JMS Clients

This section explains the different steps involved in writing normal JMS clients. We will cover only the concepts explained in this chapter. We will not cover advanced concepts like XA sessions, session pools, connection consumers, etc.

Sending Messages

The sequence diagram shown below depicts the basic steps involved in writing a basic JMS client for sending messages:

click to expand

Firstly, create an initial context for doing JNDI lookup. Depending on the service provider the constructor for initializing the initial context may take an instance of java. util. Properties holding the provider URL, name of the initial context factory, etc. Even though the code for creating the initial context is similar for different JNDI service providers, the value passed for the initial context factory and the provider URL vary. For details on provider specific lookups, see Appendix A:

     Properties prop = new Properties();     prop. put (Context. INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,        "com.sun.jndi.fscontext.RefFSContextFactory");     prop.put (Context.PROVIDER_URL, "file:C:\\temp");     Context ctx = new InitialContext (prop); 

Next, look up the required administered objects. In the PTP model the administered objects are generally queues and queue connection factories whereas in the Pub/Sub they are topics and topic connection factories:

     //PTP     Queue queue = (Queue) ctx.lookup ("myQueue");     QueueConnectionFactory qcf = (QueueConnectionFactory) ctx.lookup ("myQCF");     //Pub/Sub     Topic topic = (Topic) ctx.lookup ("myTopic");     TopicConnectionFactory tcf = (TopicConnectionFactory) ctx. lookup ("myTCF"); 

Then use the connection factory to create connections. Connections can be queue connections for PTP and topic connections for Pub/Sub:

     //PTP     QueueConnection qCon = qcf.createQueueConnection();     //Pub/Sub     TopicConnection tCon = tcf.createTopicConnection(); 

Use these connections to create sessions. The PTP model uses queue sessions and the Pub/Sub model uses topic sessions. Message acknowledgement mode and transaction support for the sessions can be specified here:

     //PTP     QueueSession qSes = qCon.createQueueSession (false,          Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);     //Pub/Sub     TopicSession tSes = tCon.createTopicSession (false,          Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE) 

Create message producers for the session and the destination. For the PTP model queue senders are created using queue sessions that are associated to specific queues and in the Pub/Sub model topic publishers are created using topic sessions that are associated to specific topics. You can set different properties, in other words, message time-to-live, message priority, etc. for all the messages sent by this message producer using the various methods discussed in the section on message producers:

     //PTP     QueueSender sender = qSes.createSender (queue);     //Pub/Sub     TopicPublisher publisher = tSes.createPublisher(topic); 

Create appropriate messages using the sessions and send them using the required methods defined in the message producer. You can use different versions of send/publish methods defined in the queue sender/topic publisher to override the global values set in the message producer for properties like message time-to-live, message priority, etc.:

     //PTP     TextMessage msg = qSes.createTextMessage ("Hi there");     sender.send(msg);     //Pub/Sub     TextMessage msg = tSes.createTextMessage ("Hi there");     publisher.publish (msg); 

Receiving Messages

The sequence diagram shown below depicts the various steps involved in writing a typical JMS client for receiving messages asynchronously. For synchronous message delivery clients will be using the receive() method on the message consumer in a blocking thread:

click to expand

The steps involved in writing JMS clients for receiving messages are listed below. The following steps are common to writing JMS clients for sending and receiving messages:

  • Creating a JNDI initial context

  • Looking up destinations and connection factories

  • Creating connections

  • Creating sessions

Please refer to the last section on writing JMS clients for sending messages for a detailed coverage of writing the aforementioned steps.

Create message consumers using the session for the looked up destination. For the PTP model, queue receivers are created using queue sessions that are associated to specific queues and in the Pub/Sub model topic subscribers are created using topic sessions that are associated to specific topics:

     //PTP     QueueReceiver receiver = qSes.createReceiver(queue);     //Pub/Sub     TopicSubscriber subscriber = tSes.createSubscriber(topic); 

Create a message listener and register it either with the consumer or with the session. Message listeners are classes that implement javax.jms.MessageListener. The code listing below implements the interface using an anonymous inner class:

     MessageListener listener = new MessageListener() {        public void onMessage (Message msg) {           //Process Message           try{           }catch (JMSException e) {                  e.printStackTrace();                  throw new RuntimeException (e.getMessage());           }        }     };     //PTP     receiver.setMessageListener (listener);     //Pub/Sub     subscriber.setMessageListener (listener); 

Connections when created afresh are created in stopped mode and connections in stopped mode can't receive messages. To enable message reception connections should be started explicitly:

     //PTP     qCon.start();     //Pub/Sub     tCon.start(); 

Professional JMS
Professional JMS
ISBN: 1861004931
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 154 © 2008-2017.
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