
for RuBoard

This workshop will help reinforce the concepts covered in today's lesson.



How does a data adapter know which rows have changes?


A data adapter, or for that matter your code, can inspect the RowState property of the DataRow object to determine the current state of the row. Row states include Added , Deleted , Modified , and Unchanged .


How does a DataTable track the old values for a row?


Each row in the DataTable can have up to three different copies or versions ( Current , Original , Proposed ) associated with it. The HasVersion method of the DataRow class is used to determine whether a particular version exists by accepting a value from the DataRowVersion enumeration. Various versions can be retrieved using the optional second argument of the Item property (the indexer in C#) of the DataRow .


What is the purpose of the GetChanges method?


The GetChanges method can be used to return a DataTable or DataSet that contains only the rows that have been modified (their row state set to Added , Modified , or Deleted ). An overloaded signature also allows only changes from one or more of the row states to be returned.


What is the relationship between row states, row versions, and a DataView ?


A DataView , through its RowStateFilter property, can be used to view a collection of rows from a DataTable that have a particular combination of RowState and version. For example, the RowFilter can be set to the ModifiedOriginal value from the DataRowViewState enumeration to show the Original values from rows with a row state of Modified . The DataView can then be bound to a control for display.



Today, write a console application that retrieves Reviews from the ComputeBooks database. Then programmatically edit the first row using the BeginEdit and EndEdit methods . Check the RowState property and HasVersion method before and after calling EndEdit to see how the values change. Commit the changes to the row after it has been modified.


One possible solution is as follows :

 static void Main(string[] args) {         SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(            "server=ssosa;database=compubooks;trusted_connection=yes");         SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("usp_GetReviews",con);         DataTable reviews = new DataTable("Reviews");         da.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;         da.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add(            new SqlParameter("@isbn",SqlDbType.NChar,10));         da.SelectCommand.Parameters[0].Value = "06720083X";         // Get the data         try         {             da.Fill(reviews);         }         catch (SqlException e)         {             Console.WriteLine(e.Message);         }         // Edit the row         reviews.Rows[0].BeginEdit();           reviews.Rows[0]["Stars"] = 4;           CheckIt(reviews.Rows[0]);         reviews.Rows[0].EndEdit();         CheckIt(reviews.Rows[0]);         // Commit the changes         reviews.Rows[0].AcceptChanges(); } static void CheckIt(DataRow r) {         Console.WriteLine(r.RowState.ToString());         Console.WriteLine(r.HasVersion(DataRowVersion.Current).ToString());         Console.WriteLine(r.HasVersion(DataRowVersion.Default).ToString());         Console.WriteLine(r.HasVersion(DataRowVersion.Original).ToString());         Console.WriteLine(r.HasVersion(DataRowVersion.Proposed).ToString()); } 

In this solution, the Main method of the console application calls the usp_GetReviews stored procedure and passes in an ISBN to retrieve the reviews into a DataTable . The first row of the table is then edited and its RowState and row versions printed by the CheckIt method. The row is then committed using the AcceptChanges method.

for RuBoard

Sams Teach Yourself Ado. Net in 21 Days
Sams Teach Yourself ADO.NET in 21 Days
ISBN: 0672323869
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 158
Authors: Dan Fox © 2008-2017.
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