Recipe7.13.Inspecting the Contents of a Queue

Recipe 7.13. Inspecting the Contents of a Queue


You need to enumerate the contents of a queue, or examine a specific message in a queue.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open the Exchange System Manager (Exchange System Manager.msc).

  2. Expand the organization Administrative Groups target administrative group Servers.

  3. The right pane will display all queues on this server, including MTA, SMTP, and foreign connector queues.

  4. Click the Source field of the header to group the queues according to the component that they are associated with and find the appropriate SMTP virtual server.

  5. Click on a queue to select it and click Find Messages, or double-click the queue to open the search window. By default, the search will return 100 messages at a time.

  6. If you wish to restrict the search, modify the search parameters.

  7. Click Find Now.

  8. Double-click on a message in the results pane to view its details.

Using VBScript
' This code enumerates the messages within a given queue. ' ------ SCRIPT CONFIGURATION ------ ' The host name of the Exchange server strHostname = "<ExchangeServerName>" ' e.g., red-exch02 ' Name of the SMTP queue to search for messages strQueueName = "<SMTPQueueName>" ' e.g., ' ------ END CONFIGURATION --------- ' Get the Exchange Namespace WMI object Set objWMIExch =  GetObject("winmgmts://" & strHostname &_    "/root/MicrosoftExchangeV2")  ' Get the list of queues and process our desired queue Set objQueuesList = objWMIExch.InstancesOf("Exchange_SMTPQueue") For Each objQueueInst in objQueuesList    ' Make sure this queue is the one we're looking for; if not, skip it    If objQueueInst.QueueName = strQueueName Then       strMsgInfo = strMsgInfo & "Queue: " & objQueueInst.QueueName & " (" &_          objQueueInst.QueueID & ")" & VbCrLF       Set objMsgsList = objWMIExch.ExecQuery ("Select * From " &_        "Exchange_QueuedSMTPMessage Where ProtocolName='SMTP' And LinkId='" &_          objQueueInst.LinkID & "' And LinkName='" &_          objQueueInst.LinkName & "' And QueueId='" &_          objQueueInst.QueueID & "' And QueueName='" &_          objQueueInst.QueueName &"' And VirtualMachine='" &_          objQueueInst.VirtualMachine & "' And VirtualServerName='" &_          objQueueInst.VirtualServerName & "'")        For each objMsgInst in objMsgsList          strMsgInfo = strMsgInfo & "  Message " & _             objMsgInst.MessageID & VbCrLF & _             "    Sender: " & objMsgInst.Sender & VbCrLF &_             "    MessageID: " & objMsgInst.MessageId & VbCrLF       Next    End If Next Wscript.Echo strMsgInfo


Enumerating the messages in a queue using ESM Queue Viewer is difficult; the Queue Viewer, as mentioned in Recipe 7.12, uses the Queue API to provide a unified view of links and queues. Each link represents the next physical hop for a message, so if your Exchange server is performing its own SMTP deliveries to the Internet, you will have one link for each discrete MX host. Depending on your traffic patterns and who you are sending messages to, you may find that each destination has its own link, giving you the effect of having a separate queue. If your Exchange server is handing mail off to a smarthost, however, you will see a single link for that smarthost in the Queue Viewer display; that link actually contains all of the queues that may exist. You cannot find any information in the Queue Viewer to determine which actual queue a given message is in, even when using the advanced search and filter facilities.

In Exchange 2000, you do not have a scripting interface to enumerate messages in queues. Exchange Server 2003 provides several new WMI classes that give you the ability to determine the precise queue that holds a specific message, shown in Table 7-5.

Table 7-5. Exchange Server 2003 message WMI classes




This new class provides the base properties for the new classes. Do not use it directly.


This class inherits the properties from the Exchange_QueuedMessage class and provides transport-specific methods for controlling individual messages in SMTP queues.


This class inherits the properties from the Exchange_QueuedMessage class and provides transport-specific methods for controlling individual messages in X.400 queues.

The VBScript solution shows how to use these classes in combination with the classes shown in Recipe 7.12 to enumerate the contents of a script. We start by connecting to the Exchange WMI namespace and retrieving a list of the Exchange_SMTPQueue objects on the server. You need to find a way to filter this list down to the specific queue that you are interested in; in our script, we check the QueueName property against a string we know ahead of time (the destination's domain name). Once we have the right queue, we retrieve the collection of messages in the queue using a WQL query to select against the server, virtual server instance, link, and queue. We then work through those messages using a For Each loop and examine the properties we are interested in.

When you create the WQL query string to filter your Exchange_SMTPQueue objects, you should use at a minimum all of the following properties:


The hostname of the machine


The number of the SMTP virtual server instance, 1 being the default


The link identifier


The link name


The queue identifier


The queue name


Either SMTP or X.400, but always SMTP for SMTP messages

Note that the script pulls all of the properties (except for ProtocolName) from the retrieved queue object for inclusion in the WQL query. You can use presupplied strings for most of these properties, but be careful when doing so with the LinkID and QueueID properties. Since queues and links are generated as needed, their IDs are dynamically generated; queue IDs are regenerated whenever Exchange attempts to retry delivery of the messages in that queue. Using static strings can easily cause you to be searching against the wrong information and turning up an empty result set.

At the time of this writing, the sample script for the Exchange_QueuedMessage class on the MSDN Exchange WMI reference demonstrates the use of the Count property with a collection of Exchange_QueuedMessage objects. This is an error; this class does not have the Count property available for collections.

See Also

Recipe 7.0, Recipe 7.12 for enumerating queues, and Recipe Recipe 7.14 for deleting messages from queues, MS KB 823489 (How to Use Queue Viewer to Troubleshoot Mail Flow Issues), MSDN: Exchange_QueuedMessage, MSDN: Exchange_QueuedSMTPMessage, and MSDN: Exchange_QueuedX400Message

Exchange Server Cookbook
Exchange Server Cookbook: For Exchange Server 2003 and Exchange 2000 Server
ISBN: 0596007175
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 235 © 2008-2017.
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