4. Inheritance Picker dialog

Click OK and your third custom control (RolodexCustomerEntry) is created. You want each RolodexCustomerEntry to have a fixed size, large enough to accommodate the information for a customer, as shown in Figure 4-5.

Figure 4-5. RolodexCustomerEntry design

Set the size of the control to 225,75. Open the Toolbox and add the seven labels shown: lblCompanyName, lblContactPrompt, lblContactName, lblPhonePrompt, lblPhone, lblFaxPrompt, and lblFax.

The top label lblCompanyName has a BackColor of Silver and a font of Microsoft Sans Serif, 12pt, style = Bold. Set its AutoSize property to False, and set its size to 225,21. This will cause it to fill the top of the control. Set its TextAlign to TopLeft.

For the other six labels (which you can drag on to the control and then select all at once), set their font to Sans Serif, 8.25 and their BackColor property to Control. Set the TextAlign property to MiddleLeft, and set AutoSize to False. Set the size for the three labels in the left column to 56,16, and for the three in the right column to 145,16.

The name, text, and location of each of the seven labels are shown in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1. Label name, text, and location





Liberty Associates, Inc.






Jesse Liberty














Now open the code for RolodexCustomerEntry. You should see that it is already marked as Inherits NorthWindControls.RolodexEntry and that there is a collapsed region Windows Form Designer generated code. You may expand and examine that region, but do not edit the code.

It is time to override the overridable methods from the base class. Start by overriding SetSelectedProperties , as shown in Example 4-2.

Example 4-2. Overriding the SetSelectedProperties method
 Protected Overrides Sub SetSelectedProperties(  )     If Me.Selected Then         Me.lblCompanyName.BackColor = Color.Red     Else         Me.lblCompanyName.BackColor = Color.Silver     End If End Sub 

Remember that when the Selected property is set, this method is called. For the selected RolodexCustomerEntry, it sets the background color of its lblCompanyName label to Red. For any RolodexCustomerEntrys that are not selected, it sets the background color of lblCompanyName to Silver.

You will also override the InternalClick method, setting it to handle a click on any of the labels on the RolodexCustomerEntry form (or on the form itself), as shown in Example 4-3.

Example 4-3. Overriding the InternalClick method
 Public Overrides Sub InternalClick( _ ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _ Handles lblCompanyName.Click, lblFax.Click, _ lblPhone.Click, lblContactName.Click, _ lblFaxPrompt.Click, lblPhonePrompt.Click, _ lblContactPrompt.Click, MyBase.Click     MyBase.InternalClick(Me, e) End Sub 

Notice that it calls the base class's InternalClick method (which, you remember, looked a lot like an event handler), passing a reference to itself (the selected RolodexCustomerEntry) and the eventArgs object it receives.

This effectively channels all responses to clicking anywhere in the RolodexCustomerEntry to the base class's InternalClick method. It, in turn, raises the EntrySelected event, broadcasting a reference to the specific entry that was clicked.

Finally, you will add a method (LoadValues ) to load the values for the lblCompanyName, lblContactName, lblPhone, and lblFax labels, as shown in Example 4-4.

Example 4-4. LoadValues method
 Public Sub LoadValues( _  ByVal companyName As String, _  ByVal contactName As String, _  ByVal phone As String, _  ByVal fax As String)      Me.lblCompanyName.Text = companyName      Me.lblContactName.Text = contactName      Me.lblPhone.Text = phone      Me.lblFax.Text = fax  End Sub 

You'll see how this method is invoked later.

4.3.1. Building the Rolodex Panel

Return to the RolodexPanel that was created when you first created this new project. You are ready to give this panel (which will host any type of RolodexEntry) some substance.

First, set its size to 875,510.

Second, add a panel (from the toolbox). Name that panel pnlRolodex and set its size to 872,440, and place it near the upper left of the Rolodex Panel (location 4,4). Set its BorderStyle to Fixed3D.

Next, add a second, smaller panel to hold the buttons. Name it pnlNavigationButtons, then set its size to 848,40 and its location to 14,451. Within the pnlNavigationButtons panel, add 26 buttons, each of the same size: 32,23, each with a white background and a single capital letter as its text. Name the buttons btnA, btnB, ..., btnZ.

Set the Click event handler for all 26 buttons to LetterButton_Click (which you'll implement shortly).

Now open the code for the Rolodex Panel and add these constants:

 Public Const StartX As Integer = 32 Public Const StartY As Integer = 24 Public Const BufferSpace As Integer = 20 Public Const ScrollBarWidth As Integer = 25 Public Const RowsPerPage As Integer = 4 Public Const ColsPerRow As Integer = 3 Public Const NumEntriesPerPage As Integer = RowsPerPage * ColsPerRow 

Add two events to the panel:

 Public Event RowFillEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Public Event ButtonSelectedEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) 

Add the following protected members:

 Protected chosenLtr As Char Protected xIncr As Integer Protected yIncr As Integer Protected vsb As VScrollBar = New VScrollBar(  ) Protected entry As RolodexEntry = Nothing 

Create ReadOnly properties for all of these, (except for vsb, for which you will create a Read/Write property.) For example:

 ReadOnly Property ChosenLetter(  ) As Char    Get       Return chosenLtr    End Get End Property 

When the panel is first loaded, it is important to set the size of the panels and to add a vertical scrollbar (along with an event handler for when that scrollbar is clicked). The Load event handler for the Rolodex panel form is shown in Example 4-5.

Example 4-5. Rolodex Panel form Load event handler
 Private Sub RolodexPanel_Load( _    ByVal sender As System.Object, _    ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load    Dim entry As RolodexCustomerEntry = New RolodexCustomerEntry(  )    xIncr = entry.Width + Me.BufferSpace    yIncr = entry.Height + Me.BufferSpace    Me.pnlRolodex.Height = RowsPerPage * _yIncrement + StartY    Me.pnlNavigationButtons.Top = Me.pnlRolodex.Bottom + BufferSpace    Me.pnlRolodex.Width = Me.pnlRolodex.Width - ScrollBarWidth    Me.pnlRolodex.AutoScroll = False    vsb.SmallChange = ColsPerRow    vsb.LargeChange = NumEntriesPerPage    vsb.Parent = Me    vsb.Location = New Point(pnlrolodex.Right, pnlrolodex.Top)    vsb.Size = New Size(ScrollBarWidth, pnlrolodex.Height)    vsb.Minimum = 0    AddHandler vsb.ValueChanged, AddressOf vbar_ValueChanged End Sub 

Note that the handler for the ValueChanged event of the vertical scrollbar has been set to vbar_ValueChanged. Example 4-6 shows how you implement this method.

Example 4-6. Vertical scrollbar ValueChanged event handler method
 Protected Sub vbar_ValueChanged( _ ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)     RaiseEvent RowFillEvent(Me, New EventArgs(  )) End Sub 

Each time the scrollbar is clicked, the RowFillEvent is called (which will cause the rows to be refilled with the newly visible rows).

Example 4-7 shows the event hander called when any of the A-Z buttons are pressed.

Example 4-7. Letter button Click event handler
 Private Sub LetterButton_Click( _ ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _ Handles btnZ.Click, btnY.Click, btnX.Click, btnW.Click, btnV.Click, btnU.Click, _ btnT.Click, btnS.Click, btnR.Click, btnQ.Click, btnP.Click, btnO.Click, btnN.Click, _ btnM.Click, btnL.Click, btnK.Click, btnJ.Click, btnI.Click, btnH.Click, btnG.Click, _ btnF.Click, btnE.Click, btnD.Click, btnC.Click, btnB.Click, btnA.Click    Me.entry = Nothing    Dim oldCursor As Cursor = Me.Cursor    Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor    Dim btn As Button = CType(sender, Button)    If btn IsNot Nothing Then    Dim letter as char = CChar(btn.Text.ToUpper(  ))       Me.LoadRolodex(letter)    End If    Me.Cursor = oldCursor    RaiseEvent ButtonSelectedEvent(sender, e) End Sub 

This event handler sets the cursor to the wait cursor, casts the sender to a button, and then invokes LoadRolodex, passing in the letter. After doing that, it raises the ButtonSelectedEvent, passing in the sender.

The LoadRolodex method is overloaded. One version sets the Rolodex to start with the letter A. The other sets it to begin with the letter you pass it, as shown in Example 4-8.

Example 4-8. Two version of the overloaded Rolodex form Load event handler
 Protected Sub LoadRolodex(  )    LoadRolodex(CType("A", Char)) End Sub Protected Sub LoadRolodex(ByVal letter As Char)     Me._currentLetter = letter End Sub 

You need a method to add an entry to the panel and one to clear all the entries out of the panel. The former is accomplished by passing in the entry as a Control (it is a custom control) and adding it to the pnlRolodex's Controls collection, as shown in Example 4-9.

Example 4-9. Add method Add method
 Public Sub Add(ByVal c As Control)     Me.pnlRolodex.Controls.Add(c) End Sub 

The latter method (to clear all the entries in the panel) is accomplished by calling the Clear method within the Controls collection of pnlRolodex, as shown in Example 4-10.

Example 4-10. Clear method Clear method
 Public Sub Clear(  )     Me.pnlRolodex.Controls.Clear(  ) End Sub 

Finally, you need a method to handle what occurs when an entry is clicked. The entry that was clicked will be passed in as sender. You'll cast it to type RolodexEntry, then iterate through each of the controls in the panel's Controls collection, casting each of them to RolodexEntry and setting its Selected property to False. Finally, the selected control has its Selected property set to true (see Example 4-11).

Example 4-11. entry_click method
 Public Sub entry_click( _ ByVal sender As System.Object, _ ByVal e As System.EventArgs)     chosenEntry = CType(sender, RolodexEntry)     For Each c As Control In Me.pnlRolodex.Controls         Try             Dim re As RolodexEntry = CType(c, RolodexEntry)             re.Selected = False         Catch ex As Exception             Continue For         End Try     Next     chosenEntry.Selected = True End Sub 

Note that as you iterate through the controls in the Controls collection it is possible that you'll come across controls that are not RolodexEntry controls. If so, the attempt at the cast (using CType) will throw an exception. That is why you wrap the cast in a TRy/Catch block. The action of the Catch block is to go to the next iteration of the For loop.

The astute reader will note that in the case shown, the Continue For statement is redundant; had you just done nothing in the Catch statement, you'd fall through to the Next statement restarting the loop.

The Continue For statement is added as a precaution. (practice safe programming!) If you modify this loop later and add new code after the Catch statement but before the Next statement, the Continue For ensures that the new code will not be executed if an exception was raised on the cast.

Further, the incredibly perceptive and meticulous reader will also notice that this event handler has no Handles keyword. This event handler must be linked to the EntrySelected event of the entry object. That will be done by the associated form, as shown later.

Programming Visual Basic 2005
Programming Visual Basic 2005
ISBN: 0596009496
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 162
Authors: Jesse Liberty

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