extra bits

get photos from camera p. 2

  • iPhoto should open automatically when you plug your camera into your Mac. If it doesn't, open the Image Capture program (really!) that is in your Applications folder and choose Preferences. Then, in the Camera pane, select iPhoto next to When a camera is connected, open:.

  • Some cameras have to be in Play mode in order to trigger iPhoto to open.

  • Some cameras need to be dismounted before they can be disconnected. Click the eject icon next to their name in the Source list in order to dismount them.

  • Once you disconnect your camera from your computer, it will disappear from the Source list.

get photos from a disk p. 3

  • You can download the photos used to create the projects in this book from the web site (see page xiii). Then drag them to iPhoto as described here.

  • You don't have to drag a whole folder. You can drag individual images into iPhoto from the Finder.

  • You can also drag photos to iPhoto from an email. This is a quick and easy way to add the pictures that your sister sent you of your niece into your iPhoto library.

  • If you drag a folder to the main part of the iPhoto window, you'll get a new film roll with the same name as the folder, as shown. If you drag a folder to the Source list at the left of the iPhoto window, you'll get a new album as well as a new film roll with the same name as the folder. For more details, see page 14.

  • Dragging photos into iPhoto is also the easiest way to get scanned photos into your library.

  • You can also choose File > Add to Library and choose the folder that contains the photographs you wish to import.

view and sort film rolls p. 4

  • Film rolls are designed to identify groups of photos that were imported together (and thus may have something to do with each other). However, the current version of iPhoto lets you create new film rolls (select some photos and then choose File > Create Film Roll) and move photos from one roll to another (make sure you drag the photo(s) on top of the film roll's namenot just into the photo area). This is handy when you want to separate groups of non-related photos that were imported together or join two groups of related photos that were imported separately.

  • Click the triangle next to a film roll's name to hide its photos (or make them appear, if they were already hidden). Option-click any film roll's triangle to display or hide the contents of all the film rolls in your Library.

  • Film rolls are only visible when you've selected the Library or a smart album (which we'll get to at the beginning of the next chapter) in the Source list.

  • A film roll is dated on the day its photos are imported, not when they were taken, scanned, or emailed to you. The photos may thus have different dates than the film roll. You can change a film roll's dateto one that more closely reflects its photos' datesby selecting the film roll, clicking the info button, and specifying a new date in the Information pane.

  • When you sort by film rolls, the film rolls are first sorted according to their own dates, and then by the dates of the photos that they contain. The title of the film roll is not used in sorting. The order is not always instantly updated when you change the dates of a film roll's photos. In that case, sort the library by another criteria and then go back to sorting by film rolls to update the view.

  • You may also sort your library according to keywords, titles, and the date, all of which we'll get to shortly. If you do so, the division into film rolls will not be visible.

increase viewing size p. 5

  • Another way to see more photos at once is to turn off the automatic grid that requires that each photo occupy the same space as its neighbor, despite having a different orientation or size. Choose iPhoto > Preferences, click the Appearance tab at the top of the window, and then uncheck the Align photos to grid option.

  • If you increase the viewing size too much, iPhoto can get downright sluggish. Press the number 2 on your keyboard to view your photos at what iPhoto considers the optimum size. (This is the size at which iPhoto has cached the thumbnails and so can display them more quickly.) Press the 1 to view them at maximum size.

rotate photos p. 6

  • You can also rotate photos by choosing Photos > Rotate Clockwise (or Counter Clockwise), or by using the keyboard shortcuts Command-R and Command -Option-R.

  • If you accidentally double-click a photo, you'll find yourself in Edit mode. Click the Done button to return to the main iPhoto window.

  • Use standard Macintosh selection shortcuts to choose more than one photo. That is, click the first photo and then hold down the Shift key while you click a second photo to select the first, the second, and all the photos in between those two. Or, click the first photo and then hold down the Command key (with the Apple) while you select the second photo. This time, the ones in between stay unselected. Continue Command-clicking to add additional individual photos.

  • If you find you often rotate your photos one way but not the other, you can change the default rotation direction in the Preferences dialog box. Choose iPhoto > Preferences, and then click the General tab at the top of the window. Choose the direction next to Rotate that you use most often. You can always Option-click the Rotate button when you need to rotate photos the other way.

  • Rotate photos as you review them (as described on page 7) by using the same keyboard shortcuts described above or by clicking the controls on the screen.

review your photos p. 7

  • Using the Play key in the lower-left corner of iPhoto's window runs a sort of simplified slideshow. We'll go into slideshows in more detail in Chapter 3.

  • Click anywhere outside of the control area to stop reviewing the photos immediately. Otherwise, all of the selected photos will be shown before you return to the iPhoto window.

  • Press the spacebar on your keyboard to pause the photo review. Press it again to resume.

  • Press the right and left arrow keys on your keyboard to move through your photos, whether or not the controls are visible on screen. (If they weren't already visible, an abbreviated set of controls appears when you press either of the arrow keys.)

  • You can press the up or down arrow to speed up or slow down the photo review, respectively.

  • Keep the mouse still to make the controls disappear again.

  • You can apply ratings while you're reviewing photos. Type a number from 1 to 5 to apply from one to five stars to the photo. Or type 0 to remove a rating. For more about rating photos, see page 11.

get rid of the bad ones p. 8

  • You can also delete unwanted photos by selecting them and pressing the Delete key. Or you can Control-click them and choose Move to Trash.

  • Removed photos can be recovered by digging around in the Trash, as described in the following section.

empty the trash p. 9

  • Once you empty the Trash, the photos are gone for good. There is no undo.

  • You can empty the Trash by Control-clicking the Trash icon and choosing Empty Trash.

  • Remove a photo from the Trash by Control-clicking it and choosing Restore to Photo Library.

  • You can also drag a photo out of the Trash right back to the Library. It will automatically go back into the roll to which it belonged.

  • You can't drag a photo from the Trash directly to an album. You must first return it to the Library.

label your photos p. 10

  • Labeling your photos makes them easier to search for, as we'll see on

    page 21.

  • The title of a photo comes originally from its file name. When you change the photo's title, its file name is not affected.

  • You can jump from any info field in one photo to the same info field in the next photo by pressing Command-] (right bracket). Use Command-[ (left bracket) to move to the previous photo's corresponding info field. This is a great way to edit the information for a bunch of photos all at once.

  • You can also use the info window to see the size, format, and date of your photos or film rolls.

  • iPhoto sometimes uses titles and comments in photo book designs as automatic captions for your photos. Consult Appendix A for more details.

  • Otherwise, comments can also be used to simply record more detail about the photo that you don't want to forget.

rate your photos p. 11

  • You can search for photos with a given rating by using a smart album (as described on pages 3233.)

  • You can also view a photo's rating by clicking the info button.

  • Rate photos as you review them (as described on page 7) by typing 15 (without the Command key) to apply that many stars to a photo or type 0 to remove a photo's rating.

  • I almost never use anything except the 4 and 5-star ratings. It's not worth it to me to distinguish the mediocre photos from the below-average ones.

organize with albums p. 12

  • Albums in iPhoto are strictly virtual. That is, they reference the photos in the Library but the photos themselves don't movethey stay in the Library. That means if you remove a photo from an album, it is not also removed from the Library (or any other album in which it appears). However, if you remove a photo from the Library (see page 8), it is removed from all the albums to which it belonged.

  • You may add the same photo to as many different albums as you like.

  • You can drag photos from one album into another. They will then belong to both albums.

  • iPhoto can create an album for you, using your criteria to select the desired photos. This is called a smart album, and is discussed in more detail on pages 3233.

  • The Last Roll and Last x Months entries in the Source list are subsets of the Library itself, not true albums. That means if you delete a photo from one of these Library subsets, it's as if you deleted it from the Library itselfand it goes in the Trash. You can change how many rolls or how many months are shown through the Preferences box.

  • You can display the number of photos in each album by choosing File > Preferences and checking Show photo count for albums in the General pane.

  • Delete albums by selecting their name in the Source list and pressing the Delete key. The photos are not removed from the Library (or from any other albums to which they belong).

drag new albums p. 14

  • On page 3, you imported photos into your Library by dragging them from your hard disk, CD, or DVD to the main viewing area. If you drag them all the way to the Source list, iPhoto will create a new album for the newly imported photos.

  • Another way to create a new album from selected photos is by choosing File > New Album From Selection.

organize with folders p. 15

  • While you can drag the albums into different orders and in and out of folders, you can't drag them above the folders in the Source list.

  • You can tell when something is going inside a folder because the folder gets framed in black. If there is just a horizontal line, you're only dragging the item to a new location.

  • You can nest folders within other folders.

  • Perhaps a folder's most useful contribution is letting you store a book and/or slideshow together with the album that you used to create it. We'll revisit this point in the next two chapters.

define keywords p. 16

  • If you select a keyword before pressing the Add button, the new-ly created keyword will appear directly after the selected one. Otherwise, the newly created key-word appears at the end of the list.

  • The keywords at the top of the list in the Preferences box will also appear at the top of the list in the iPhoto window, and will be the most accessible. You can reorder the list by dragging the keywords to the desired positions.

  • If you remove a keyword from the list, it is automatically removed from any photo to which it was applied. For more on applying keywords, see page 18.)

  • If you rename a keyword, the new keyword is applied to the same photos as the old one was.

apply keywords p. 18

  • To remove one keyword from one or more photos, hold down the Option key while you drag the photo(s) over the keyword to be removed.

  • To remove all of the keywords from one or more photos, drag the photos over the Reset keyword.

  • The checkmark keyword is a generic keyword that's useful for marking a bunch of photos temporarily.

  • I find dragging photos to be a remarkably awkward way of applying keywords, especially when you're applying multiple keywords to multiple photos. There is currently no keyboard shortcut (although there was in iPhoto 4). I heartily recommend using Keyword Assistant, an extremely useful piece of software written by Ken Ferry which allows you to apply one or more keywords via the keyboard. You can find it at: http://homepage.mac.com/kenferry/software.html

  • Keywords are added to a photo in the order in which you apply them. So if you first apply Catalonia and then Object, that's how they will be listed for that photo. There is currently no way to reorder a particular photo's keywords (short of removing them and applying them anew in the desired order).

search by keywords p. 19

  • In version 5.0.2 and later, click more than one keyword to see only the photos that have both keywords. Regularly clicked keywords are blue. Hold down the Shift key to select more than one keyword to see the photos that have one keyword OR the other applied (or both). Shift-clicked keywords are displayed in purple.

  • Option-click one or more keywords to find all the photos that do not have those keywords assigned. Option-clicked keywords are red.

  • You can combine Option-clicked keywords with regular or Shift-clicked keywords. For example, click Catalonia and then Option-click Objects to find all the objects that do have Catalonia AND don't have Objects.

  • Click the keyword again to remove the search request. Click the circled x next to Reset to remove all the keyword search requests.

  • Searching by keyword automatically cancels a search by date or by text. To use more criteria, try a smart album (see pages 3233).

search by date p. 20

  • Command-click a previously chosen time period to deselect it (without deselecting any other chosen time periods).

  • Double-click a day or click the blue dot at the beginning of the week to select an entire week.

  • Option-click a month, week, or day to choose that month or day regardless of year. For example, if you want to see all the pictures from New Year's Day, you could Option-click January 1. Such year-independent time periods are displayed in purple.

  • Hold down Shift along with the Option key to add contiguous days or months to your year-independent time period. Hold down Command along with the Option key to add non-contiguous days or months to your year-independent time period.

  • You can Command-click a year-independent time period to convert it to the time period for the given year.

  • When you're viewing the individual days of a month, the forward arrow changes to a backward arrow. Click the backward arrow to return to the month view.

  • Click the word Calendar itself at the top of the calendar to jump to the current year.

  • Searching by date automatically cancels a search by text (page 21) or by keyword (page 19). To use more criteria, try a smart album (see pages 3233).

search by text p. 21

  • Notice in the example, that iPhoto starts searching from the very first letter and may find what you're looking for before you finish typing the first word.

  • Searching by text automatically cancels a search by date (page 20) or by keyword (page 19). To use more criteria, try a smart album (see pages 3233).

  • If you type more than one word, iPhoto 5.0.2 (and presumably later versions) finds all the photos with both the first word AND the second. Versions 5 and 5.01 found photos with either the first OR the second. I think it's worth it to upgrade just for that.

sort your photos p. 22

  • You can also sort your photos by film roll (if you're viewing the Library), by Title, by Date, or by Rating. And you can sort albums manually, as described on pages 3435 and page 63.

  • If you rate your photos as you review them, you can then put them in order of rating to quickly gather the best ones and make them into an album.

  • Why, you might ask, are the keywords in different orders in the illustration on page 22? The answer is that keywords are added to a photo in the order that you apply them, and as of this writing, cannot be reordered. For more on applying keywords, see page 18.

creating a photo book and slideshow with iPhoto 5 Visual QuickProject Guide
Creating a Photo Book and Slideshow with iPhoto 5: Visual QuickProject Guide
ISBN: 0321357523
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 119

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