

aborting threads, 826–829

abstract classes, 162–165

AbstractEx.exe file, 165

accessing assembly resources, 901–904. See also assembly programming

ResourceManager class, 902–904

ResourceReader class, 901

Active Directory, 235–236

Add Class dialog box (Visual Studio .NET), 270

Add Member Function Wizard dialog box, 275

Add Member Variable Wizard dialog box, 273

Add New Item dialog box, 278, 514

Add New Project dialog box, 284, 374, 721, 788

Add Reference dialog box, 289, 890

Add Table dialog box, 618

Add Web Reference dialog box, 799, 800

address of operator, 83–84

ADO.NET, 607–660. See also XML

building database with Visual Studio .NET, 609–623

adding and loading database tables and views, 613–620

building stored procedures, 621–622

creating database, 611–613

connected, 624–644

connecting to, opening, and closing databases, 625–629

insert, update, and delete commands, 634–636

querying databases, 629–634

returning single value from query, 637–639

using with transactions, 639–644

working with, 624–625

disconnected, 644–659

Constraint classes, 650

core classes, 645–646

creating table manually in code, 651

DataAdaptor, 647

DataColumn class, 650

DataRelation class, 650

DataRelationCollection class, 650

DataRow class, 649

DataSet class, 647–648

DataTable class, 648–649

DataTableCollection class, 648

developing with, 652–659

overview, 644–645

managed providers, 623

namespaces, 608–609

System::Data namespace as root for classes, 232

overview, 607–608

XML with, 714–717

dumping DCV_DB to ListBox, 715–717

XmlDataDocument class, 714

Animal.resources file, 896–898

apartment state, 376

Application::Exit() method, 505

application development. See also Web applications; Web services; Windows Forms applications

application configuration files, 891–893

applying objects to, 108–109

creating Managed C++ applications, 283–290

globalization and localization, 904–917

building multicultural console application, 913–917

building multicultural Windows application, 909–913

culture, 906–907

defined, 904

globalization tools, 905–906

localization tools, 909

number formats for specifying cultural differences, 904–905

setting culture, 907–908

.NET Framework, 27–29

console applications, 27

overview, 26

Web applications, 28

Web services, 28

Windows applications, 27–28

starting programs with .NET runtime, 2

technologies for, 3, 4

ApplicationException, 200, 201–203


passing to function, 95–97

passing to function by value, 95

passing to main(), 102–103

arithmetic operators, 76–77

array properties, 151–152

ArrayList collection, 307–312

accessing nonexisting elements with Item array, 309

cautions exceeding capacity of, 307

defined, 300

sample listing of, 310–311

setting Capacity property for, 308

ArrayList.exe file, 312

ArrayOfRadios.exe file, 404

ArrayProp.exe file, 152


creating Managed C++, 57–61

declaring unmanaged C++, 58

defined, 23

_gc and _nogc keywords in, 115

returning managed, 99–100

Arrays.exe file, 61


codebehind feature for Managed C++ in, 719–720

comparison of HTML server and ASP.NET Web Form controls, 732

configuring Visual Studio .NET for, 720–727

adding Web Forms folder, 722

creating class library, 720–721

deleting precompiled headers, 721–722

making project and virtual directories, 722–724

setting up ASP.NET on computer, 720

debugging, 735–738

dragging and dropping controls to Web Form, 729

GUI design file

Blank2.aspx, 776

Blank.aspx implementing user

control, 776

buttons.aspx, 752–753

ChangeColor.aspx, 748–749

color.aspx, 740–741

Happy.aspx, 743–744

Header.ascx, 774

Lists.aspx, 759–760

Tables.aspx, 768–769

selecting Web Service template, 787–788

server controls, 729

assemblies, 6–13. See also assembly programming; GAC; metadata; .resources files

accessing resources with, 12–13

assembly metadata, 8–10

basic structure of, 7–8

building from multifile libraries, 182–192

defined, 4, 7

error messages for unfound, 287–288

MSIL and, 11–12

in .NET Framework class library, 228

shared, 880–893

adding assemblies to GAC, 882

application configuration files, 891–893

global assembly cache, 881–882

overview, 880–881

referencing, 887–891

resigning an assembly, 884, 885

signcoded digital signature, 884–885

strong name, 882–884

versioning, 10, 885–887

Assembly CultureAttribute attribute, 888

assembly metadata, 8–10

assembly programming, 857–917. See also assemblies; GAC

attributes, 869–880

globalization and localization, 904–917

building multicultural console application, 913–917

building multicultural Windows application, 909–913

culture, 906–907

defined, 904

globalization tools, 905–906

localization tools, 909

number formats for specifying cultural differences, 904–905

setting culture, 907–908

overview, 857

reflection, 857–869

defined, 857

dynamically invoking or late-binding objects, 866–869

examining metadata, 858–865

System::Reflection namespace, 858

resources, 893–904

accessing, 901–904

creating, 893–896

embedding, 896–900

ResGen utility, 894–895

ResourceWriter, 895–896

working with in .NET Framework, 893

shared assemblies, 880–893

application configuration files, 891–893

global assembly cache, 881–882

overview, 880–881

referencing, 887–891

resigning an assembly, 884, 885

signcoded digital signature, 884–885

strong name, 882–884

versioning, 10, 885–887

assembly referencing, 192–194

AssemblyInfo.cpp file, 888

assignment operators, 81–83

attributes, 869–880

about, 17

added to class, 870

AttributeTargets enumeration, 871

case sensitivity of debug, 736

creating custom, 870–873


defined, 870–873

documentation, 872–873

implementing, 874–875

using, 875–880

documentation custom attributes, 872–873

for File class, 344

getting values out of navigator, 712

implementing custom, 874–875

matching in XPath expressions, 713

synchronizing ThreadStatic, 838–841

System::Attribute class, 870

ThreadStatic, 838–841

using custom, 875–880

WebMethod, 791

WebService, 790–791

XML, 662

AttributeTargets enumeration, 871

Author Maintenance tool, 652

authors database table column descriptions, 614

authors database Web service

dataset processing Web service client, 807–811

updating, 805–806

auto modifier, 63

Autos window, 296

autoupdating Class View, 281–282

Managed C++ and. NET Development
Managed C++ and .NET Development: Visual Studio .NET 2003 Edition
ISBN: 1590590333
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 169 © 2008-2017.
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