
 < Day Day Up > 


A1 notation, 180

A1 style of rotation, 179

Abort, Retry, Ignore buttons, displaying, 68

About menu item, adding, 382

Absolute constant, 180

absolute references, 30

in SERIES formula, 333

specifying for cells, 166

abstract data types, 26

Access, 467

connecting to, 485

connection strings, 511

wildcard characters used with, 474-75

AccessActivateApp procedure, 460

AccessMode parameter, 136


informing users of, 67

performed by objects, 119, 300

Activate event, 268, 270, 400

Activate method

activating embedded charts, 327

compared to Select method, 159

of target worksheet, 27

of Workbook object, 145

of Workbooks collection, 137

ActivateCalculator procedure, 449

active cell, 110

changing font color, 88

checking contents, 88

compared to selected, 161

reference to, 109

active charts, 331

active code module, 87

Active Data Objects. See ADO (Active Data Objects)

Active property, 541

active range, finding, 161

active sheet, deleting, 152

active sheet tabs, 231

active Word documents, accessing, 460-61

active workbook, 19

changing, 137

switching to, 45

active worksheet, 27

calculating, 120

referencing ranges on, 166

ActiveCell property, 109

ActiveCell.Value property, 101

ActiveChart, 328

ActiveChart property, 111, 139

ActiveConnection property

of Command object, 488, 514

of Recordset object, 491, 492

ActivePrinter parameter, 148

ActiveSheet property, 112, 152

ActiveWindow property, 113-15

ActiveWorkbook object, 137

ActiveWorkbook property

of Application object, 115

compared to ThisWorkbook, 119

referring to different workbook, 145

ActiveX controls, 535

adaptive menu system, 18

AdaptiveMenus property, 366, 367

Add Interactivity check box, 526

Add method, 177, 189

of AddIns collection, 244

of Charts collection, 359

of Collection object, 314

of CommandBarControls collection, 372

of CommandBars collection, 366, 367

of Controls collection, 377

of ListObjects collection, 543-46

of PivotCaches collection, 352, 357

of PivotTables collection, 349

of PropertyTests collection, 286

of Sheets collection, 150-51

of Validation object, 189

of Workbooks collection, 129

of XmlMaps collection, 556

Add Network Place Wizard window, 524

Add Procedure dialog box

creating a Function procedure, 100

displaying, 45, 87

opening, 54

Add property for the Charts object, 322

Add Reference dialog box, 96, 259

Add Watch dialog box, 47

Add Watch item on the Debug menu, 47

AddChartSheet macro, 322

AddCommandBar routine, 499-500

AddCommandCombo routine, 379

AddDataField method, 350, 358

AddDataLabels macro, 336

AddEmbeddedChart event procedure, 330

AddEmbeddedChart macro, 324

Add-in Manager, 240

displaying, 254

installing add-ins, 241, 243

AddIn object, 245-46

AddIn project template, 252

add-in projects, naming, 253

add-in workbook, adding, 244

AddInDesigner, 252

AddinInstall event, 245

add-ins, 239

creating, 241

installed with Excel, 240

installing, 241, 243, 261

loading dynamically, 249

locating, 241

opening Excel 4, 131

reasons for using, 239

saving, 242

spanning multiple Office applications, 259

specifying titles for, 242

stored in external files, 247

system resources and, 239

trapping events in, 365

types of, 239

unloading, 241

AddIns collection, 244, 246

AddinUninstall event, 245

AddItem method

of CommandBarComboBox object, 378

of ListBox control, 413

Additional Controls dialog box, 48

Additional Controls item on the Tools menu, 48

additive color system, 220

AddMenuItem routine, 382

AddNew method, 491, 493

Address parameter of FollowHyperlink method, 146

AddStates routine, 430

AddToFavorites method, 145

AddToMru parameter of ThisWorkbook.SaveAs method, 136

AddToMRU parameter of Workbooks.Open method, 131

AddToSearchFolders method of ScopeFolder object, 290

adjectives, characterizing properties as, 300

AdjustColumnWidth property, 553

ADO (Active Data Objects), 470

Data Provider/Data Consumer model, 481

database library, 498

database objects, 513

object model, 482-83

ADODB.Command object, 514

ADODB.Connection object, 513

ADODB.Recordset object, 514

After parameter

of Add method, 150

of Move and Copy methods, 153

AfterRefresh event, setting separators, 529

alert boxes, turning off, 152

alerts, 116

AlertStyle property, 188

algorithm, 25

aliases, 477

Align item on the Format menu, 46

Align submenu, 46

Alignment dialog box, 393

Alignment tab of Format Cells dialog box, 386

All Open Workbooks in Macro dialog box, 31

AllowDeletingColumns parameter, 158

AllowDeletingRows parameter, 158

AllowFiltering parameter, 158

AllowFormattingCells parameter, 158

AllowFormattingColumns parameter, 158

AllowFormattingRows parameter, 158

AllowInsertingColumns parameter, 158

AllowInsertingHyperlinks parameter, 158

AllowInsertingRows parameter, 158

AllowMultiSelect property, 294

AllowSorting parameter, 158

AllowUsingPivotTables parameter, 158

ALT key

combining with key codes, 126

key codes for, 127

ALT+F8, 41

ALT+F11, 41

Always Show Full Menus option, 18

Always Trust Macros from this Publisher check box, 40

Ambiguous name detected error, 95

American dollars, converting into Swedish krona, 94

American English character set, 547

Analysis Services tool, 347

Analysis ToolPak add-in, 240

And operator, 199, 473

animation for command bars, 366

API (application programming interface), 470, 481

AppActivate statement, 449

Append method, 489

AppendOnImport property, 553

Application event monitoring, 278

application event procedures, 278

Application events, 265, 276-80

application modal, marking a message box as, 69

Application object, 107, 108, 456

accessing from other Office applications, 462

commonly monitored events, 277

creating, 450

overriding settings used to recognize numbers, 529

passing to the add-in OnConnection method, 259

properties of, 108

referencing, 455

application programming interface (API), 470, 481

Application property

of AddIn object, 245

of AddIns collection, 244


activating, 449

adding scroll bars to, 411

closing external, 451

creating instances of, 459

decision-making ability of, 74-77

graphical interfaces to, 396

making changes to, 249

multiple, 465-66

sending key strokes to, 127

sharing data between, 445

starting from Excel, 445-48

window states of, 446

ApplyBorders procedure, 109

ApplySchema procedure, 556

Appointment object, 451

arglist element

of Function procedure, 99

of Sub procedure, 86

arguments, 102

accepted by built-in dialog boxes, 388

for dialog boxes, 390

passing to existing dialog boxes, 393

passing to procedures, 101

arithmetic average (mean) of a data set, 206

Arrange Buttons item on the Format menu, 46

arrays, 64

boundaries, 64

creating, 65, 66

data points plotted with, 334

decreasing the size, 66

determining the size, 185

dynamic, 66

fixed, 66

lower and upper boundaries, 185

modifying charts to use data from, 333-35

returned by the InputBox method, 123

in Sheets collection, 153

simulating for property routines, 307

sizing to match ranges, 186

variant variable required for loops, 79

ascending order, 476

Ask A Question box, 19

Assign Macro dialog box, 34, 171

AssignElementsToRanges procedure, 558-60

assignment (=) operator, 64

asterisk (*), retrieving all columns from a table, 472

asterisk (*) wildcard character, 203, 474

attributes, 299. See also properties

Auto Data Tips, 50

Auto Indent code formatting option, 50

Auto List Members check box, 50

Auto Quick Info, 50

auto routines, 246

Auto Syntax Check option, 50

Auto_Activate macro, 246

Auto_Add macro, 246

Auto_Close macro, 246

Auto_Deactivate macro, 246

AutoFilter controls, 9

AutoFit method, 173, 174

AutoFormats, 233

automatic refreshes, disabling, 353

Automation, 449, 456

automation add-ins, 239

building, 250-56

creating DLL files for, 254

defining, 247

designing, 250-56

IDTExtensibility2 interface and, 248

uses of, 247

Automation button, 254

automation servers

displaying list of, 254

writing Excel macros to control, 449

AutoNumber column, 470

Auto_Open macro, 31, 36, 246

Auto_Remove macro, 246

Auto_reserved names, 182

AutoSize property, 414

AutoTab property, 406

AVERAGE function, 206, 477

average sales, calculating, 173

 < Day Day Up > 

Microsoft Excel 2003 Programming Inside Out
Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Programming Inside Out (Inside Out (Microsoft))
ISBN: 0735619859
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 161 © 2008-2017.
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