Instantiating and Using the Certificate Class

Instantiating and Using the Certificate Class

Listing 23.5 shows code that's behind the Default.aspx page. The two methods shown are the CreateImage() method and the OutputImage() method. The CreateImage() method uses the Certificate class (named cert) and sets all properties with the appropriate values from the user interface objects. All these properties determine the appearance of the final certificate.

The OuputImage() method instantiates a Certificate object, calls the CreateImage() method (which sets all the Certificate class's properties), saves the image using the Save() method, and outputs the file name into the HTML stream.

Listing 23.5 Instantiating and Using the Certificate Class
 Sub CreateImage(ByVal cert As Certificate)     cert.Path = Request.MapPath("")     cert.Filename = Session("Filename")     cert.BackgroundTile = tile.SelectedItem.Text + ".gif"     If ul.SelectedIndex > 0 Then         cert.UpperLeftImage = ul.SelectedItem.Text     End If     If ur.SelectedIndex > 0 Then         cert.UpperRightImage = ur.SelectedItem.Text     End If     If bl.SelectedIndex > 0 Then         cert.BottomLeftImage = bl.SelectedItem.Text     End If     If br.SelectedIndex > 0 Then         cert.BottomRightImage = br.SelectedItem.Text     End If     cert.MainText = Session("MainText")     cert.MainTextColor = MainTextColor.SelectedIndex     cert.LeftText = Session("LeftText")     cert.LeftTextColor = LeftColor.SelectedIndex     cert.RightText = Session("RightText")     cert.RightTextColor = RightColor.SelectedIndex     cert.CreateImage() End Sub Public Sub OutputImage()     Dim cert As New Certificate()     CreateImage(cert)     cert.SaveImage("TempImages")     ImageTag.Text = "<IMG src="/books/2/627/1/html/2/ + Chr(34) + _         "TempImages/" + Session("Filename") + Chr(34) + ">" End Sub 

ASP. NET Solutions - 24 Case Studies. Best Practices for Developers
ASP. NET Solutions - 24 Case Studies. Best Practices for Developers
ISBN: 321159659
Year: 2003
Pages: 175 © 2008-2017.
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