

XBikes. See also J2EE; .NET

architecture for .NET Framework and J2EE, 172–174

business entities in, 164–166

DataSet objects, 252

Downhill Bikes, 158

implementations and .NET Framework architecture, 175

implementing interoperability in, 184–200

introducing, 15–16

on J2EE

Business tier component, 311

changing interoperability methods, 294–299

data source, 301–302

deploying on WebSphere Application Developer Studio 5.0, 278–285

IBM WebSphere MQ 5.3, 278–280

installing on J2EE, 277–316

manual installation, 299–316

testing application, 305

testing the application, 316

WebSphere Application Server 5.0 on a single computer, 285–290 on multiple computers, 290–294

WebSphere Studio Application Developer 5.1, 283–285

on .NET

on a single tier, 320

changing interoperability methods, 326–334

Data tier resources, 196

deploying on a single computer, 317–320

deploying on multiple computers, 320–326

installing on the Data tier, 324–325

on multiple computers, 325–326

uninstalling, 333–334

understanding, 157–159

user actions in, 158–159

WebSphere Application Server 5.0 on multiple computers, 293–294

XBikesBLL enterprise archive file, XBikes on J2EE, 311

XBikesBLLServiceInterface class, 212

XBikesBLLServiceInterface Web project, 211, 212

xbikes.common.dataconverters.customers, 208–210

XBikesDAL enterprise archive file, 315–316

XBikesQ Queue, 280

XBikesWebApp enterprise archive file, 308


data type mappings, 62

encoding for packaging data types, 206

J2EE configuration file, 188

mapping for J2EE, 207–208

mapping from the XML Schema, 246–249

namespaces, 59

.NET Framework configuration file, 200

Order object in formatted string, 246

parsing documents, 53–54

support with ADO.NET, 33, 117

for transport, 92

using documents to define business entities, 164

XML Designer tool, 59

XML Schema Documents. See XSD

XML Schemas

creating Java data types and XML mapping from, 246–249

helper class, 246

.NET Framework Data Types based on, 238–241

typed DataSets, 238–239

using to ensure type compatibility, 58–62

XML serialization, 52–57. See also serialization

on the Java platform, 56–57

on the .NET platform, 54–55

XML Web services

described, 14

locating, 99

point-to-point interoperability, 67

table in interoperability scenarios, 15

XmlSerializer class

converting instance of CustomerData
class, 55, 56

described, 240, 242

typed dataset in .NET Framework, 239


ensuring class compatability, 59–60

mapping in Java, 61

mapping in .NET, 60

mapping types, 62

primitive and complex data types, 237

understanding, 58–61

XSD Schemas, 206


generating sub-classed datasets, 214

mapping XML Schemas and .NET classes, 60

similar Java tools, 61

two ways to use, 238–239


datasets, 118

serialization, 56

Application Interoperability. Microsoft. NET and J2EE
Application Interoperability: Microsoft .NET and J2EE: Microsoft(r) .Net and J2ee (Patterns & Practices)
ISBN: 073561847X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 104 © 2008-2017.
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