
 < Day Day Up > 

Symbols and Numerics

= (assignment operator), 64

<> (brackets) around markers, 203

^ (caret) key code for Ctrl, 127

: (colon) in line labels, 82

, (comma) as separator, 132

& (concatenation) operator, 198-200

... (ellipsis), displaying, 414

= (equals) comparison operator, 75

#### (error value), 124

! (exclamation point) as separator, 181

> (greater than) comparison operator, 75

>= (greater than or equal to) comparison operator, 75

< (less than) comparison operator, 75

<= (less than or equal to) comparison operator, 75

- (minus sign), 134

<> (not equal) operator, 75

<> (not equal to sign), 473

=NOW formula, 213

# (number signs), 60

% (percent sign) key code for Alt, 127

. (period), referencing subelements of data types, 73

+ (plus sign) key code for Shift, 127

## (pound signs), enclosing date in DateDiff, 216

[] (square brackets) in time formats, 217

~ (tilde) in SEARCH function, 203

_ (underscore), displaying on drop-down buttons, 414

* (wildcard character), 203, 474

# (wildcard character), 475

? (wildcard character), 203, 474

24 hours, times exceeding, 217

56 colors tracked in Excel color palette, 221

256 intensities for each primary color, 220

 < Day Day Up > 

Microsoft Excel 2003 Programming Inside Out
Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Programming Inside Out (Inside Out (Microsoft))
ISBN: 0735619859
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 161 © 2008-2017.
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