

System.Security.Cryptography (mscorlib.dll)class
public class PasswordDeriveBytes : DeriveBytes { // Public Constructors    public PasswordDeriveBytes(string strPassword, byte[  ] rgbSalt);    public PasswordDeriveBytes(string strPassword, byte[  ] rgbSalt, CspParameters cspParams);    public PasswordDeriveBytes(string strPassword, byte[  ] rgbSalt, string strHashName,         int iterations);    public PasswordDeriveBytes(string strPassword, byte[  ] rgbSalt, string strHashName,         int iterations, CspParameters cspParams); // Public Instance Properties    public string HashName{set; get; }    public int IterationCount{set; get; }    public byte[  ] Salt{set; get; } // Public Instance Methods    public byte[  ] CryptDeriveKey(string algname, string alghashname, int keySize, byte[  ] rgbIV);    public override byte[  ] GetBytes(int cb);  // overrides DeriveBytes    public override void Reset(  );  // overrides DeriveBytes // Protected Instance Methods    protected override void Finalize(  );  // overrides object }

This class extends the abstract DeriveBytes class and generates symmetric key values by applying a hash algorithm to a password string. The HashName property specifies the hash algorithm to use and the IterationCount property indicates how many times the hash algorithm will be applied in order to create the symmetric key value.


System.Object DeriveBytes PasswordDeriveBytes

Programming. NET Security
Programming .Net Security
ISBN: 0596004427
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 346 © 2008-2017.
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