Page #152 (121. Add Thought Bubbles to a Photo)

Chapter 15. Repairing Photographs

122 About Removing Scratches, Specks, and Holes

123 Remove Scratches

124 Remove Specks and Spots

125 Repair Minor Tears, Scratches, Spots, and Stains

126 Repair Large Holes, Tears, and Missing Portions of a Photo

127 Restore Color and Tone to an Old Photograph

128 Restore Quality to a Scanned Photograph

When people suffer a disaster, what are some of the first things they try to protect or recover? Family pictures. No doubt more than once you've seen heartbreaking stories on the news of people searching through the wreckage of their homes, looking for pictures that were dear to them. Short of disasters, the pictures from your past face a formidable hazard: old age. Even if you store them carefully in albumsnot to mention throwing them into boxesyour cherished images tend to fade, bend, and decay.

Recognizing this, the makers of Photoshop Elements have packed up an extensive kit of tools to help restore old photographs. In this chapter, you'll learn how to remove scratches and specks and to repair tears, stains, and even holes. You'll also learn how to quickly restore color and contrast to an old photograph, and to repair any loss of quality when you scanned in the photograph. When you're finished, you might look at the results and decide the old homestead never looked better and that Uncle Ben was a surprisingly handsome guy.

Adobe Photoshop Elements 3 in a Snap
Adobe Photoshop Elements 3 in a Snap
ISBN: 067232668X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 263 © 2008-2017.
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